
19 October 2013

Lost Angel (2013)

Lost Angel (2013)  


Director: Derek Efrain Villanueva
Writer: Derek Efrain Villanueva (story)
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Language: English
Duration: 17 min

Stars: Derek Efrain Villanueva, Timo Descamps, Joe Filippone, Johnny Ochoa






  “The story is really about a foreigner who comes here in search for a dream, while the American has given up on his.” -Derek Villanueva (Director of Lost Angel)



Director's Statement:

"I put a lot of myself into making Lost Angel, and took a lot of risks by writing the script, directing, and acting in the film. While I've been involved in all aspects of independent filmmaking before, this is the first time (but not the last) where I put it all together and really drove the project from start to finish. Of course I also had an extremely talented cast and crew who were all critical to making this film possible!

I’m a self-taught filmmaker - well, actually make that a “sponge-taught”- because I've been mentored by generous accomplished filmmaker friends with significant work under their belts who allowed me to observe and help out on their sets and also have nurtured me in the art of story telling.

Filmmaking is more than just something I enjoy - it's actually fundamental to my existence. Telling a story is a promise to the viewers - a promise to be honest and real, to let them into your world in a way that you hope touches and challenges them in a unique way. Being so intimate with the project from earliest idea to final product means that there are pieces of my own journey deeply woven into the story. This sort of vulnerability is not easy, but when the work makes an impression or connection with people it's incredibly rewarding.

Lost Angel is a story of two beings that are lost and find each other through their misfortune. I believe that sometimes you need to get a little lost, in order to be found. This is the story of Mikael & Carlitos who together become each other’s protector. I really hope you enjoy my current film and looking forward to showcasing more stories in the future!"

- Derek Villanueva
Lost Angel (2013)
  • Runtime:17 minutes

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