
25 January 2012

The One (2011)


The One

Director: Caytha Jentis
Writer: Caytha Jentis
Genre: Drama,Romance
Country: USA
Language: English
Year: 2011
Stars: Jon Prescott, Ian Novick and Margaret Anne Florence



Daniel & Tommy (One Love) (JJprods)

theone11Većina pedera teško može shvatiti nedoumice i strahove koji muče čovjeka koji prvi put osjeti snažne emocije i želju da bude sa nekim ko je gay. Strejterski način razmišljanja i življanja je u mnogo čemu različit od klasičnog pederskog pa lomovi koji nastaju kod muškarca koji se sa tim prvi put susreće mogu postati prava noćna mora.
Mladji ljudi poslije nekog kraćeg razmišljanja prihvate svoja prva seksualna iskustva kao neku istraživačku avanturu koja će ga seksualno definisati i time napokon shvatiti ko je šta želi u životu, ali kod ljudi koji su sebe već izgradili u tom smislu kao heteroseksualnu osobu koja želi da osnuje porodicu sa voljenom ženom teško doživljavaju emocije koje tu sliku narušavaju na bilo koji način.

theone17Iz iskustva znam da kada vam neko ko iz takve situacije kaže da vas voli, onda to zaista i misli i osjeća. I to snažnije nego u bilo kakvoj drugoj vezi.
Ono što večina pedera ne može da shvati je da takav čovkjek koji je spreman da se odrekne žene, ponekad i porodice da bi bio sa vama nije gay ni načinom života ni načinom razmišljanja. Naprosto to je samo čovjek koji vas iskreno voli i želi da bude sa vama, ali ne i da bude dio krpica, chatova, druženja i ćakula bilo kakvog pederskog društva.
Razumite da je takav čovjek sebe izgradio u jednom drugom svjetu i da sebe nikada neće vidjeti kao pripadnika neke gay zajednice. Ukoliko održite takvu vezu dugi niz godina, taj otklon će se ublažiti i biti tolerantniji. Mali broj pedera to izgura do kraja. Naprosto u njihovoj prirodi je da budu drugačiji, radoznaliji, veseliji, promiskuitetniji i druželjibiviji sa onima sličnim njima.

theone16Ovaj film nam je ispričao priču o ljubavi između jednog 'str8' i jednog gay momka, koji se naprosto ne snalaze u novonastaloj situaciji.

PS. Često dobijam kritike zašto upotrebljam izraz 'peder'. Za mene peder nije pogrdna riječ za homoseksualno orjentisanog čovjeka, već izraz za način ponašanja velike grupe ljudi bez obzira na seksualnu orjentaciju. Pederom vas ne čini to sa kime se jebete, već to kako se ponašate.

External review: [Scott Menzel]

theone17It was day two of Cinefest 2011 when I journeyed into the theater to see The One. What I like most about film festivals is sometimes seeing a film that I know very little about. All I knew about the film was that it was a movie about a guy who was struggling with his sexuality. As a straight male, one may wonder why I would dare to see a film like this, but I go see films of all subject matters so why discriminate a film because it is about gay men. I happily went into the theater with The Film Raider as we began to see just what this movie, The One was all about.

theonefiDaniel (Jon Prescott) is an investment banker in New York, who is just about the tie the knot with his perfect bride to be, Jennifer (Margaret Anne Florence). One day after work, Daniel goes to a local bar to get a drink and he meets a local named Tommy (Ian Novick). A few beers later, Daniel and Tommy leave the bar and venture to Tommy's apartment. This is when the impossible happens as Daniel and Tommy engage in drunk sex. The next morning, Daniel wakes up and begins to deny everything that has happened from the night before. He tries to forget the past, but it seems that Tommy just keeps popping up all around him. It isn't long before Daniel begins to question himself and has to ultimately decide for himself who in fact is The One.

theone20When the final credits began to roll and the cast of The One made it to the front of the theater to start the Q&A. The audience for the Q&A wasn't the best and for some reason no one decided to turn the lights on in the theater so we could see the cast. The Q&A was decent for what it was, but it wasn't until Michael Billy became to speak that I became really interested. I thought his take on the film was actually the best I ever heard about. Anyone who hears the title and sees the film will thinking the title, The One, actually refers to finding that one people. The difference as Billy pointed out is that the film was about finding yourself and being true to who you are. That was a great message to end the film with instead of the generic Hollywood tale that you would have thought.

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