
08 November 2014

Adults Only (I) (2013)

Adults-Only-ccAdults Only (I) (2013)

Director: Michael J. Saul
Writer: Heath Daniels
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Language: Without dialogs
Also Known As: Peep Hole 
Year: 2013

Stars: Heath Daniels, Michael Wilkie, Manuel Sandoval

Official Sites: Official Facebook | Official site

Raskid veze svako od nas preživljava na svoj način. Neko padne u depresiju i povuče se u sebe, neko se intezivno druži sa prijateljima i glumi da je sve baš onako kako treba, neko traži društvo isključivo da bi imao rame za plakanje, a neko kao Matthew u ovom filmu besciljno luta ulicama i posmatra ljude oko sebe upoređujući ih sa svojim bivšim.
Adults-only-(2013)fTako je jedne noći posmatrao strastven par ispred nekog gay cluba i potajno ih fotografisao dok su imali strastven sex.
Sledeće noći ode u taj klub i uđe u onaj prizeman mračni dio u kojem po  kabinama sa porno filmovima razni likovi drkaju kite i čekaju da naiđe neko kome bi popušili kurac ili se pojebali sa njim. Obilazeći polumračne hodnike i zavirujući u prostorije u kojima se voajeri naslađuju osmatrajući napaljene likove kako se jebu, Matthew ugleda momka koji mi se jako dopao.
Ne mislim da je odlazak u seksi klubove i učestvovanje u raznim orgijama idealan način da nađete zamjenu za svog bivšeg dečka.

Matthew is haunted by recurring memories of a lost love. Like an old black and white film on an endless loop, scenes from the past make sleep impossible. 

Adults-Only-2He spends his days riding the subway, walking the streets, unable to relate to anyone. ?Walking home one late night, Matthew observes two men hurriedly leaving an adult porn arcade. He quietly follows them to a secluded alley where they begin to have passionate sex. Matthew watches from the shadows and photographs them, unable to take his eyes off their primal connection.
The following night, he returns and enters the arcade. Pushing through the curtain, he is ushered into a fluorescent maze of hallways leading to private booths. Cracked doors and skillfully placed peepholes offer a voyeuristic view of intense and intimate exchanges.
Matthew thinks he is only there to watch. But his view of reality is shaken when he unexpectedly meets an intense and handsome stranger, Nick and finds himself in an intimate exchange of his own.

Origin of story:
Adults-only-(2013)bIn 2010 I collaborated with Director Michael J. Saul on the short film comedy, Go Go Reject.
To our delight Go Go Reject has been a wonderful success, having played at over 50 international film festivals and winning multiple, "Best Short Film" awards.
Following the success of Go Go Reject I wanted to explore a vastly different genre.
I wanted to make a love story that was set in the most unlikely of places. A place where most people would never consider finding love- an adult porn arcade.
But Adults Only is more than just a story about darky lit rooms and illicit  sexual encounters. It’s also a story about loss and heartache. The character I play in the film is dealing with memories of a past relationship. I wanted to explore the isolation and loneliness someone feels when the person they loved the most- the one who made them the happiest, is gone.  The utter feelings of disconnect a person has after a break-up.
In adult arcades there is an environment of non-verbal communication that is really fascinating to me. It’s a place where you can have intimate exchanges without any conversation. For a brief amount of time there is a connection, however primal, and it can be as meaningful as any other relationship.

-Writer/Actor Heath Daniels


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