
12 February 2013

The In-Between (2010)


The In-Between (2010)

Director: Alain Hain
Writers: Jason Mills (story), Jason Mills
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Duration: 10 min
Year: 2010

Stars: Sharon Batten, Danny Bernardy, Brian Patacca


Ovaj kratki fim iz trilogije filmova Alain Hainsa nam priča o emocijama koje su sastavni dio svake veze, a to osim ljubavi uključuje i ljubomoru, varanje, želju za promjenom i slično. Kada ste dugo u vezi sa nekim normalno je da osjetite potrebu za nečim novim i nedoživljenim. Često se ta želja pretvori u neki seksualni izlet koji ne uključuje partnera. Mora li da bude baš tako? Ukoliko ima iskrenog odnosa u kojem nema straha od nerazumjevanja onda se povremeni flert uglavnom i završi bezazlenim samodokazivanjem.
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Alain Hain’s films are kind of fascinating.  Like Curious Thing, it’s real audio interviews with gay men, complimented and contrasted to visuals that tell a fictional story of love and relationships. This one concentrates on monogamy and the problems of cheating. Various people talk about being in relationships where they discovered the other person was playing away (or they had cheated themselves), looking at why people overlook it or are oblivious to it, and what the consequences can be.  The visuals tell a similar story, commenting on and challenging the audio with the story of a relationship being town to bits by infidelity. It’s a great idea, and while The In-Between doesn’t work quite as well as Curious Thing, it’s still very involving.


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