
17 April 2013

The Language Of Love (2013)




Kim Ho as Charlie

Directed by Laura Scrivano
Developed from the original monologue, TRANSCENDENCE, by Kim Ho
Genre: Short movie
Country: Australia
Producer: Dan Prichard
Cinematographer: Ross Giardina
Editor: Anil Griffin
Production Designer: Bethany Ryan
Sound Designer: Declan Diacono
Composer: Andrew Scott

Umijete li opisati sebe?
Ne mislim na opis sa gay romea tipa koliki ti je i šta voliš, već na to kako se osjećaš, šta želiš, očekuješ i čemu se nadaš? Voliš li nekoga, a ne smiješ mu to reći već samo glumiš ortaka?
Koliko zaista dopuštamo drugima da nas upoznaju?
Znam strah je veliki da će to neko zloupotrijebiti, da če otkriti neku vašu slabost i da če te postati ranjivi.
POnekad ipak treba sa nekim iskreno popričati, a ako imate izgovor da nemate sa kim onda barem popričajte sami sa sobom. Iskreno i bez zadrške izgovorite ono što krijete duboko u sebi.
Pogledajte ovaj kratak film pa pokušajte i vi napisati neko iskreno pismo - samom sebi.

Seventeen-year-old Kim Ho was one of the winners of the 2012 monologue competition Love Bytes, held by Fresh Ink, a development program for emerging playwrights from the Australian Theatre for Young People.

As one of the competition’s winners, Kim was assisted with transforming his original three-minute video entry, Transcendence — which tells the story of a young gay teen struggling with his sexuality and the love he feels for a boy in his French class — into the beautiful nine-minute short film The Language of Love.

“Homosexuality is still a sensitive topic, and I immediately felt pressured to write something that was candid but not disrespectful to the LGBT community,” Ho explains on the Fresh Ink website. “I wanted to write something that would make me cry just like the stunning It’s Time advertisement for marriage equality, something that would resonate with people no matter what their sexuality.”

The result can be seen in the video below, a short film that plants roots in the heart of anyone who has experienced the wonder, fear, and excitement of first love.

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