
14 February 2012

Le weekend (2007)

Le weekend (2007)



Director: Timothy Smith
Writers: Timothy Smith, Nyah Farier
Genre: Short movie
Country: UK
Language: French (English subtitles)
Duration: 14 min
Year: 2007

Stars: Omar, Fernando Peres and Val Rassi



Da li se nekada pokajete jer niste jasno rekli šta osjećate i želite. Ili ste možda neko poznanstvo započeli lažima i predstavljanjem sebe onakvim kakvi niste?
Ako jeste onda znate da se takva upoznavanja u većini slučajeva završe vrlo brzo.
Ljudi nas vole zbog onoga što jesmo , a ne zbog toga kakvi želimo da budemo.

U ovom kratkom filmu , mladi student snima film o putovanju u London i upoznaje momka koji mu pokazuje grad, sebe i svoje želje. Na žalost student mu nije uzvratio istom mjerom. Nakon prekida njihovog druženja ostalo je nešto prazno i neispunjeno.
Kratki film za dobro jutro!


A young, cynical French film student comes to London for the weekend to make a film project for his course. Disillusioned by his London experience, he's befriended by a stranger who shows him a side of the city, and himself, that he never would have seen. The story unfolds through his Super 8 film footage, and his voice-over narration gives us an insight into his thoughts and feelings throughout the journey. Written by Timothy Smith

Visit New Site: Orvel.ME

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