
12 December 2012

Speechless (2012)

Speechless (1)Speechless (2012) Wu yan (original title)

Director: Simon Chung  
Writers: Simon Chung, Lu Yulai
Genre: Drama 
Country: Hong Kong, China 
Language: Mandarin, English 
Duration: 92 min 
Year: 2012

Stars: Qilun Gao, Jian Jiang and Yu Ting Si Tu

- Šutnja je zlato! -
speechless-2Iako je homoseksualnost i dalje tabu tema u Kini, režisera Simon Chunga to nije spriječilo da napravi priču  o tome. Homoseksualnost sama po sebi je vrlo provokativna tema u aziji, ali kada se u filmsku romansu ubaci i ljubav prema strancu ( u ovom slučaju prema francuzu) dobijamo priču koja je zaintrigrirala kinesku javnost.
Film počinje sa otkrićem golog čovjeka sa zapada koji leži pored rijeke. Policija ga privodi, ali bijeli čovijek ne pokazuje moć govora pa policajci ostaju uskraćeni za informacije o njemu. Šalju ga u lokalnu bolnicu gdje doktor pokušava da dopre do pacijenta i oslobodi ga da progovori. Na žalost to se nije desilo i odluče da ga prebace u psihijatrijsku bolnicu u većem gradu. Bolničar po imenu Liang se ne slaže sa tom odlukom i odvodi ga iz bolnice prije transfera. Malo pomalo doznaje za jednu priču o kojoj radije ćute i oni koji mogu govoriti. Film je odlično napravljen sa umjerenim prikazom muško - muških odnosa kako ne bi potpao pod vrlo strogu kinesku cenzuru.
Film me je podsjetio na jedan poseban zakon šutnje koji vlada u Crnoj Gori. Homoseksualnost je kod većine ljudi prihvaćena na sličan način kao što je naslov ovog filma. Naprosto o tome se ne priča niti je dozvoljeno da se o gay seksu bilo šta pita. Kršenje ovog pravila izaziva lavinu osuda, a do tada sve je dozvoljeno ako ostaje u četiri zida.
Savršeno sve funkcioniše dok se ne upadne u povremene skandale izazvane potrebom da muškarac muškarcu  javno  kaže: Volim te!

3Homosexuality remains a largely taboo topic in mainland China, but that hasn’t stopped filmmaker Simon Chung from setting another gay-themed movie there.  Speechless, now available on DVDfrom Breaking Glass Pictures, follows Innocent and End of Love as the writer-director’s latest, most provocative look yet at Asian men who love other men.
The film opens with the discovery of a naked man from the West (French actor Matthieu Vital) along the banks of a Chinese river.  Taken into custody by the local police, the stranger seems either unwilling or unable to speak.  He is transferred to a hospital, where a cute, kindly orderly, Jiang (Gao Qilon), takes an interest in him.  When Jiang learns the new patient is to be committed to a psychiatric asylum, he decides to spirit him away to his uncle’s remote home in the country.

fAlthough the stranger remains speechless (hence the film’s title), the two men bond further and even sleep together in a non-sexual way.  Jiang gradually begins to discover clues to his new friend’s past.  This leads to the recounting of a secondary love story between Luke -- which is eventually revealed to be the patient’s name -- and a fellow university student named Han (the very attractive Jiang Jian).  Unfortunately, Han has a girlfriend, Ning (Yu Yung Yung), who proves to be dangerously jealous.
Filmed in Mandarin with English subtitles, Speechless provides an intriguing exploration of modern Chinese culture’s acceptance (or lack thereof) of homosexuality and of East-West relations in general.  While there is a minimal amount of sex in the film, what is depicted is about as graphic as a Chinese filmmaker dare show lest they risk the censors’ wrath.  And whereas the romance between Han and the then-still speaking Luke is engrossing, it is the more subtle growth in love and understanding between silent Luke and Jiang that has stayed with me.  Chung also gets strong yet sensitive performances from his young cast members.  See Speechless, and join me in continuing to keep an eye on its bold, talented director.

Visit: Orvel.Me

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