
19 September 2013

Come non detto (2012)

come_non_detto_300Come non detto (2012)

Director: Ivan Silvestrini
Writer: Roberto Proia
Genre: Comedy
Country: Italy
Language: Italian
Year: 2012

Stars: Josafat Vagni, Monica Guerritore, Francesco Montanari

come-non-detto-valeria-bilello-josafat-vagni-foto-dal-film-7_midVolite Cher, Lady Gagu, a Severina vas izluđuje svojim pjesmama. Znate da ste gay, a vjerovatno znaju i svi vaši prijatelji i familija. Ipak, nikada niste smogi snage da im jasno i nedvosmisleno kažete: Ja sam gay. Eto tako i Mateo u ovom filmu pokušava da saopšti porodici da je gay i da voli Eduarda. Naravno na jedan prepoznatljiv Italijanski način.
Outovanje nije uvjek bezbolan čin i sa sobom povlači mnoge traume i pitanja, najčešće od roditelja u smislu: gdje sam pogriješio? Osjećej krivnje može kod nekih roditelja da potraje cjeli život, ali u većini slučajeva proizvod svega toga je neznanje.
come-non-detto-josafat-vagni-e-jose-dammertOvih dana se crnogorskoj javnosti često pominje gay parada kao nešto što je nametnuto od strane evropskog gay lobija. Malo ko raspravlja o tome koliko naša sredina umije da bude surova prema osobama drugačijom od većine. A najglasnija u osudi svakog javnog deklarisanja je crkva koja ne propušta priliku da javnosti "objasni" kako je u pitanju teška bolest i pošast apokalipse.
No bez obzira na crkvu, obrazovanjem i savremenim načinom života doći ćemo u priliku da Mateovu homoseksualnost prihvatimo baš onako kao i njegovi roditelji.

I absolutely loved the film
27 February 2013 | by itsvivek4u (United States)
New Image2I absolutely loved this film. This film was comical, funny, emotional , romantic, had family values. In short it had everything that makes my heart feel glad with happiness and satisfaction. There wasn't a single moment in the film that got me bored. The film was not too lengthy , which kept everything interesting. Everything was right, without over-acting and subtle. It doesn't mean the film did not have flaws. It did and I will talk more about those later.
Mattia has just finished college and is about to move to Spain for job. Reality is he wants to be closer to his boyfriend. Tonight, there is a family dinner for his farewell. Mattia has told his boyfriend Eduard that he is out to his family and they are all OK with it but reality is Mattia is struggling hard to tell the truth. Every opportunity he got, something came up and he couldn't tell. Eduard decides to give him surpass on the family dinner night, so that he can meet family in person. Now begins hilarious quest on how to keep Eduard away from the family without telling him the truth. We are shown details of life of Mattia's parents, sister, brother-in-law and my favorite, the grandmother. We also meet his best friends, a drag queen and his girlfriend. The story keeps going in flashback where Mattia tells us how he has landed in the current situation.
Vagni-Josafat1-610x250Ultimately, when he can't take it anymore, at his final dinner, he just blurts it all out and comes out to his family in a very emotional and touching speech. He thinks he will shock everyone but he is the one who is shocked when he finds that his family knew all along but just did not know how to deal with it and how to make Mattia comfortable to tell him. All ends well and Mattia finally goes to Spain with Eduard.
It is funny that sometimes, we think we know our family and that they will not understand what we are going through, but we are so wrong. Parents usually understand us much better than anyone else ever will. And this is shown beautifully towards the end of the film after Mattia comes out to his family. Like I said before, every scene of the film was fantastic, acting was exceptionally good by pretty much everyone and the production values were really high. Mattia was sooooooo cute. I wish the film had shown mor1344511471168_ninni-bruschetta-josafat-vagni-e-jos-dammert-in-come-non-dettoe of the relationship between the couple but then at the same time, I understand that their relationship was not the primary focus of the film-maker. It is supposed to be coming-of-age story and it was just that. The film focuses on all relationships. Mattoa's relationship with his girlfriend and his drag friend was very natural, warm and very believable. Usually these relations look very forced in other films but here it just felt natural. My favorite in the film was grandma. I would watch this film just for the scenes with her. She was so cool, natural and funny. I think her track was very novel, innovative and funny without making her like a demented person. The father was also funny and so was sister's small track. I fell in love with this small Italian family and wanted to be part of them.
The way film kept going back in flashbacks was also done very efficiently. It does not confuse audience because Mattia's voice over explains what's going on. I would strongly recommend this movie as a gay person. There is so much trash out there that this one comes as a pleasant surprise. What is strange is that this movie is no great shakes by any means but right from first scene I just got into it and the film did it for me. I might end up giving it a little extra rating (which I would not otherwise) but hey, what can I do. (9/10)


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