
05 January 2013

After the Sky Turned Black (2012)

After the Sky Turned Black (2012)
Director: Ellis Watamanuk
Writer: Ellis Watamanuk
Genre: Short Movie
Country: USA 
Language: English Duration: 12 min 

Stars: Travis Grant, Nicholas Wilder, Ara Woland

Nakon što je izgubio vid u terorističkom napadu fotograf Frankie West primoran je da promjeni svoj život. Isfrustriran, depresivan i očajan gura ljude dalje od sebe i primorava svog momka da ga napusti.
Nekoliko mjeseci kasnije Frank u jednom lokalnm baru zavede momka koji zvuči potpuno isto kao i njegov bivši.
Dirljiva priča o sudbini koja čovjeka natjera da živi upravo onako kako nikada nije želio.

After the Sky Turned Black -- Short Film from Ellis Watamanuk on Vimeo.
A photojournalist, recently blinded in a terrorist attack overseas, picks up a young man from a bar and takes him home. Throughout the course of the night, the secrets of his past are revealed...

Starring Nicholas Wilder, Travis Grant, and Ara Woland.
Written and directed by Ellis Watamanuk.

"Rightfully delivered in an unhurried pace and well shot and scored throughout, this is a moving work on the risks that journalists of both text and photo mediums take, in documenting the brutal ravages of man's inhumanity to mankind; a poignant narrative that will no doubt resonate with many. All of which makes for a short film that whilst gay to the core, speaks volumes on how being in the wrong place, at the wrong time, can forever change your life and that of those around you. And for a debut piece, that's a telling message, indeed." -- Dave Hall, Gay Celluloid

Please contact with any questions.
Visit: Orvel.Me

1 comment:

  1. Poignantly acted, camera work at just the right distance throughout.


Don't write any links for download! Thanks!