
07 April 2012

Twoyoungmen, UT. (2009)

tymTwoyoungmen, UT. (2009)

Director:Sam McConnell
Writers:Sam McConnell (story), Nick Citton (screenplay)
Genre: Short movie
Year: 2009
Runtime:17 min

Stars: Art Gager, Brant Kaiwi and Jordan Klumper

Will je gay momak koji dolazi u jedan gay bar i tamo upoznaje dopadljivog Elija koji tamo radi kao konobar. Eli ga poziva da izađu i odu neđe na zabavu.
tym2Dva mlada momka, svako sa svijim nakanama kreću na put sa kojieg se neće vratiti isti. Kako vrijeme prolazi, vozeći se kroz neku pustaru koja djeluje pomalo zastrašujuće, njihov odnos se razvija u smjeru za koji niko ne očekuje da će se dogoditi. U momentu kada je Will pokušao da Elija uhvati za kurac dok je ovaj pišao pored puta, Eli kaže da nije gay. Možda do tog jutra kada shvati da iz zabave u koju se upustio vrlo lako od samouvjerenog momka može postati nesiguran peder.
Film me je podsjetio na jednu noć provedenu po novosadskim kafićima sa jednim panonskim mornarom. Isprva mi je rekao da ja nisam njegov tip, zatim tokom noći da uopšte nije peder, a ujutro dok smo sjedali na jednoj klupi ispred neke škole, gledajući kako izlazi sunce, rekao mi je da bi volio da zagrljen samnom u toplom krevetu zaspe. Nikad ne znaš kakav će te sutrašnji dan dočekati, a posebno ne ako noć provedeš sa neznancem.

From IMDB:
Author: rjobrien_1943 from United Kingdom

tym3While the title smacks of affectation - or just plain attention-seeking, Sam McConnell's short film, now on the festival circuit, is stylish, funny and charming. The main characters, Will and Eli, meet by chance in a bar and head to the salt flats searching for a party. In the process, however, they take the first steps towards finding and accepting themselves. McConnell develops small yet revealing tensions between his characters, who at the start appear to inhabit different worlds. The shy Will expresses sexual desire, perhaps for the first time, while motormouth Eli, who seems full to bursting with self-confidence, exposes his vulnerability, leading to a surprising, unexpected bond. 'Twoyoungmen, UT' is very well written, acted and directed by this up-and-coming filmmaker. The only complaint is that one wishes the film was longer, as the material seems ripe for expansion. Hopefully, 'Twoyoungmen, UT' will become more widely available, despite the hurdles facing any short independent film in terms of theatrical, television and home video distribution.
tym4 Visit site:  Orvel.Me

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