
23 November 2012

Verona (2010)

veronaVerona (2010)
Director: Laurie Lynd 
Writer: Glenn Ripps 
Genre: Short movie 
Country: USA 
Language: English 
Year: 2010 
Duration: 22min

Stars: John Bregar, Brittany Allen and Dean Armstrong

404Verona je moderna adaptacija Šekspirovog istimenog djela o dva mlada ljubavnika razdvojena suparničkim bratstvima. Priča o razdvojenosti i želji da ljubav pobjedi nametnute barijere.
Svjedoci smo mnogih sličnih priča na balkanu od kojih mnoge nisu završile sa srećnim krajem.
Podsjetila me na jedan događaj prije 20-tak godina kada sam preko ratišta išao da vidim tada najveću ljubav mog života. Nije me bilo strah ni vojski ni granica, već samo jedne misli: Da li se bliži kraj i našoj ljubavnoj priči? Na žalost završila je!

404bVerona is the story of two young lovers separated by their rival fraternities. Set in a small college town wherein young men are groomed for corporate success in All-American hyper competitive fashion, Verona presents the fate of star-crossed lovers in a society that condemns the very nature of their love.
Handsome Shannon Kook-Chun stars in a beautiful movie by kmenon82 (United States) – IMDB
Verona is a modern adaptation of a famous play by Shakespeare. The handsome and hunky Shannon Kook-Chun who is best known for his outstanding work in Degrassi: The Next Generation is given outstanding material to be lead star of a major motion picture and he lives up to all the excitement about him. He is ready to become a top Hollywood star for sure. Shannon's performance made me think of the famous movie Shelter. His acting is exquisite and his romantic scenes are emotional and riveting. I would definitely view the short if it plays in a theater near you. If it is not in a theater near you, I would definitely go to your favorite one and demand that they book the short. Then, plan on dreaming about the full length motion picture soon to be released! TWO THUMBS UP!

Visit: Orvel.Me

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