
06 February 2014

Hawaii (2013)

hawaii-300ccHawaii (2013)

Director: Marco Berger
Writer: Marco Berger
Genre: Drama, Romance
Country: Argentina
Language: Spanish
Year: 2013
Duration: 102 min

Stars: Manuel Vignau, Mateo Chiarino, Luz Palazón, Antonia De Michelis, Manuel Martínez Sobrado

Hawaii04Martin se vraća u rodno mjesto iz kojeg je otišao nakon majcine smrti. Bez krova nad glavom, bez posla i bez para prezivljava trazeći posao od kuće do kuže! Spava u parku neke ruševne zgrade i jedina vrijedna stvar koju ima sa sobom je lančić sa malim krstom koji mu je ostao nakon majčine smrti.
Tražeći posao ne jednom velikom imanju zatiče pisca-novelistu Eugenija koji ga zapošljava da radi na održavanju kuće.
Eugenije ne krije da mu se Martin dopada ali ipak pred njim se trudi da ostavi korektan i prijateljski utisak. Daje mu odjeću, pruža smještaj i platu.
Hawaii01Marco Berger nam je na jedan specifičan način opisao seksualnu tenziju nastalu uslijed emotivne privlačnosti medju ljudima kroz trilogiju Sexual Tension: Volatile (2012), a kroz film Ausente nam je opisao opsjednutost učenika prema učitelju.
Na jedan suptilan način nam podiže tenziju kroz obične male ljudske priče, kroz dijaloge koji se ne razlikuju od svakodnevne uobičajene konverzacije medju ljudima.
Slično kao i u kratkom filmu The Clock (2008) emotivana napetost ali i ona u gaćama prisutna je tokom cjele priče.
U filmu Hawaii kroz jedan tihi i ne baš temperamentan odnos između Martina  i Eugenija raste napetost koja će svakog gledaoca prikovati uz ekran u isčekivanju nečega što se ipak mora desiti.

Hawaii is a film about a helpless man that is reunited with a childhood friend who helps him, thus creating a bond that goes beyond friendship.
hawaii_1_fullMartin seeks for an odd job at Eugenio's house. When Eugenio recognizes Martin as a childhood friend, and realizes his current situation, he decides to give him work for the summer. Unintentionally, a power & desire game is generated and a strange relationship starts to grow, but it cannot flourish mostly because of the social differences that grew between them since childhood. This kind of barrier typical in Jane Austen's novels is resignified in a contemporary story of social classes.
h7The film is about solidarity but also about the power game that is generated when one person is relying on another. The idea is to explore power, helplessness, social boundries, brotherhood, desire and love.
Similar to Plan B, Hawaii is a small & simple story, easy to shoot independently. All the film takes place in summer, in a countryside house, and only two characters carry the story forward.
Marco Berger was born in Buenos Aires in 1977. Studied at the University of cinema. His short film The Watch (2008) competed in Cannes and Sundance. 
h2His first feature film Plan B (2009) premiered in the official competition of the Rome Film Festival and participated in many other prestigious festivals. 
Absent (2011), his second feature film, premieres at the Berlinale where it won the prestigious Teddy Award (previously won by filmarkers such as Pedro Almodóvar, Francois Ozon, Derek Jarman, Todd Haynes, James Franco and John Cameron Mitchell). The film also recently won the Silver Condor (Cóndor de plata), the most prestigious award in Argentina for artistic inovation.
Both films are released commercially in France, Germany, England and America. Other highlights include: The short film A last will (2007), the short Platero, episode 2 of the film Five (2010) and the three short films Cousin, Broken arms and Training; Sexual Tension feature film, Volume 1: Volatile (2012). Hawaii is his first project as a producer. 

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