
30 November 2012

Caught Looking (1991)

cl-ccCaught Looking (1991)

Director: Constantine Giannaris 
Writer: Paul Hallam
Genre: Short movie 
Country: UK 
Language: English 
Year: 1991 
Duration: 35 min

Stars: Louis Selwyn, Bette Bourne and Derek Van Weenen

cl2Da li ste pomalo voajeri?
Ljeti volim da odem na neku udaljenu nudističku plažu. Posebno početkom ljeta kada nema mnogo ljudi. Jedne godine odem na Plave horizonte , blizu Tivta. Još je sve bilo zatvoreno,sezona nije počela, a hotel koji je sada srušen je bio zatvoren. Odem na stijene lijevo od glavne plaže i prošetam se do samog kraja uskog puta koji se jedva probija kroz makiju i stignem u prelijepu uvalu. Nikoga nije bilo tamo i ja oduševljen prostrem peškir, ukljucim muziku na mobilnom telefonu i uživam. Nakon jedno sat vremena dođoše neka dva čovjeka, srednjih godina. Očito im nije bilo milo što sam zauzeo najljepše mjesto, ali morali su se snaći.
Posmatrao sam ih. Nisu htjeli da se ponašaju pederski kao u nekom gay klubu, već su glumili str8 prijatelje koji eto vole da se kupaju goli. Neopisivo sam uživo posmatrajući ih kako se gledaju, napaljuju bez i jedne izgovorene riječi ili suvišnog pokreta pričajući o nekim ljudima i politici. Goreći od želje da nešto urade, da se dodirnu ili naprosto zgrabe jedan drugoga.
cl6Ali tu sam ja, posmatram. Ne namjeravam nikuda da idem. Prolazi dan, i sunce polako zalazi. Mi još tu. Ja se u jednom momentu okrenem i oni viđeše da sam napaljen. Pogledam ih tako da vide da mi nije mrsko što su tu. Ne treba ni reći da su se promjenili u potpunosti, ponašanje, glasnost, pokazivanje napaljenosti, želja... Postalo je javno i nesputano.
Voajerizam je dio ljudske prirode. Posmatramo  i zadovoljavamo znatiželju, a ponekad i sopstvene seksualne potrebe.
Ovaj kratki britanski film priča upravoo tome. Kako i na koji način šta gledamo. Uhvaćeni pogled, zarobljen u trenutku nepažnje nije uvjek slučajan. Desi se i kada želimo da bude primjećen.

cl1A man sits at his computer and logs onto the interactive game "Caught Looking." He watches as he guides his virtual self through passages, in black and white. He considers but passes on opportunities with rough trade, a teen boy, a threesome, sex in a public toilet, and the kitsch of retro 50's muscle mystic in the Grotto of Tiberius. He sends his virtual self back to a pair of sailors, whom he films in 8mm. Then he meets a young man, a Tunisian named Karim. The man at the computer screen is interested. His ironic and self-mocking commentary ends; his tone changes. What will happen with Karim? Has our virtual voyeur been caught looking?

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29 November 2012

Rock Haven (2007)

rh ccRock Haven (2007)

Director: David Lewis
Writer: David Lewis
Genre: Drama, Romance
Country: USA 
Language: English 
Year: 2007

Stars: Sean Hoagland, Owen Alabado and Laura Jane Coles

rh3Prije nekog vremena sam preko neta upoznao dva lika koja su bila u mom gradu. Potpuno su različiti jedan od drugog! Jedan onako ćutljiv, razbacan, potpuno muževan tip. a drugi brbljivac koji mi je išao na živce. Sjedali smo i pili neko vino, jedva uspostavljajući neku komunikaciju. Skoro pa mi je bilo nelagodno. Onaj brbljivac je pričao sam sa sobom nešto o tome kakvih ludaka ima na netu i slično. Ovaj drugi vidim nervira se, ali ćuti.
Taman sam pomislio da je bolje da se pokupim i odem kad ovaj što je jedva progovarao počne da se skida. Kada je ostao u bokserice brbljivac ga pita, jel to tebi vruće. Ovaj odgovori, nije vruće . al ajde skidaj se, pa da se jebemo. Ja se provalih od smjeha i pitah oću li se i ja skinuti.
RockHavenNakon seksa brbljivac više nije pričao , a ja i ovaj lik smo pričali i pili vino.
Poslije sam razmišljao o tome koliko se suprotnosti privlače. kako ona dva lika uopšte funkcionišu? Onog brbljivca ne bi trpio ni pet minuta da je nasamo samnom.
U ovom filmu možete pratiti odnos dva tinejdzera , koja žive potpuno različitim načinom života.
Brady, 18-togodišnji momak, živi sa svojom religioznom majkom na obali Californije u Rock Haven. Svakdnevne molitve narušava Clifford, poptuno suprotan Bradiju, zgodan, otvoren prema okolini….

Sweet, romantic story ... but ENOUGH with the waves already!,
7 November 2007, Author: bigbearphx from United States (IMDB)
rh2The plot of "Rock Haven" (2007) is simple and realistic, though far from original: is being gay an impossibility if you consider yourself a Christian as well?
Brady is a shy, introspective 18 year old spending the summer before going away to college in a small coast town in Northern California. He is there with his widowed mother, who is a devout Christian in the process of establishing a religious school for the local pastor. Brady spends most of his time either reading the bible or staring off at the waves crashing on shore, until he meets a neighbor's free- spirited visiting son, 19 year old Clifford. While we later find out that Brady had some early inklings that he was somewhat attracted to other boys, he never before felt drawn to anyone as he feels to Clifford, and the other boy makes it clear that the feeling is mutual. Sensing his apprehensions and inexperience, Clifford lets their relationship develop slowly over the course of the summer, and, although he kids Brady about being a "nerd" in many of his interests, is careful not to express a conflict with his religious upbringing and convictions.

In the film “Rock Haven,” religion, sexuality and romance collide as a deeply spiritual young man experiences his first love.

500fullA beautifully written story by director/writer David Lewis ("Under One Roof"), capably acted by a talented Bay Area cast. While the basic plot is not original, and the story development somewhat predictable, it is told in a well-paced, sweet and romantic manner that lets the viewer feel the emotions experienced by the characters. The one negative I must point out is Lewis' seeming obsession with numerous extended scenes of waves crashing on the beach (Waves wash out like past experiences, wash back to erase what was on the sand before, metaphor for life going on, new beginnings, yadda yadda yadda ... WE GET IT! The ocean should not have more screen time than the actors!) Other than that, I enjoyed the film and recommend it, especially for those who may be going through a similar dilemma.
DVD has deleted scenes, production stills and trailer. No director commentary, which would have been nice (I'd have loved to hear what he says about the ocean scenes.

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28 November 2012

Hunting Season (2012– )

huntingHunting Season (2012– )
Creator: Jon Marcus
Genre: TV Series
Country: USA 
Year: 2012
Website: Huntingseasson.TV 

Stars: Ben Baur, Walker Hare and Jack Ferver

huntt2Hunting Seasson je nova TV serija koja je počela sa objavljivanjem u septembru ove godine na LOGO.TV. Na žalost nije dostupna za gledaoce izvan US, ali mislim da je većina korisnika već naučila da se izbori za svoja prava da može da pogleda besplatno ono što besplatno može da pogleda i neko iz US ili Canade.
Radi se blogovskoj gay priči 20-godišnjeg Alexa, koji kao i svaki prosječan peder upada u razne gejevske situacije tražeći nekog sa kim bi mogao biti u vezi. Al kao i uvjek do veze se dolazi preko mnogo seksa i eksperimentisanja šta vam paše, a šta ne. Pa tako i Alex. Za momke od 20 godina nije neobično niti nešto čemu treba zamjeriti. Bolje da se tada dobro izjebu i iskuse dobre i loše strane promiskuiteta nego da ih to uhvati u kasnijem dobu pa da izgledaju kao nedozreli pederi.Inače serija obiluje seksom i golotinjim pa kome prijaju takve priče sigurno će uživati. Sex and City na gay način.

HUNTING SEASON is a new smash hit comedy series based on the funny and painfully truthful blog of ALEX, a single gay 20-something in Manhattan, a smart and successful blogger at Gawker by day, who turns the spotlight on himself and his friends and starts anonymously writing about his social life. Based on the wildly popular blog, The Great Cock Hunt, and the novel of the same title published by Kensington Books.
THE SERIES launched on September 12, 2012 at with the UNCENSORED version available for paid download only at


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27 November 2012

All Over the Guy (2001)

all_over_the_guyAll Over the Guy (2001)

Director: Julie Davis 
Writer: Dan Bucatinsky
Genre: Comedy, Romance 
Country: USA 
Language: English 
Year: 2001 
Duration: 95 min

Stars: Dan Bucatinsky, Richard Ruccolo and Sasha Alexander

AllOverTheGuyAll Over The Guy’ je jedan od onih filmova koje obožavaju većina žena i pedera upravo zato jer se na kraju uvjek rasplaču i potroše gomilu maramica.
Njen najbolji prijatelj je gay i njegov najbolji prijatelj je gay! Kada se On i Ona uzmu kumovi budu On i On. Romantična priča za nedeljno poslije podne. Ja ga pogledah u nekom poludepresivnom stanju dok me je usamljenost ubijala, a želja da imam nekoga pored sebe sa kim bih mogao pogledati dobar boks meč ili savršenu utakmicu u kojoj dobija vaterpolo reprezentacija Crne Gore.
Na žalost nekako sve više vjerujem da ću okončati sam kao pašče u nekom ćumezu i da nikome neću nedostajati.

1317647845660_bobimage_AllOvertheGuy_640_320_2x1_640_320Nego da vam ne zagorčavam ovaj blog kao neka patetična pička, dok sam ovako emotivno rastrojen, ispričaću vam jednu moju priču od prije 20-tak godina pa ko ne voli klasiku neka odmah preskoči nastavak.
Nakon upoznavanja odlučili smo da sledeći vikend provedemo roneći  oko nekih stjena na Premanturi (Istra). Ponijeli lijepo ronilačku opremu , gomilu sokova i sendviča i lijepo se rakomotili na toj prilično zabačenoj maloj plaži. Sunčali se goli i pričali o protekloj sedmici. Bilo mi je interesantno krijući ga posmatrati kako se šepuri onako go na onim stjenama sve dok se nije ustao obukao odjelo , stavio ronilačke boce na leđa i zaronio. Meni postalo dosadno pa i ja uzeh masku i peraje pa u more. Nisam ni primjetio da sam se poprilično udaljo od obale kad odjednom oko mene se stvorile neke bijele kreature koje kao duhovi plutaju na sve strane. Prestravio sam se i panično odplivao na obalu na koju je ‘ON’ već bio izašao. Pita me šta se desilo, a ja prestravljen bacih sve sa sebe i rekoh: Jbte u ovom moru ima duhova. Nasmijao se, skočio u more i provjerio o čemu se radi. U to vrijeme je na sjevernom jadranu bilo aktuelno cvjetanje mora pa su se alge skupljale u neke ljepljive forme i tako plutale po moru. Prilično nezgodno ako se uvalite u to , ali dugotrajno tuširanje bi rješavalo sve probleme.
Kada je izašao iz mora rekao je: Slušaj 'Orvel' ponekad pomislim da si muškarčina kakve nema u Istri, a ponekad da si najstrašljivija pička. Ja te volim i u jednom i u drugom izdanju. Smijao mi se cjelim putem.
Tada je mislio da me voli kao druga, a tek kasnije je znao da me voli na mnogo drugačiji način!

aa1Always in danger of becoming just another meet-cute, mess-things-up-by-being-neurotic, get-it-all-together-in-the-end romance about attractive, witty people, this modest picture is distinguished by some marvelously bitchy dialogue. After an awkward opening, in which the two leads begin recounting the story of their grand romance to strangers — an AA acquaintance and a clinic receptionist (veteran actress Doris Roberts) — the movie finds its groove. Closet romantic Eli (writer Dan Bucatinsky, who adapted the script from his own play) believes that, all his past disappointing relationships notwithstanding, somewhere there's a perfect guy waiting for him. Macho Tom (Richard Ruccolo, of TV's Two Guys and a Girl) thinks love stinks. Their best friends, Brett (Adam Goldberg, veteran of several short-lived TV series) and Jackie (Sasha Alexander, of TV's Dawson's Creek), fix them up on a disastrous first date, but fate conspires to throw them together, and they begin dating. The course of their true love most emphatically does not run smooth: Eli's reliance on psychobabble and high-strung touchy-feelie-ness — the legacy of growing up with not one, but two hipster therapists for parents (Andrea Martin, Tony Abatemarco) — drives Tom crazy. Tom's two-fisted drinking and cavalier dismissal of romance — probably needless to say, his alcoholic parents (Joanna Kerns, Nicholas Surovy) had a hellish marriage — make Eli feel insecure and confused. Meanwhile, Brett and Jackie, who met cute in a furniture store and hooked up their best friends as an excuse to get together themselves — are happily ensconced in blissful coupledom: How can it be so easy for them and so difficult for Tom and Eli? The film started out as I Know What You Are, But What Am I?, a one-act play about a straight couple (Bucatinsky and Nicole Tocantins, who has a minor role in the film version) and their commitment-phobic mating dance; Bucatinsky pulled a gender switch when he adapted the story for the screen. The film's executive producer is Don Roos (THE OPPOSITE OF SEX, in which Bucantinsky had a supporting role), and OPPOSITE stars Lisa Kudrow and Christina Ricci make cameo appearances here as, respectively, a voice-over artist and Eli's sister.

Visit: Orvel.Me

26 November 2012

Mirrors (2007)

Miroirs d'été (Mirrors)Mirrors (2007)
Miroirs d'été (original title)

Director: Etienne Desrosiers
Writers: Etienne Desrosiers (scenario & adaptation), Pascal Soudeins (collaborating writer) 
Genre: Short movie 
Country: Canada 
Language: French with english subtitle Duration: 14 min

Stars: Xavier Dolan, Stéphane Demers and Julie Beauchemin

Julian je melanholični tinejdžer koji svako ljeto dolazi sa roditeljima u kolibu pored jednog jezera. Mjesto izvan svih svakodnevnih dešavanja koje mu postaje dosadno dok ne upoznaje susjede, a sa njima i konačno shvatanje sopstvene seksualne orjentacije.
Lijepo sročena priča u kratkom filmu od 14 minuta.

Coming-of-age in summertime. Julian is a melancholic teenager on holiday at the cottage by the lake with his parents and his little brother. A world seems out-of-place, and the first "strange" emotions emerge... Lovely Canadian short film about a boy struggling with his sexual orientation and finally accepting it. A passage to adulthood - intimate and captivating.
The main attraction of this short film is Xavier Dolan in starring role. Xavier Dolan is young openly gay Canadian author (director, writer, actor, producer), born in 1989. He already made two excellent feature films:
J'ai tué ma mere - I Killed My Mother (2009)
Les amours imaginaires - Heartbeats (2010)
He wrote the script for his partly autobiographical I Killed My Mother when he was 16 years old (!), and he directed it, acted in it and produced it. The film was finished when he was 19 years old and received standing ovations in Cannes. Heartbeats is the story of three close friends who are involved in a love-triangle. More standing ovations.
This year Xavier Dolan's new film Laurence Anyways (2012) is coming out, dealing with transsexuality: "Tells the story of impossible love between a man and a woman after the man decided to have a sex change
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25 November 2012

The Golden Pin (2009)

V_TheGoldenPin_DVD_FINALARTThe Golden Pin (2009)

Director: Cuong Ngo 
Writers: Cuong Ngo, Matt Guerin Genre: Short movie 
Country: Canada 
Language: English, Vietnamese (English subtitles) 
Duration: 15 min 
Year: 2009

Stars: Ben Bela Böhm, Kris Duangphung and Quoc Ha Ho

the_golden_pinNa moju nesreću ja sam jedino muško dijete u mojoj porodici. Otac me je uvjek smatrao njegovim naslijednikom koji će produžiti porodično stablo. Kod nas U Crnoj Gori tu čast imaju sinovi, za kćerke se računa da su promjenile prezime i njihova djeca pripadaju drugoj kući.
Tako je to na balkanu. A šta ako ste sin jedinac i pri tome gay? Treba li ispoštovati tradiciju, oženiti se i imati djecu ili prekinuti porodično stablo? Razočarenje za roditelje saznanjem da se nećete oženiti i da neće imati unuke je dio svake coming out priče, al je nekako lakše kada je tu u blizini brat koji će ispraviti stvar.
Postoje i mnogi primjeri da se gay oženi, ima djecu i time podmiri sve ono što od njega očekuje društvena zajednica i porodica. Većinom se nakon nekog vremena vrate svojoj pravoj prirodi balansirajući između porodice koju su stvorili i želje za muškom ljubavi.
Ovaj film nam govori o mladom vjetnamcu, sinu jedincu koji se našao u procjepu između ljubavi prema prijatelju sa kojim redovno trenira plivanje i porodice koja jasno pokazuje šta želi od njega.
GOLDEN-PIN-pic-1The Golden Pin is a student short film focusing on the life of Long (Duangphung), a Vietnamese-Canadian young man who finds himself on the crossroads of following his heart or fulfilling his family’s expectations. Let me tell you, there’s no greater burden for traditional families (disregarding any ethnicity) than to have offspring follow in the “correct” footsteps, so when we hear Long’s father say that he wanted Long to continue the family line because there was no other family member to do so… it feels like a bucket of cold water.
What would you really do being the last one to carry the family name? Sure, there are other options for Long and Ryan (Böhm) to have children of their own and carry their respective family’s name, but to make such decision at that point in their relationship would have seemed rushed. Instead, Long’s mother (Nguyen) decides to tell her son about her own story… though, I feel she was giving me a bit of a mixed signal there.
In the end, The Golden Pin doesn’t really give you the answer Long or us are looking for, instead just poses the question.
Which one would you choose?

Visit: Orvel.Me

24 November 2012

Nico and Dani (2000)

Krampack_Nico_and_Dani-478803523-largeNico and Dani (2000) Krámpack (original title)

Director: Cesc Gay 
Writers: Tomas Aragay, Cesc Gay Genre: Comedy 
Country: Spain 
Duration:91 min 
Year: 2000

Stars: Fernando Ramallo, Jordi Vilches and Marieta Orozco

90586925cf6Neki dan me je jedan momak pitao po čemu vidiš da je neko peder? Ja mu odgovorim to se osjeti, ne možeš to po nečemu vidjet, a ako je očito onda znaj da to nije za tebe. Sa kim je sramota sjesti u kafanu, stim ne liježi u krevet! Momak mi reče da ne ide u kafanu!
Ovaj film nam pokazuje odrastanje dva drugara. Tek je brada počela da im raste, možda počele i dlačice oko kurca da im niču, a željeli bi sve da znaju, da probaju! Sjetite se kada ste vi tek počeli da drkate u društvu sa najboljim drugom pa vam bilo malo čudno što on to ipak radi malo drugačije od vas. Ja npr nisam znao da kažem da sam svršio, nego sam govorio: došlo mi nešto slatko!
I tako Niko i Dani zajedno drkaju i pokušavaju da se domognu djevojčica nebi li okusili čari prvog seksa. I to nebi bilo problem da Dani umjesto djevojčice nije zavolio svog najboljeg drugara Nika. I tudio se jadničak, davao sve od sebe, čak mu je prilikom drkanja pomagao da svrši i rukom i ustima, a kada je jedno veče Niko bio žalostan što nema djevojčica Deni mu je nesebično dao guzu.
Problem je u tome što Niko ipak više voli djevojčicu od Danija.
Eto toliko o najbljem drugaru, baš je nezahvalan, sve mu daš, a on opet ode kod one glupačice!
Ova komedija je zaista prelijepo napravljena, i dirljiva i komična. A svakoga će podsjetiti na one prve dječačke dane kada smo počeli da radimo “ONO”

Author: David (davidals@xxx.xx) from Chapel Hill, NC, USA
hkrampackum2I completely missed the boat on this one – KRAMPACK (a.k.a. NICO & DANI) is an excellent film. To temporarily ditch any pretense of objectivity, this was very nostalgic – my adolescence was a good bit more modest, but the experiences and conversations (even the summertime setting) at many points through this film hit close to home. I won’t rehash the plot, which is well-covered by previous reviewers here, but I will say that the film really gets the mix of unease and anticipation right in depicting the evolving relationship between Nico & Dani. On this front, it’s a five-star gay-themed drama.
The performances are quite expressive and naturalistic – no movie-of-the-week feelgood speeches appear here, and none are needed. The slightest changes in expression (contrast Nico’s responses to Dani through the first 2/3 of the film, to his responses during the last 20 minutes or so) convey great warmth and understanding, giving him the ability to reaffirm his friendship with Dani (in a ‘positive’ statement greater than any speech) even as they both understand by film’s end that the dynamic of their friendship won’t ever be quite the same.
krampackOn this note the film does have something to offer anyone – it’s universal without getting saccharine, and deeply committed to the humanity of its’ characters. There aren’t any complex philosophical or political undercurrents here, but none are needed – the respect and graceful treatment afforded to two ultimately different characters are more than adequate. A fine flick.
Coming of age, on a Barcelona beach, during an eventful week: Nico arrives at Dani’s for part of the summer. Dani’s parents are away, Nico is keen to lose his virginity, and Dani, who’s been Nico’s friend since grammar school, wants time only with Nico. Dani’s plans to hunt and fish are waylaid when Nico catches the eye of Elena and her cousin Berta. He wants to go to the beach with the girls, cook them dinner, and make love to at least one of them. Dani wants social and physical contact with Nico. Watching from a short distance are Sonia, Dani’s tutor, and Julian, a gay writer, who picks up Dani’s vibes. Can Nico and Dani sort out friendship as well as their mixed desires?
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Sweat (2008)

sweat ccSweat (2008)

Director: John Lochland
Writer: John Lochland 
Genre: Short movie
Country: UK
Language: English
Year: 2008
Duration: 15 min

Stars: David Paisley, Tom Frederic and Tom Swash

25-godišnji Simon se jedno poslijepodne odluči otići u gay saunu kako bi po prvi put doživio intrigantnu pedersku atmosferu takvih mjesta. Susreće se sa likovima kojima sauna nije nepoznanica, a seks sa nepoznatima je uobičajen "sport" Međutim za takve doživljaje očito nije spreman, bez obzira koliku želju imao.

Jeste li kada bili u nekoj od gay sauna? Ako jeste onda već sve znate, ali ako niste povedite računa kako i na koji način će te eventualno imati seks sa nekim koga tamo "upoznate" Iako su kondomi lako dostupni ili vam ih čak i daju pri ulasku u saunu, mnogi zato uopšte na mare. Dark room, kabine za seks, grupni seks i druga zadovoljstva nose mnoge opasnosti koje lako postanu zanemarene pri napaljivanju sa nekim kuratim likom kojem lice ne vidite, a kurac osjetite!

Sweat is the story of an afternoon of debauchery and intrigue as Simon takes leave of his senses and heads for a sauna. Negotiating the humiliating locker room strip where he inadvertently injures a fellow punter, he forges his first impromptu introduction to a handsome man called Tim. Nerves prohibit normal conversation as they share an empty sauna and both of the attractive men shy in each other's presence. Later, Simon encounters an opportunistic rent boy called Tiger and is amazed that at seventeen, he seems to have learned more about sex than Simon has in all his twenty-five years. Further into his journey, an experiment with poppers and some very public sexual displays, leave him wondering what he came for, and possibly leaving none the wiser, albeit with a phone number and a wry smile. Written by John Lochland 
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What makes a gay soldier different from a straight soldier?


Iako je ovaj spot objavljen u USA na dan vetrana namjenjen u svrhu promovisanja jednakosti STR8 i GAY vojnika i zahtjeva za slobodu sklapanja gay brakova, u našim balkanskim okolnostima nosi poruku “Svi smo mi dio istog tima” ili “U čemu je razlika?”
Stereotipi o ljudima homoseksualne i biseksualne seksualne orjentacije u Crnoj Gori i šire na balkanu teško umiru, najviše zahvaljujući uticaju crkve ali i samih gay ljudi.
Izraz “Ponaša se kao peder” nije nastao zbog seksualne orjentacije već zbog ponašanja koje nema veze sa tim.  Nesretna pederska potreba da laže nastaje od onog momenta kada kao tinejdžer shvati da je drugačiji od ostalih i vremenom se pretvara u jedan poseban način življenja u kojem ni sami gejevi nisu u stanju da razlikuju laž od istine. Često im to bude i največi problem u komunikaciji i socijalizaciji sa ostalim ljudima. Vrhunska pederčina ne laže samo sebe, već i kompletnu svoju okolinu bez obzira da li je u društvu gay ili str8 ljudi.
Ne tako rijetko će te u razgovorima sa takvim likovima čuti razne detalje o tome ko je gay , a ko nije, ko sa kime spava, sa kim su bili sve u krevetu i šta su sve radili. Takvi ljudi definitivno podržavaju stereotip o pederima kao brbljivcima i lažljivcima. Feminiziranost kao sastavni dio ovakvog aranžmana može , ali i ne mora da stoji.
Srećom takvi pederi su u manjini iako su najglasniji. Većina se ponaša normalno kao i svaki drugi čovjek sa istom problemima i mukama koje muče svakog čovjeka bez obzira sa kim spavao, bez obzira da li je autovan ili ne.
Zato zapamtite: Pederom vas ne čini to što radite u 4 zida, već to što radite izvan njih!



To comemorate Veterans Day — the day we thank American soldiers for their service — the LGBT marriage organization Freedom To Marry made a video of two hunky soldiers stripping down to their skivvies and showing us their scars.

The tagline reads: “Gay and straight service members scar in the same way.”

LGBT blogger Bil Browning hated the video:

“It always boils down to complaining about marriage, doesn’t it? God forbid we just honor LGBT soldiers for their service and sacrifice – instead of showing off their scars and bruises for political gain.”

“This video plays into every damn stereotype of our community. It objectifies the two men as sexual objects and takes a very serious subject – wounded veterans – and turns it into another way to insert marriage rights where it has no business.”

“Giving the soliders the right to marry their partners won’t let them escape war unscathed. To imply that it will is simply disgusting.”

While we don’t see the nakedness in the commercial as tawdry as Mr. Browning did, otherwise, he kind of has a point.

Despite the 2011 repeal of the gay-military banned known as “Don’t Ask Tell, “the so-called Defense of Marriage Act continues to screw over military families.

However, as the The Servicemembers Legal Defense Network explains, DOMA is just a nasty little cherry atop a crappy cake of military inequality.

For example, transgender soldiers still can’t serve, can’t recieve hormonal treatment for a gender-reassignment surgery and they can still get discharged as having a psychosexual condition if they express any feelings of gender disphoria.

Federal Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines still prohibit military servicemen who have sex with other men from giving blood, presumably because our blood is un-American or some sort of national security risk.

Furthermore, Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice rtill prohibits consensual sodomy (that is anal and oral sex between any two people, straight or gay. We’ll give you one guess as to which sexual orientation has been most negatively affected by sodomy charges.

Despite the fact that the 2003 Supreme Court case Lawrence v. Texas struck down sodomy laws nationwide, “the military could constitutionally continue to prosecute consensual sodomy under limited circumstances.” For example, if you outrank the guy you’re fucking… that’s a crime (see United States v. Marcum).

And that crime can snag you five years in prison, punitive discharge, reduction in pay and fines and forfeitures.

LGB soldiers can also get in serious trouble for “virtually any physical act with another person… if it can be shown that the act was committed for a sexual or romantic purpose,” under articles 133 and 134 of the UCMJ (also known as “conduct unbecoming” and “general article”).

So while DOMA may continue to harm our celebrated LGBT soldiers, it’s important not to forget about the other systemic inequalities that our servicemembers face on a daily basis.

23 November 2012

Verona (2010)

veronaVerona (2010)
Director: Laurie Lynd 
Writer: Glenn Ripps 
Genre: Short movie 
Country: USA 
Language: English 
Year: 2010 
Duration: 22min

Stars: John Bregar, Brittany Allen and Dean Armstrong

404Verona je moderna adaptacija Šekspirovog istimenog djela o dva mlada ljubavnika razdvojena suparničkim bratstvima. Priča o razdvojenosti i želji da ljubav pobjedi nametnute barijere.
Svjedoci smo mnogih sličnih priča na balkanu od kojih mnoge nisu završile sa srećnim krajem.
Podsjetila me na jedan događaj prije 20-tak godina kada sam preko ratišta išao da vidim tada najveću ljubav mog života. Nije me bilo strah ni vojski ni granica, već samo jedne misli: Da li se bliži kraj i našoj ljubavnoj priči? Na žalost završila je!

404bVerona is the story of two young lovers separated by their rival fraternities. Set in a small college town wherein young men are groomed for corporate success in All-American hyper competitive fashion, Verona presents the fate of star-crossed lovers in a society that condemns the very nature of their love.
Handsome Shannon Kook-Chun stars in a beautiful movie by kmenon82 (United States) – IMDB
Verona is a modern adaptation of a famous play by Shakespeare. The handsome and hunky Shannon Kook-Chun who is best known for his outstanding work in Degrassi: The Next Generation is given outstanding material to be lead star of a major motion picture and he lives up to all the excitement about him. He is ready to become a top Hollywood star for sure. Shannon's performance made me think of the famous movie Shelter. His acting is exquisite and his romantic scenes are emotional and riveting. I would definitely view the short if it plays in a theater near you. If it is not in a theater near you, I would definitely go to your favorite one and demand that they book the short. Then, plan on dreaming about the full length motion picture soon to be released! TWO THUMBS UP!

Visit: Orvel.Me

The tie that bind me ...

the zie ccThe tie that bind me to my brothers are not wrapped around my heart, but are rather fastened to my heart

Assisted by: Ryan Curtis
Curator: Matt Burrows for Exeter Phoenix
Performers: Jonny Rowden & Simon Bradshaw
Filmmaker: Benjamin Borley
Sound Recordist: Harrison Wilmot
Sound Designer: Neil Rose
Respondent: Mark Leahy
Publication: Library of Independent Exchange - Mark James & Chris Green
Buddy/Producer: Hannah Jones
Commissioned by Exeter Phoenix
Supported by University of Exeter


tieČesto na mojim profilima po raznim Date sajtovima napišem: Neko da goli popijemo kafu?
Čudno za većinu pedera, zove na kafu i još goli, a ne na seks. Mnogi odmah preskoče profil i vjerovatno pomisle "Još jedan čudak na sajtu!"
Neznam šta vi mislite o ideji da goli u društvu pijete piće, pričate,eventualno gledate porniće i palite se, a da pri svemu tome seks nije glavna stvar,ali meni je to u većini bolje i prihvatljivije nego sa nekim koga "poznajete" desetak minuta odmah završite u krevet nakon čega će te panično pobjeći sa mjesta "zločina".
Popiti kafu sa nekim na jedan goli ili polugoli način može da dobije jedan sasvim novi smisao.
Iako kratki performans "The tie that bind me ..." nije namjenjen da prezentuje moju želju za ispijanjem kafe kroz njega možete da se nasluti o čemu se radi.

tie2Paige explores the concept of fraternal relationships and resuscitated texts that incorporates performance, and video, the work title is derived from a commonly used quote by US college fraternity houses.Through a process of repetition and evolution, a piece of twenty five year old, illicit cultural artefact on the brink of historical and cultural obsolescence is reinterpreted and re-presented to produce a new work.

This continues the artists exploration of the intersection of biography and late twentieth century learnt culture from West Coast, USA. Here investigating the possibility of re-performance and re-articulation of a text through the use of video and a performance of a short section of script, appropriated from the opening scene from a 1980’s gay adult movie 'In Hot Pursuit'. Through this re-iterative process and by re-contextualising the purpose, place and form of the original, Paige unpicks the masculine, it's construction and how this becomes a motif or modus operandi in fraternal dealings, continuing an ongoing exploration of the intersections between biography and late twentieth century popular culture.


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22 November 2012

It's Consuming Me (2012)

It's Consuming Me (2012)
Director: Kai Stanicke
Writer: Kai Stanicke
Genre: Short movie
Country: Germany Language: English Duration: 4 min
Stars: Sena Friemuth, Daniel Kebernik and Valeska Köber

I can’t move on. I wish I could. But I’m caught in the thought of what could have been, losing my grip on reality.

Visit: Orvel.Me

21 November 2012

Un chant d'amour (nouveau) (2012)

un ccUn chant d'amour (nouveau) (2012)

Director: Sam Scott Schiavo 
Genre: Short movie 
Country: Austria 
Year: 2012 
Duration: 5 min

Stars: Patrick Hollensteiner and Patrick Melech

A homage to Jean Genet's film _'Un chant d'amour' (1950)_ , two prisoners longing for human contact and affection, a transcendent friendship in a simple act of sharing a cigarette in this short film by Sam Scott Schiavo.

Un chant d'amour(nouveau) from SAM SCOTT SCHIAVO on Vimeo.

Visit: Orvel.Me

20 November 2012

Cold Star (2011)


A public swimming pool is transformed into a utopia where sexual orientation and gender binaries does not matter. German director Kai Stänicke describes his 7 minute short film Cold Star as a mixture of a short and a music video. A hybrid, that connects the emotions of a short with beats and lyrics of the music. The film is an appeal for acceptance of your own and others sexual identity.
The sublime cinematography combine with the short being dialog-free is what really makes this work for me. I love it and the music from the German band Din.

Directed by Kai Stänicke (Germany)


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Our Lady of the Assassins (2000)

oliOur Lady of the Assassins (2000)
La virgen de los sicarios (original title)
Director: Barbet Schroeder
Writers: Fernando Vallejo (novel), Fernando Vallejo (screenplay) 
Genre: Drama
Country: Spain, France, Colombia Language: Spanish 
Year: 2000 
Duration: 101 min

Stars: Germán Jaramillo, Anderson Ballesteros and Juan David Restrepo

la-vierge-des-tueurs-1Ovaj film reditelja Barbet Schroedera je rađen po autobiografskoj noveli Kolumbijskog pisca Fernanda Valleja.
Fernando se vraća u Kolumbijijski grad Medellin u kojem je rođen i proveo djetinjstvo u vremenu kada trgovina drogom nije bio dominantan biznis u tom gradu. Namjera mi je da to provede svoje poslednje dane. Upoznaje 16-godišnjeg Aleksisa kojega dovodi u svoj stan i sa njim doživljava pravu romansu. Neću sada govoriti o moralnim i etičkim aspektima romanse između jednog 60-godišnjeg geja i tinejdžera od 16 godina jer se time ne bavi ni ova filmska priča.
Alexis je odrastao u siromašnoj četvrti u kojoj se razne bande svakodnevno međusobno ubijaju za šaku dolara i gdje dijete već u pubertetu uči kako se puca iz pištolja i ubija. Ove "vaspitne mjere" su uobičajene u Medellinu u kojem je ubiti čovjeka isto kao otići u prodavnicu i kupiti hljeb. Čak se i priroda štiti na način da se postavljaju table sa natpisom: "Zabranjeno bacanje leševa". Naravno i Aleksis sa sobom uvjek nosi pištolj i sa lakoćom ubije svakoga ko mu stane na putu. Kuriozitet je da kada god neka pošiljka droge uspješno bude isporučena u Ameriku u gradu se to označi vatrometom.
anderson_ballesteros_our_lady_of_the_assassins_001Fernando koji je u sve to upao iz nekog sasvim drugog svjeta to traumatično preživljava. Alesis koji ga voli i kao ljubavnika i kao saputnika, pomaže mu da shvati surovu stvarnost koja je zadesila taj grad. Zajedno obilaze brojne crkve koje nijemo posmatraju patnju posjetilaca moleći se da prežive još jedan dan ili umru brzo.
Nebih da vam završim priču do kraja pa ću samo primjetiti da se i u tom svjetu njihova romantična ljubav i odnos ne prihvata blagonaklono, ali koga je briga? Ne treba se previše buniti i uznemiravati nekoga ko pištolj sa lakoćom upotrebljava, zar ne?!


bAfter an absence of thirty years, writer Fernando Vallejo returns to Medellín, the city where he was born and raised. Little remains of what he had left behind. His parents are dead and so are his siblings and most of his friends.Half the city has been destroyed to make room for an elevated subway. The cocaine Mafia - the Medellín Cartel - sows terror with gangs of assassins: boys from the city’s poor neighborhoods employed as hired killers who are often doomed to die at the hands of rival gangmembers.
One of these boys is Alexis, a sixteen-year-old who despite his youth already has a few murders on his conscience. Fernando has just gotten into town when
he is introduced to Alexis by a childhood friend in a male brothel. Fernando and Alexis fall in love. In this city ruled by horror, chaos and hate, where blood-debts are passed on
from brother to brother and from one friend to another, as if the fate of the living were in the hands of the dead.In this city where the only oases of peace are the churches... they fall in love.
Anderson Ballesteros 01A hopeless love, destined to fail through no fault of their own, but for the circumstances they are caught up in. A stereo Fernando buys Alexis is the motive for a first squabble, as the latter has the habit of leaving dance music on at a deafening volume at all hours of the day and night. But soon they are at odds over a greater issue as Alexis murders anyone who happens to cross their path or bother Fernando. At the slightest provocation, Alexis, like a new Exterminating Angel, unhesitatingly whips out his gun and fires. Condemned by the emptiness of their lives, they go aimlessly from church to church and murder to murder, a more confident love growing between them, until one day Alexis is killed in a drive-by shooting. Wrought with grief, Fernando goes to the barrio slums of Santo Domingo Savio to meet Alexis’s mother, a poor woman with several children. She tells him that her son was killed by a boy from the neighboring barrio of La Francia. She only knows the murderer’s strange nickname: « The Blue Lagoon ».
la-vierge-des-tueurs-2_pWalking alone and losing himself in the noisy and violent streets that once witnessed his transient moments of happiness, Fernando bumps into someone he at first mistakes for Alexis, as if the boy were still alive. Or as if the horror of life had induced a grotesque hallucination. The boy in question isWílmar.He resembles Alexis on more than one count: he’s the same age, wears a similar jacket, is just as devoted to Our Lady Help of Christians, whose scapularies - tied around his neck, right wrist and left ankle - he never doffs. But the most poignant similarity of all is the gun he always carries with him. So the series of murders Alexis had started continues with Wílmar, while Fernando begins a new love affair. It seems that the world of Medellín has gone insane, going around in circles and creating live replicas of the dead.

With multisub.

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