
14 March 2012

Man Is a Woman (1998)

lhommeestunefemmecomMan Is a Woman (1998)

Original tiltle: L'homme est une femme comme les autres


Director: Jean-Jacques Zilbermann
Writers: Gilles Taurand, Joële Van Effenterre (story)
Genre: Drama
Year: 1998
Country: France

Stars: Antoine de Caunes, Elsa Zylberstein and Gad Elmaleh


Man Is a Woman (French title: L'homme est une femme comme les autres) is a 1998 French film directed by Jean-Jacques Zilbermann


gad-elmaleh-394829 (1)Mnogi pederi koji čitaju ovaj blog se nalaze u fazi kada skoro svakodnevno čuju pitanja: "Kad ćeš da se ženiš? Dosta si bio momak vrijeme ti je da se uozbiljiš! " … 
Jeli vam poznato? Vremenom počnete izbjegavatii famiiju, ne idete na porodične zabave, ne idete na svadbe. Godine prolaze i ako sve to izrdržite imaćete sreću da postanete matori peder!
A ako ne, onda se prvo oženite, pa onda možete biti peder koliko god hoćete! Sve vam postane dozvoljeno dok to radite diskretno!
U ovom filmu Simon koji je prešao tridesetu godinu života upada u situaciju kada svi od njega očekuju da se oženi i da ima porodicu. Naravno malo ko od njih zna da Simon najviše voli da upada u krevet sa muškarcima, obožava saune, sex na brzaka, gay društvo…

homme-est-une-femme-comme-les-autres-1997-08-gNakon svadbe njegovog najboljeg druga i rođaka,  dobija ponudu od bogatog ujaka da ako se oženi dobiće 10 miliona franaka. Majka koja zna da joj je sin peder mu kaže: "Ako treba da patiš u životu , pati bogat. Oženi se, pa budi gay koliko hoćeš!"
I tako Simon odluči da se zbliži sa Rosaline, djevojkom iz konzervtivne jevrejske porodice, koja ne želi da ima seks prije braka. Odluči da se ženi.U jednom momentu mu se sve smuči i kaže joj da je on nevin. Ona oduševljana kaže kako je divno što će oboje nevini ući u brak. Na njegovu rečenicu da je nevin sa ženama, ali ne i sa muškarcima, njeno jedino pitanje je bilo: Top or botom?


FIlm možete pogledati na youtube OVDJE.




l'homme est une femme comme les autres
real : jean jacques zilberman
antoine de caunes
elsa zylberstein
COLLECTION CHRISTOPHELSimon (Antoine de Caunes) is thirtysomething, at ease with his homosexuality and carrying an unacceptable overdraft on top of 40 Gauloise a day. When the uncle (Michel Aumont) he doesn't like offers him a small fortune to get hitched, since he is the last of the male line, he hesitates long enough to discuss it with mama (Judith Magre), who takes the view: "If you have to suffer, suffer rich."

Having set up a gay man's nightmare, director Jean-Jacques Zilberman takes pity on all concerned and sugars the pill. Rosalie (Elsa Zylberstein), the girl in question, starts off as a naive virgin, with a string of infuriating habits, mostly to do with her health, and ends as a feisty trooper who believes that love conquers all, despite what they say in the bath houses.

The film lacks conviction, sliding between a soft approach to bisexuality and wondering where to go next. Once the feared wedding night has been crossed, made easier by her nervousness, the only running story is whether Simon is going to make it with cousin David (Gad El Maleh) before Rosalie storms off in a huff. Frankly, my dear, who gives a damn?



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