
28 February 2012

Different for Girls (1996)

dfg c Different for Girls (1996) Paul Prentice (Rupert Graves) and Karl Foyle (Steven Mackintosh) bili su drugovi u školskim danima kada je Prentice imao zaštitnički odnos spram Karla. Nekoliko godina kasnije se ponovo susretnu, al na Paulovo iznenađenje Karl je postao Kim. Lagana Britanska komedija u kojoj prijateljstvo između Paula i Kima izaziva mnoge dubioze, ali i pretenduje da njihov odnos postane mnogo dublji i intimniji.


Directed by Richard Spence
Produced by John Chapman
Written by Tony Marchant
Music by Stephen Warbeck
Cinematography Sean van Hales
Distributed by First Look Pictures (USA)
Release date(s) 1996 (UK); 1997 (USA)
Running time 97 min.
Language English


Stars: Steven Mackintosh, Rupert Graves and Miriam Margolyes

Film pogledajte OVDJE

Paul Prentice (Rupert Graves) and Karl Foyle (Steven Mackintosh) were close friends during their prep school days. Prentice used to defend Karl from the violent attacks of their classmates, who ridiculed Karl for being effeminate.
Some years later they are reunited literally by accident, when Prentice, on the motorcycle he drives as a courier, runs into the cab that Karl (who has undergone sexual reassignment surgery and become Kim) is riding in. Paul is initially surprised to discover that Karl has become Kim, but asks her out to get re-acquainted.
Their first date goes badly and Kim assumes that it's because Prentice is nervous about being seen in public with her. Prentice brings her flowers at her workplace (as a verse writer for a greeting card company) and they go out again. This date works out better and they end up back at Prentice's place listening to music.


The two continue to spend time together, with Prentice teaching Kim how to ride a motorcycle. Their next dinner date, at Kim's place, is disastrous. Prentice, struggling to understand transgenderism, drinks too much and ends up in the courtyard outside Kim's apartment, exposing his penis and ranting. The police arrive and arrest him for indecent exposure. Kim places a hand on one of the officers and he arrests her for "interfering" with an officer. In the paddy wagon one of the officers makes crude remarks about Kim and places his hand under her skirt. Prentice intervenes and is beaten by the officer.

At the police station, Prentice is charged with assaulting the officer. Kim, his only witness, is terrified of being in trouble and intimidated by the police into keeping silent. She flees to her sister's home.
At Prentice's trial on the assault charges, Kim is able to screw up her courage and testify for Prentice. While he is still convicted, he receives only a token fine. A reporter at the courthouse tries to buy Kim and Prentice's story but they refuse. They return to Kim's place, where Prentice is surprised and delighted to discover that he and Kim are sexually as well as emotionally compatible.
Prentice, desperate for money following the repossession of his motorcycle, sells Kim's and his story to a London tabloid. With the story splashed all over the papers, Kim thinks she's going to be sacked from the greeting card company. Instead, her boss stands behind her. As the film draws to a close, it's revealed that Kim and Prentice are living together and that it was Kim's idea for Prentice to sell the story.

Watch this movie Here

26 February 2012

Gay is the Word (2011)


A British fellow attempts to come out to his mates, but fails when his friends don't understand that "gay" also means "homosexual."

Gay is the Word (2011)

Director: Andy Heath

Writer: Dominic Byrne

25 February 2012

Morgan Spurlock 30 Days: Straight man in a Gay World


Genre: Documentary, Reality TV
Year: 2005
Country: USA

Stars: Morgan Spurlock

103381Da li ste ikada pokušali da se stavite u koži str8 čovjeka koji je upao u najveću gej zajednicu Sjedinjenih Američkih Država – San Francisko?
Neko će možda reči da je to isto kao što je nekom pederu svakodnevno u str8 okruženju. Pa možda i nije tako. Nekome str8 liku koji je odrastao u tolerantnoj sredini možda bi sve to bilo i zabavno neko vrijeme i nebi se osjećao "ugroženo", ali stavite u takvu sredinu jednog balkanca koji je o gejevima samo čitao preko novina ili nekoga ko ne vjeruje "da tako nešto postoji" Nećemo sada o homofobičnim likovima koji smatraju da je biti gej neka bolest, to će mo ostaviti za neki drugi film!

Nije u pitanju samo različita seksualna orjentacija, već i razlika u načinu razmišljanja i percepcije društva u kojem živimo.
Drugačije tumačenje religije, drugačije viđenje žena, drugačiji odnos prema hrani, drugačije viđenje dobrog provoda.. Da li su te razlike premostive čak i sa najtolerantnijim osobama, ili je ipak potreban neki kompromis?
Pogledajte ovaj film, u kojem Morgan Spurlock objašnjava kako se osjećao u gej društvu sa kojim je živio zamislite čak 30 dana!

Film pogledajte Ovdje

30 days2Ryan Hickmott is a God-fearing 24-year-old conservative from Oxford, Michigan, a town of less then 4000 people. He agrees to travel outside his comfort zone to defeat and defend some of his stereotypes of the gay community. His journey takes him to San Francisco's Castro district to live with roommate Ed Coller in what is notoriously known as one of the gayest areas of the country. As he works a job that caters to gay clientele, and attends gay-friendly church services, he gets an inside view of what it is like to live as part of a minority that still elicits strong feelings of hatred among many Americans. Throughout the 30 Days, he makes friends he never thought he would, learns things he didn't realize he didn't know, and realizes that some of the ideals he has been raised with may not be completely his. He will have his Bible-rooted values severely challenged as this important issue becomes very personal.

Watch this movie HERE

The Celluloid Closet (1995)

The Celluloid Closet (1995)

Directors: Rob Epstei, Jeffrey Friedman
Writers: Vito Russo (book),Rob Epstein (story)
Release Date: 15 March 1996 (USA)
Genre: Documentary / Histo

Sinoć sam do kasno ostao budan gledajući ovaj dokumentarni film. Zaista je fascinirajuće gledati ovaj istorijat LGBT Hollywoodskih filmova. Počev od onih starih filmova sa Chaplinom pa do novijih ostvarenja sa Tom Hanksom i Antonom Banderasom. Dosta filmova koji su u kratkim crtama opisani u ovom dokumentarcu se nalaze i u ovom blogu.
Ovaj sjajan prikaz Gay populacije kroz filmska ostvarenja je nastao na osnovu istoimene knjige Vita Russoa, koji je vršio istraživanje o tome kako je prikazivana gay populacija kroz filmsku umjetnost od 1890. do 1980. i kako je to uticalo na društvo u cjelini. Knjiga je objavljena 1981. god.
Dugo vremena ,a vrlo često i dan danas homoseksualnost je u filmovima prikazivana na tri načina: kao nešto smiješno, kao nešto što treba žaliti ili nešto čega se treba bojati.
I gdje ste vi tu? U kojoj grupi?
Do 60-tih godina, homoseksualnost je vrlo bojažljivo i skriveno prikazivana, bez nekih direktnih i očiglednih prikaza ljubavi prema istome polu. Ako bi se neko i usudio eksplicitnije prikazati neku scenu bio bi trenutno osuđen kao perverznjak , jer se gay love tako i tretirala.
Tek nakon seksualne revolucije 60-tih i 70-tih godina Hollywood se odvažio da eksplicitnije prikaže ovu do tada mračnu stranu ljudske psihe. Depresivni, psihotični ili manijakalni pederi su do tada bili najčešće upotrebljavani , ako se baš moralo prikazati homoseksualnost. Prvi pederi koji su počeli da mjenjaju sliku o njima su bili su oni iz 'The Boys In the Band' (1970), a danas mislim da nema nikoga is generacije 60-tih godina da nije čuo za film "Cabaret" (1972) koji i dan danas volim pogledati.
Od tada pa do današnjih danaje kroz Hollywood protutnjalo gomila pedera, što u filmovima, što u serijama.
Većina pedera je zasigurno odgledala film Cruising (1980) sa Al Pacinom u glavnoj ulozi koji je u americi izazvao burne proteste gay zajednice jer je pedere prikazao kao manijake i ubice.
Interesantno je vidjeti scene iz gomile gay filmova, koji homoseksualnu ljubav prikazuju kao nešto sasvim ljudski, sa puno emocija.
Na žalost pojavom AIDS-a nastaje razdoblje kada je većina pederskih filmova pravljena sa srceparajućim scenama kao ona sa Tom Hanksom i Banderasom u Philadelphiji.
Nadalje će te vidjeti na koji način se Hollywood izborio sa homofobijom u američkom društvu.
Film pogledajte OVDJE

Plot Outline: A documentary surveying the various Hollywood screen depictions of homosexuals and the attitudes behind them throughout the history of North American film.
Plot Keywords: Lesbianism / Female Nudity / Compilation / Historical / Homophobia
Awards: Nominated for 4 Primetime Emmys. Another 5 wins & 3 nominations
(Cast overview, first billed only)
* Lily Tomlin (narrator)
* Tony Curtis
* Susie Bright
* Arthur Laurents
* Armistead Maupin
* Whoopi Goldberg
* Jan Oxenberg
* Harvey Fierstein
* Quentin Crisp
* Richard Dyer
* Jay Presson Allen
* Mrs. Gustav Ketterer
* Gore Vidal
* Will H. Hays
* Farley Granger
* Paul Rudnick
* Shirley MacLaine
* Barry Sandler
* Mart Crowley
* Antonio Fargas
* Tom Hanks
* Ron Nyswaner
* Daniel Melnick
* Harry Hamlin
* John Schlesinger
* Susan Sarandon
Also Known As: Celluloid Closet (France)
Gefangen in der Traumfabrik (Germany)
Runtime: 102 min
Country: France / UK / Germany / USA
Language: English
Color: Black and White / Color

The Celluloid Closet (1995) is a documentary film directed and written by Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman. The film is based on the 1981 (revised 1987) book of the same name written by Vito Russo, and on previous lecture and film clip presentations given in person by Russo 1972-82. Russo researched the history of how motion pictures, especially Hollywood films, had portrayed gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender characters. It was given a limited release in select theatres, including the Castro Theatre in San Francisco in April 1996, and then shown on cable channel HBO.
The documentary interviews various men and women connected to the Hollywood industry to comment on various film clips and their own personal experiences with the treatment of LGBT characters in film. From the sissy characters, to the censorship of the Hollywood Production Code, the coded gay characters and cruel stereotypes to the progress made in the early 1990s.
Vito Russo wanted his book to be transformed into a documentary film and helped out on the project until he died in 1990. Some critics of the documentary noted that it was less political than the book and ended on a more positive note. However, Russo had wanted the documentary to be entertaining and to reflect the positive changes that had occurred up to 1990.

Russo was one of the first people to persuade gay and straight people to examine the role that popular culture plays in shaping our attitudes about sexual orientation and gender identity.[citation needed] It started a genre of research that examines how movies, television shows, comic books, and video and computer games depict LGBT people.
Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) gives an award called the Vito Russo Award to openly gay or lesbian people within the Hollywood film industry who advance the cause of fighting homophobia.

More about this movie:

14 February 2012

Le weekend (2007)

Le weekend (2007)



Director: Timothy Smith
Writers: Timothy Smith, Nyah Farier
Genre: Short movie
Country: UK
Language: French (English subtitles)
Duration: 14 min
Year: 2007

Stars: Omar, Fernando Peres and Val Rassi



Da li se nekada pokajete jer niste jasno rekli šta osjećate i želite. Ili ste možda neko poznanstvo započeli lažima i predstavljanjem sebe onakvim kakvi niste?
Ako jeste onda znate da se takva upoznavanja u većini slučajeva završe vrlo brzo.
Ljudi nas vole zbog onoga što jesmo , a ne zbog toga kakvi želimo da budemo.

U ovom kratkom filmu , mladi student snima film o putovanju u London i upoznaje momka koji mu pokazuje grad, sebe i svoje želje. Na žalost student mu nije uzvratio istom mjerom. Nakon prekida njihovog druženja ostalo je nešto prazno i neispunjeno.
Kratki film za dobro jutro!


A young, cynical French film student comes to London for the weekend to make a film project for his course. Disillusioned by his London experience, he's befriended by a stranger who shows him a side of the city, and himself, that he never would have seen. The story unfolds through his Super 8 film footage, and his voice-over narration gives us an insight into his thoughts and feelings throughout the journey. Written by Timothy Smith

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13 February 2012

Raw Love (2008) original title Amor Crudo


Raw Love (2008)  original title Amor Crudo


Directors: Juan Chappa, Martín Deus
Writer: Martín Deus (screenplay)
Genre: Short Movie
Country: Argentina
Duration: 15 min
Year: 2008

Stars: Katja Alemán, Valentino Arocena and Juan Felipe Villanueva



Zadnji dani srednje škole donose opraštanja od profesora, prijatelja ali i odustajanja od nekih skrivenih želja. Život ide dalje.
Pogledajte malu priču o dva prijatelja koji provode dane očekujući kraj škole.




From IMDB Arcadio Bolanos (Peru)

amorcrudo5The journey, any journey, has always been an interesting starting point for stories. Literary critic Todorov points out that the journey, especially the journey of a young man, is a paramount paradigm in classic literature. "Amor Crudo" obeys Todorov's principle. It entails the journey of a boy that has not yet occurred but that somehow stirs his life and the life of his best friend. In this short film directors Chappa and Deus prove that time lengths should never be a constraint but rather a challenge; a challenge they overcome by creating, in only a few minutes, a rich and appealing narrative universe that conveys deep and true emotions. Jeremias and Ivan are good friends, but there is an impasse between them produced by Ivan's confusing feelings. Is he in love with his best friend? Is it just a crush? Or a mere masturbatory fantasy? Does he care for him only as a friend? And how can one define friendship after all? In the end, it doesn't matter if the impasse is resolved or not, just as it doesn't matter if one finds the answer to these questions. All that matters is for these questions to be asked. Different authors such as Plato or Seneca would probably agree on one thing. Friendship is the most pure human relationship as it does not seek benefits or rewards. In that sense, friendship could be the ideal love, and that is the feeling Chappa and Deus are able to transmit to the viewers in this story about journeys and very heartfelt goodbyes. Touching, intense and honest, "Amor Crudo" is a very thorough exploration of teenage awkwardness, innocence and true friendship. 

11 February 2012

Pristine Books (2003)

pristine-books-coverPristine Books (2003)
Directors: Adam Arkin, Felix Staica
Writer: Felix Stacia
Genre: Short movie
Country: Australia
Duration: 7 min
Year: 2003

Stars: Andy Cichannowsky, Samuel Evans and David G. Virgo
Sta je potrebno da bi se sa nekim upustili u vezu? Novac? Izgled? Dobar kurac? Nekad ništa od toga nije dovoljno, jer naprosto vaše srce ne kuca za njega, zar ne?

Two young guys' relationship is threatened the the temptation of the successful older man. Short film made for Adelaide's 2002 Feast festival.
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After Sex (2007)

after sex coverAfter Sex (2007)


Director: Eric Amadio
Writers: Eric Amadio
Genre: Comedy
Country: USA
Year: 2007


Cast: Mila Kunis, Jane Seymour, Zoe Saldana, Taryn Manning, Emmanuelle Chriqui, John Witherspoon, Keir O'Donnell, Charity Shea, Jose Pablo Cantillo, Tanc Sade, Bai Ling, Wayne Duvall, Marc Blucas, Timm Sharp, Noel Fisher


Film Eric Amadia 'After Sex' se ne bavi samo gay parovima već parovima uopšte. Kroz nekoliko priča nakon seksa prikazuje nam različite poglede o prihvaćanju sopstvenih pogleda na sex i emocije u vezi sa partnerom. Freddy i Jay su dva momka čija priča nakon seksa nam je najinteresantnija. Nakon što je ga je Freddy izjebao Jay se zapitao:'Jesam li sada gay?' Klasična priča momka koji je doživio prvo iskustvo sa muškarcem u kojoj su pomješani strahovi pa i gađenje na ono što je uradio. Interesantno je da se ta faza uvjek dešava nakon seksa. Jay o tome nije razmišljao dok ga je Freddy guzio, ali nakon toga ide grižnja savjesti i strah. Uostalom pogledajte taj dio filma sa prevodom na naš jezik.


If you can’t watch this video try here:

Freddy (Tanc Shade) has just finished blowing the ass out of Jay (Noel Fisher). Noel is a college frat boy who is ‘confused’ about his sexuality and Freddy likes to go around un-confusing college frat boys. Allow me to assist Jay, or any young man, in bringing some clarity to their lives. If you’re a guy and you willingly take a dick in the ass, you’re gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that but just an old man trying help you move forward with your life with that niggling question of sexuality out of the way. Jay however is all upset and in an argument he calls Freddy a ‘faggot’. This young man has just volunteered to have his ass blown out and he has the nerve to call somebody else a ‘fag’. Oh my. Freddy is the compassionate sort and tells Jay a couple of stories which seems to put Jay at ease a bit, though he is still confused. Freddy asks him if he wants to try again, Jay says yes. The confusion is why is the young man is confused. 



Neil je rok zvijezda koja je upravo izjebala fudbalskog trenera Boba kojega je od toga zaboljela guza. (Slatko sam se nasmijao) Neil koji izgleda kao muškobanjasta žena je 'Butch' ili kako bi mi balkanci rekli jebač i to je odmah stavio do znanja Bobu koji neravno ne želi da prihvati gay stereotip. Pogledajte kako je izgledao taj razgovor između njih dvojice. 


Neil (Timm Sharp) is rockstar who has just finished drilling Football Coach Bob (James DeBello) a new asshole. Unlike our gay college boy, these two aren’t the least bit confused about anything and we’ll go ahead and move on to David (Keir O’Donnel) who has just knocked off his ex-girlfriend Jordy (Emmanuel Chiriqui). Jordy is love with some other guy which begs the question why is she sexing up her ex-boyfriend, who by his own admission is a womanizing asshole. He wants to know, we want know, but alas the only one of the tales that could possibly offer some insight into anything fails to do so, leaving us to care little about what they have to say.


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Summer Blues (2002)

Summer Blues (2002)


Director: Frank Mosvold
Writer: Frank Mosvold
Genre: Short movie
Country: Norway
Year: 2002
Duration: 25 min

Stars: Kristoffer Berre Alberts, Hanne Bach Hansen and Tord Vandvik Haugen



Ponekad ne možemo kontrolisati emocije koliko god bi željeli da ih sakrijemo.
Tako je i u ovom kratkom norveškom filmu u kojemu Mads i Kristian sa svojim djevojkama provode vikend na obali nekog jezera. Mads je povrijeđen zbog ponašanja svoje cure na nekoj žurci, Kristian pokušava da sakrije svoje osjećaje prema Madsu...
Ali nekako uvjek dajemo do znanja šta je to u nama zbog čega uradimo nešto nesmotreno.

Film pogledajte Ovdje
  Watch this movie HERE [David Hall]
Into what should be an unnerving narrative, director Frank Mosvold of A Kiss in the Snow fame, delivers instead a tender tale that is as much a work of sun, sea and snaps, as it is of coming-of-age.

For well aware that his yearnings for his girlfriend are paling in the background when compared to his burgeoning feelings for his best friend Mads, Norwegian teen Kristian jumps at the opportunity to spend extra time with the object of his affection over a summer break along the sun-drenched shores of a nearby lake. Only Mads is having problems of his own, as rumours are rampant that his girlfriend may not have been true to him at a local party.

Determined to enjoy their weekend nonetheless, both couples are soon to be found sampling the amenities to be had at their lakeside lodge, along the way doing with the youth of the day do best. For they swim, they smoke and boy do they drink, inparticular Mads who is soon to be seen the worse for one drink too many. Only in seeing his best friend safely to bed, Kristian seemingly cannot stop himself from looking at Mads' half naked body, let alone from proceeding to caress his bare chest with his hands and lips, before heading south to explore down below. Come the morning however, Mads is nowhere to be found. As a frantic search begins, Kristian eventually finds Mads lost in thought; after all he was asleep last night - wasn't he?

Summer Blues by Frank Mosvold As one of the more famous gay short films to originate from Norway, this seductive relationship drama is played with a natural feel by a young cast knowledgeable of the fact that the sequence in which Kristian knowingly takes advantage of his drunken friend, is as voyeuristic, as it is the homoerotic lynchpin of the piece. And yet this short does not end as you might expect, given like the Spanish feature Krámpack aka Nico & Dani, it showcases how two close friends come to realise that their sexual identities lie at opposite ends of the Kinsey scale.

Laced with a series of picturesque shots of the coastline, this is tale of a teenage crush, literally taken - a touch too far. That it remains sweet, rather than bitter, is to Mosvolds' credit. 


09 February 2012

The Disco Years (1994)

THEDISCOYEARSThe Disco Years (1994)

Director: Robert Lee King
Writer: Robert Lee King
Genre: Short movie
Duration: 30 min
Country: USA

Stars: Matt Nolan, Gwen Welles and Dennis Christopher

Iako je ovaj film snimljen prije 18 godina, neke stvari se kod nas nisu promjenile od tada. Možda je homofobičnost na balkanu još i veća nego u USA prije 20 godina.
Da li vam se kad desilo da ste sa nekim završili u krevetu , imali strastven seks i taman kad ste pomislili da ste pronašli nekoga sakim možete podijeliti dio svojih emocija, čitava stvar bude završena.
Naprosto ima ljudi koji bi rado imali seks sa muškarcem, ali nakon što to sebi dopuste, najradije bi da dožive potpunu amneziju na taj događaj. Nakon toga im se ponovo oće, pa neće, pa se ožene, pa onda opet oće i dok shvate na koji način da usklade sami sebe prođe im pola života.
Kada naiđete na takve ljude, moj vam je savjet da ne živite u lažnoj nadi nego jasno recite šta želite. Život je pun mogućnosti, izazova i šansi koje treba iskoristiti.

Druga stvar o kojoj možete razmišljati kako sebe uklopiti u homofobičnu sredinu.
Teško je dati neki univerzalan savjet. O tome morate sami razmisliti i donijeti odluke na koji način će te se postaviti prema okruženju. Možda da sve zadržite za sebe, da se javno izjasnite o svojoj seksualnoj orjantaciji ili nešto treće. Šta god odlučili - ISPRAVNO JE!

Pogledajte film OVDJE.


Watch this movie HERE.

Coming of age in the 70s, 16 September 1999
Author: Matthew Ignoffo ( from Eatontown, NJ, USA

This is a bittersweet story of a teen coming of age and realizing that he is gay in the 70s. He has a brief sexual experience with his handsome tennis team mate, but then the team mate gets cold feet and turns homophobic. The main character must deal not only with the rejection of this person on whom he has a crush but also with his shame at realizing that he is gay and the threat of being discovered, especially in light of the homophobia directed to another classmate and a gay teacher. His single-parent mom is supportive until she learns what is bothering him.

The story is touching, funny, sad, and true to the pain of coming out. The performers are all excellent. The film is short and to the point -- an excellent production.

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The Boy Next Door (2008)

the boy next doorThe Boy Next Door (2008)



Director: Gregor Schmidinger
Writer: Gregor Schmidinger
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Year: 2008



Stars: Michael Ellison, Truman Chambers and Damon Preston


Dešava li vam se da zapostavite najboljeg prijatelja zbog 'nove ljubavi'? Ili čak i porodicu, ljude koji su vam dragi?
Ponekad smo nekome od njih potrebni i tada bi trebali da znamo da je vrijednije biti sa njima nego trčati za kurcem.

Ovaj prelijepi kratki film nam govori o tome. Muška prostitutka, čekajući klijenta u jednoj hotelskoj sobi naiđe na klijentovog malo sina koji uplašen od monstruma nije mogao da spava.


The Boy Next Door from Gregor Schmidinger on Vimeo.

Mark, a 25-year-old male prostitute who suffers from anxiety attacks accidentally runs into the 10-year-old son of one of his clients. When the boy tells him he is looking for his father Mark, taken by surprise, wants nothing to do with him. But while they wait for the client to return Mark realizes that maybe this unexpected guest was exactly what he needed. Over the course of the night this strange new friendship grows and gives both Mark and Justin the courage to overcome their fears and face their own personal demons.


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Between the Boys (2004)

betweenboysBetween the Boys (2004)


Director: Jake Yuzna
Writer: Jake Yuzna
Genres: Short movie
Country: USA 
Year: 2004
Runtime: 4 min

Stars: Rick Stahlmann, Adam Vanderveen and Thalia Drori




Za pogledati prije nego podjete na posao!
Sve lijepo počinje, zimski pejzaž, dva zgodna momka, istražuju jedan drugoga, erotska scena ispod tuša, izlazak iz kuće, bacanje po snjegu i onda paf: Žena izlazi iz kola i pita mozete li ovo unjeti u kuću momci? I oba momka skorou isto vrijeme: Yes mom..
Zar su to braća? Ili ja nisam dobro čuo?



Voyeuristically exploring a relationship between two young men, which falls into the gray area between the sexual experimentation of adolescence and the world of adult emotions, Between the Boys glimpses into one of the few remaining taboos of current times. Written by Jake Yuzna

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07 February 2012

Romeos (2011)

romeos cRomeos (2011)

Director: Sabine Bernardi
Writer: Sabine Bernardi (screenplay)
Genre: Drama
Country: Germany
Year: 2011

Stars: Rick Okon, Maximilian Befort and Liv Lisa Fries





1Malo je čudan ovaj film. Bar za mene. Gledao sam dosta filmova u kojima muškarci žele da budu žene , ali obratno ne. A i nije mi jasno kako ženi mogu da ugrade penis i da li to funkcioniše. Malo mi je sve to teško shvatiti, ali i to je dio ljudske prirode.
Trangenderi ( ne znam naziv na našem jeziku za to) su ljudi koji su pogrešno rođeni u tjelu suprotnog pola. U ovom filmu Lucas je rođen kao ženska osoba (Miriam) ali po svojoj prirodu je muško.
E sad meni je malo čudno to što se Lukas zaljubio (la) u Fabia. Ispada znači da je Lukas muškarac gay, u tjelu ženske osobe. Uh kakva zbrka.
Film je zaista dobro odrađen i preporučujem da ga pogledate. Definitivno nije dosadan i ima zanimljjivu priču.
Obično nešto napišem iz mog ličnog života vezano za neki film. U ovom slučaju nemam ništa da napišem u tom smjeru. Nikakvih životnih iskustava sa trangenderima nemam.

Battleship Pretension
2Often when a film tells a tale from the point of view of a persecuted or minority (or both) point of view, it falls into a couple of traps. The first is being more concerned with appealing to its directly targeted audience than with making a good film. For example, this is why Tyler Perry’s films are so beloved by the people at whom they’re aimed and by almost no one else. The second, much trickier trap, is becoming consumed by the socio-political bedrock of its premise and becoming an “issue” film more than anything else. This is slippery territory because the film is usually in some way worthwhile on the strength of its subject alone but the manner in which the message is delivered can make all the difference. Sabine Bernardi’s Romeos keeps its wits and makes smart choices at most turns. It is an issue film secondarily. That its lesson takes a back seat to the characters and their story makes it all the more powerful.

6Romeos tells the story of Lukas, a young German man who has relocated to the city of Cologne as a part of some German civil service thing that I didn’t fully understand but which isn’t the point anyway. There he meets and becomes infatuated with a man named Fabio (Maximilian Befort) and the two begin a tumultuous and often very passionate relationship. The hitch comes when Fabio realizes what the film has clued us in to since the beginning. Namely, the fact that Lukas was once called Miriam and is a female to male (FTM) transgendered man.

Rick Okon plays Lukas and he is Bernardi’s biggest asset, despite her already impressive talents. Though convincingly a man (because he is), he has just enough softness to his features to allow belief that he was born a woman. Given that this look would have to be a necessity, it is a terrific stroke of luck for Bernardi and for the viewer that Okon also turns out to be such a skilled actor. The fact that he is both internally and externally uncomfortable almost all the time is relayed by him in ways that are never overt but also impossible to miss. The way he sits, the way he moves and the way he talks are all symptoms of his desire not to be noticed most of the time.


4Where Romeos really stakes its claim of individuality is when it decides, rightly, to explore Lukas’ flaws. It doesn’t do so periodically or directly. Instead, the unlikable aspects of him are a constant undercurrent that occasionally bubbles over. The film’s chief offering about the nature of someone like Lukas is to observe that feeling alone in the world, even when that feeling is justified, can turn a person into a narcissist. Those who do care about Lukas, such as his friend Ine (Liv Lisa Fries), are not involved in a mutually beneficial relationship. Since Lukas perceives his problems to be bigger than Ine’s, he gives no thought to her more mundane yet important personal struggles. Instead, he is constantly asking to be the subject of the conversation. Ine’s realization of this and subsequent backlash provide some of the film’s central conflicts. Lukas behaving this way and still remaining a sympathetic character is to the credit of both Okon the screenplay (also by Bernardi).

8Stylistically, Bernardi employs a general naturalism that is not gritty or hard-bitten but is instead loose. It captures the feeling of being out of school, flush with freedom but still too young to have many responsibilities. These people have their lives before them and they are simultaneously exhilarated and terrified by that. It’s only when the film attempts more lush, cinematic gestures that it tips its hand. For instance, a scene wherein Lukas is watching a transvestite at karaoke and the lighting changes theatrically and we focus in visually and aurally on the singer does not contain the skill or commitment to make such a sequence work. It instead feels amateurish, borrowed from better films like David Lynch’s Mulholland Dr.

Lukas’ story and the stories of transgendered people all over the world are worth your attention. Theirs is a minority class that is marginalized even by the minority class of which it is a subset. For that reason alone, Romeos is worth watching. Yet it’s also worth watching for the simple but immeasurable reason that it is a good film. That’s about the best thing one can say for it.

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06 February 2012

Mary Lou ( Tamid oto chalom ) (2009)


Mary Lou ( Tamid oto chalom ) (2009)


Director: Eytan Fox

Writer: Shira Artzi
Year: 2009
Genre: Musical, Drama
Country: Israel
Language: Hebrew


Stars: Efi Bibi, Angel Bonani and Lior Cohen


Fanovima Eytana Foxa sigurno nije promakao ovaj sjajan mjuzikl (muzički film) koji nam je serviran u stilu poznatog muzičkog serijala Glee Cast. Naravno ovo je Gay Glee cast, pa će nam time još više privući pažnju. Priča počinje prikazom malog Meira kojeg na njegov peti rođendan napušta majka. Taj rođendan će pamtiti i kao najsretniji i natužniji dan u životu. Majka ga je zvala malim sanjarom i sa njim pjevala njihovu omiljenu pjesmu 'Mary Lou' od poznatog izraelskog pjevača Svika Pik. Njegov veseli šareni rođendan pogledajte ispod.


Nakon što ga majka napustila Meir odrasta sa njegovim ocem. Iako je kako kaže Meir postao nekako manje životan Meirov otac David mu je pružio svu moguću ljubav i razumjevanje. Sjajan čovjek, a uz to mi izgleda kao grom! Meir odrasta sa najboljom drugaricom Shuli, kao da su rođeni brat i sestra, sa njom dijeli sve svoje tajne, brige, ushićenja.. I tako do srednje škole dok se nije pojavio Gavriel, ljepuškasti momak u kojeg su se oboje zaljubili.


Naravno Gavriel je izabrao Shuli, a nakom početnih neprihvatanja i ljubomore sprijateljio se i sa Meirom. Nakon velikog skandala u školi kada je Meir izveo predstavu u znak protesta zbog maltretiranja pošto je gay, Meir odlazi u Tel Aviv da traži Svika Pik, nadajući se da će mu pomoći da nađe majku. U Tel Avivu upoznaje Orija koji mu pomaže da se susretne sa Svika Pik. Ori inače radi u jednom Drag Queen klubu i sanja da će uspjeti kao pjevač. Transformacija u noćnom klubu vam može izgledati strašna ali i to spada u gej svjet, zar ne.


Nakon neuspjeha da nađe majku Meir ostaje kod Orija i zapošljava se u klubu, a jednom prilikom se pokazao i kao uspješan tranvestit u jednom nastupu. ( drugi dio gornjeg videa) Shulli dolazi u Tel Aviv kod Meira i zapošljava se kao bebi siterka kod samohranog oca, u kjeg se vremenom zaljubi. Gavriel na jednom dopustu takođe dolazi u Tel Aviv da traži Shuli, ali umjesto nje susreće se sa Meirom i nakon ludo provedene noći završe u krevetu. Meir je ushićen ali i uplašen šta će biti kada Shuli sazna za njih. Medjutim Shuli shvati Meira i Gavriela i sa osmjehom ode kod čovjeka za kojim joj je srce kucalo! Prava romansa, a? Najbolja drugarica prepusti momka najboljem drugu. Hm?


otacOri se upoznaje sa zgodnim taksistom Shlomijem koji ga prebije kad shvati da je Ori travestit. Ipak kasnije između njih nastane romansa u kojoj Shlomi nikako ne želi ni da vidi Orija u muškom izdanju, niti ga kao takvog prihvata, što na kraju rezultira Orijevom smrću.

Film Završava kao da ga je režirao Pedro Almodovar. Nakon što je završila Orijeva sahrana na kojoj je sa ostalim travestitima pjevao u spomen najboljem drugu, Meri odlazi kod Gabrijela u kasarnu, sa sve kostimom i plavom perikom. Gavriel u šoku i strahu kaže da ne može da prihvati da javno kaže šta osjeća.

Očajni Meri ide kod oca, koji mu na kraju kaže istinu o majci i zašto ih je napustila. Na dan njegovog rođendana otišla je u bolnicu jer nije željela da je pamte kao bolesnu ženu koja je potpuno izgubila pamćenje. Scena susreta sa majkom je dirljiva. Pogledajte: 


Boy Culture DVD Artwork.inddHaving recently been impressed with François Chang’s début feature finding source material in a Lady Gaga hit “Bad Romance,” it seemed an excellent time to view Eytan Fox’s four-part mini-series, Mary Lou.

In the same vein as crafting a musical/film out of songs (Mamma Mia!), the music of Svika Pick, the popular Israeli singer-songwriter (who briefly appears as himself) with a knack for pleasant tunes if somewhat saccharine lyrics (“Sometimes dreams come true” feeding the main plot of drag-queen-in-training Meir’s—Ido Rosenberg wears his gowns with the greatest of ease but is badly in need of a vocal coach for his non lip-sync numbers—search for his suddenly departed mom, Mary Lou—Maya Dagan plays the angelic role with faraway style; “All that remains a dull ember,” while Ori—the captivating Yedidya Vital, a.k.a. Miss Sunshine on stage—endures a beating at the surprised hands of a pick-up date whose journey to a very private place fastens on an unexpected bit of anatomy. (Sadly, with not even the pathetic character flaw in any way established, the bruised showgirl calls up her/his attacker and they begin dating.) Later “Some lives aren’t worth living” gets a chilling encore.

meir-and-gaviWithout a doubt, it’s the dance scenes that contain the best moments. Oz Morag’s infectious choreography is engagingly rendered by the ensemble, more than making up for the pedestrian plot points and limited characterizations. Having the considerable talents of The Holy Wigs—Jerusalem’s premie`re drag queen troupe—is another visual plus. Director Eytan Fox and his production team (especially director of photography Yaron Scharf) have captured the darting images with consummate skill and managed to edit down (Ron Omer, a master with every cut and fade) the many hours of takes into a snappy whole that will delight gay and straight crowds alike.

meirOf the remaining leads, Shumel Vilozni as David Levi—abandoned husband, uncomfortable with his son becoming a daughter for pay—bites his stoic tongue so long that his closing revelation seems as false as the manmade cleavage that stokes the female façade nightly. Meir’s best girlfriend Shuli is eagerly brought to adult life by Dana Frider who effortlessly morphs from wounded lover to enthusiastic fag hag. Her sometime boyfriend Gabriel (Alon Levi with camera appeal for any gender) opts to mask his sexuality in the military but is, nonetheless, helplessly drawn to Meir and his fully loaded pistol.

More telling than anything else, the inclusion of Charles Aznavour singing “What Makes a Man a Man” (just after the line “I change my sex before their very eyes” unintentionally reconstructs the last scene in Michel Tremblay’s Hosanna), succinctly demonstrates the power of superior song writing and delivery.


Nonetheless, for those who prefer their impossible dreams done up light and frothy, Mary Lou is highly recommended.




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05 February 2012

Watch Over Me (2010)

wom-coverWatch Over Me (2010)


Director: Mysh
Writer: Mysh
Genre: Short movie, Horror 
Country: Israel
Year: 2010
Duration: 14 min

Original title: Shmor Alai (2010)

Stars: Zvika Forman, Davidi Hoffman and Guy Kapulnik



Ovaj Izraelski kratki horor film nam priča priču o gay vojniku Eitanu, koji je upravo završio specijalnu obuku za tajnu vojnu jedinicu. Nakon završetka obuke sa svojim drugarima izlazi u grad. Po čemu je on poseban pogledajte u ovom filmu.


Watch Over Me is a short Israeli film about a gay solider, Eitan, who has just completed his final training in a secret army unit. He's given a night off and taken out by his mates from the unit, to be initiated by his comrades. The two others in his unit are egging him on to deal with a gay man who came into the bar while they were drinking. Hoping to protect the guy, Eitan seeks him out, but when they get to the beach and become passionate the new Eitan emerges. All the descriptions of the film are vague and only allude to the soliders being special. 

See my site about Gay Themed Movies HERE

04 February 2012

Blessure (2009) – Fairplay


Blessure (2009) – Fairplay

Director: Johan Vancauwenbergh
Writers: Roland Javornik, Johan Vancauwenbergh
Country: Belgium
Year: 2009
Language: Duch

Stars: Steven Boen, Tom De Hoog and Janne Desmet



Koliko ste puta naišli na nekog oženjenog muškarca? Ta tema već postaje pomalo otrcana jer na balkanu je brak nešto što se podrazujeva za odraslo ljudsko biće, pa i za gay i bisex ljude.
Ovaj kratki film nam pokazuje kako to izgleda ga neko ko je sebi stvorio porodicu "naleti" na posesivnog pedera.

In 2008 Roland co-wrote the short “Fairplay” (Dutch title: Blessure) by Johan Vancauwenbergh. The short was Johan’s graduation project. The leads were played by Janne Desmet ( Louise-Louise, Acht), Tom De Hoog ( David, Sara, Wittekerke) and Steven Boen ( Ella, Vermist).
Marie and Steven are a young and happy couple… although so it appears. When Tom, the much younger friend who plays in the same soccer team as Steven, returns a forgotten sports bag, he tells Marie that Steven isn’t showing up for practice anymore.

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01 February 2012

Heiko (2008)


Director: David Bonneville
Writer: David Bonneville (story)
Genre: Short movie
Country: Portugal
Year: 2008
Duration: 14 min

Stars: Jaime Freitas and José Manuel Mendes

A seventy year old aesthete is in a relationship with a young man
named Heiko. It is a fetishist relationship taken to extreme exoticism.

Visit: Orvel.Me

Zucht (2007)


Name: Sigh
Original name: Zucht
Director: Margien Rogaar
Genre: Short movie
Country: Netherlands
Duration: 10 min

Starring:Yannick de Waal, Moo Miero, Roeland Fernhout

Zucht is one of those movies you have to watch several times to fully get its meaning. At first the movie did not seem very promising or meaningful. One may even say that Zucht is quite a confusing film. However if you see it a few times through the eyes of the different characters (imagining it really)its quite possible that it will give you different very impressions about the film and the life around you.

    Visit: Orvel.Me