
04 April 2013

The Crying Game (1992)

The Crying Game (1992)


Director: Neil Jordan
Writer: Neil Jordan
Genres: Drama, Crime, Romance, Thriller
Country: UK
Language: English
Duration: 112 min


Stars: Stephen Rea, Jaye Davidson, Forest Whitaker, Miranda Richardson, Jaye Davidson



"The Crying Game" je psihološki triler iz 1992. godine kojeg je napisao i režirao Neil Jordan. Film se bavi temama rasizma, spola, nacionalnosti i seksualnosti, a sve u pozadini nevolja u Irskoj. Radni naziv filma bio je Soldier's Wife.
Radnja filma vrti se oko iskustava glavnog protagonista Fergusa (Stephen Rea) kao člana IRA-e, njegovog kratkog, ali vrlo značajnog poznanstva s Jodyjem (Forest Whitaker) kojeg Fergusova grupa drži kao zatvorenika te njegove neočekivane romantične veze s Jodyjevom djevojkom Dil (Jaye Davidson) za koju je Fergus obećao Jodyju da će ju zaštititi. Međutim, neočekivani događaji natjerati će Fergusa da odluči što želi u budućnosti.


Film je bio kritički i komercijalni uspjeh, a osvojio je i prestižnu nagradu Oscar u kategoriji najboljeg originalnog scenarija.

Jeste li čuli za priču o škorpionu i žabi?
Ako niste radi se o tome da škorpion zamoli žabu da ga prebaci preko rijeke. Žaba pristane i na pola rijeke je ubode. Dok su tonuli žaba ga pita zašto je ubo otrovnom žaokom, sad će oboje umrijeti. Škorpion joj kaže: Ne mogu si pomoći, to je u mojoj prirodi.

Mene ova priča podsjetila na jednog prijatelja koji je nakon deset godina lijepe veze raskinuo.
Divio sam im se kako su tak dugo zajedno iako su varali jedan drugog. Kada sam ga pitao zašto su raskinuli, kratko je odgovorio:
- Jbga u prirodi pedera je da vole kurac, a najviše vole onaj koji nisu probali. Ima li istine u tome? Vjerovatno ima jer 90% gejeva u vezi se prepusti svojoj prirodi i zajednički upražnjavaju seks sa drugima.

"Igra plača" je kompleksan film čiji početak nas navodi da pomislimo da je tema terorizam i nasilje, ali kasnije vidimo da se radi o nečemu sasvim drugom, toleranciji, rasizmu i odnosu prema transeksualnosti i homoseksualizmu.
Sličan film smo već predstavili na ovom sajtu pod naziviom Soldier's Girl.

‘The Crying Game’ (R)

By Hal Hinson
Washington Post Staff Writer
December 18, 1992

From the opening notes of Percy Sledge's "When a Man Loves a Woman," Neil Jordan's "The Crying Game" ventures into such exquisitely unique territory that you feel giddy from the pleasure of being allowed to travel along.

The film -- which is one of the most challenging, surprising films of the year -- begins at an Irish fairground, where a working-class English soldier named Jody (played by the great young American actor Forest Whitaker) is seduced by a foxy member of an IRA group (Miranda Richardson) and then kidnapped by her colleagues as a hostage to be exchanged with the British for one of their own.

Immediately, the prisoner strikes up a desperate relationship with his primary guard, Fergus (Stephen Rea), a dedicated but rather softhearted Irish rebel who can't help but respond emotionally to his flirtatious enemy, who at best guess has about 24 hours to live. Fergus is a man with a simple philosophy of life; he's a realist and a romantic cynic, something like the tough but honorable antiheroes Bogart used to play, and who does what he has to do -- even if it means killing Jody -- but not without conscience or humanity.

During those 24 or so hours, the two men share stories and become friends. They become, in fact, something more, like soul mates, so that when the prisoner is dispatched, Fergus takes up his life, traveling to London and tracking down Jody's girlfriend, Dil (Jaye Davidson), whose picture he had seen in the dead man's wallet. Compelled by motives that are not entirely clear (even to himself), Fergus begins to court and then fall in love with Dil.

The lovers couldn't be more star-crossed. (The producers have asked the press not to reveal just how the couple are at odds.) Suffice it to say there are definite problems, but Jordan's touch is so gracefully gentle that, against all odds, we believe in the couple's continuing relationship. In doing so, Jordan and his cast discover emotional states that I've never witnessed on the movie screen before -- delicate, ambiguous, sometimes inscrutable emotions that lift "The Crying Game" far above its thriller genre.

Just what is it about? The bartender at the Metro, the club where Jody and Dil used to go, sums it up best when he shouts out the rhetorical question, "Who knows the secrets of the human heart?" That's Jordan's turf here, his lab. And "The Crying Game" is his boldest, richest work yet. From the performances by Rea, Davidson and Whitaker, to Jordan's endlessly original script, to Anne Dudley's melancholy score, and Lyle Lovett's closing rendition of "Stand by Your Man," "The Crying Game" enthralls and amazes us. It deserves to be called great.

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