
15 May 2009

En malas compañías (2000) aka Doors Cut Down

En malas compañías (2000) aka Doors Cut Down

Director: Antonio Hens
Scenario: Antonio Hens
Genre: Comedy, Short
Country: Spain
Year: 2000
Duration: 17 min
Rating: 7.5/10

Actors: Israel Rodríguez, Pablo Puyol, Antonio Álamo, Juan Carlos Rubio, Juanma Lara, Concha Galán, Miguel Zurita, José Manuel Seda, Aníbal Soto, Juan Carlos Villanueva, Manuel Salas, Cuca Escribano, Rafael Salazar, Virginia Pérez, Julio San Juan


Dobro jutro, odavno nisam ništa pisao po blogu. Razlog nije taj da sam napstio blog nego jednostavno nemam vremena. Kako se primiče ljeto sve više posla imam, a sve manje vremena da gledam filmove. Sa druge strane ništa novo što bi bilo vrijedno komentirati nisam gledao. Zato sam malo vrtio stare filmove koje imam i listao druge blogove i sajtove u potrazi za nečim zanimljivim. Da budem iskren sve sam već ili gledao ili jednostavno ne znam zašto bi neki film stavljao na blog. Mnogi od njih jednostavno nisu gay tematike iako se nalaze po gay tematskim sajtovima.

Za jutros sam vam odabrao jedan kratki film od nekih 17-tak minuta. Film je iz kolekcije Boy Briefs 2 i zanimljiv je za pogledati. Govori o jednom tinejdžeru i njegovom pogledom na ljude oko sebe. On jednostavno zna šta oće, a često uradi i ponešto što neče! Sjećate li se tih vremena, kada ste uvijek gladni seksa i ljubavi trčali od jednog do drugog lika? Najčešća i uobičajena tinejdđerska pojava.
Svestan svog izgleda i privlačnosti vješto manipuliše ljudima oko sebe, sve dok nije nagazio na minu i to u jednom tržnom centru u wc-u. Da bi sve bilo začinjeno o njegovim seksualnim afinitetima saznaju i njegovi roditelji i to od policije. Ipak krv nije voda, koliko god teško bilo prihvatićemo tu realnost i nakon svih ppočetnih muka pokušati da pomognemo rođenom djetetu, zar ne. A ljubavi dodju i prodju, sve dok ne nađemo neku koja nam se uvuče u svaki dio tijela i zauvjek ostane sa nama! Film ima titl na engleskom. Skinite ga OĐE ( baš mi je simpatično napisti to OĐE )

Doors Cut Down (one of the shorts on Boys Briefs 2) is about the adventures of Guillermo, a gay high school slut boy, in the mens room of the Shopping Mall in his neighborhood. Under Today's Laws for Films For and By Abused Homos, Doors Cut Down would end with Guillermo either dying of AIDs or him being beaten to death in a violent gang gay bashing. Fortunately, Doors Cut Down wasn't made by an American Homo, Doors Cut Down ends with Guillermo alive, healthy and happy roller blading through his neighborhood.

Doors Cut Down is one of the few GAY FILMS I've seen that presents a young gay guy as happy and having fun being gay. Guillermo is clearly a slut and a tad irresponsible, however, what young guy, gay or straight, isn't a slut and a tad irresponsible.

There is something very familiar looking about the actor who plays Guillermo, Israel Rodriguez. Israel appears to have done a lot of acting work.

There is a scene in the movie that reminds me of something one of the Bel Ami directors said about making gay adult movies, the directors said that Gay Guys are always harder to work with.

When Guillermo narrates how he picks up men, he says that the Gay Guys are always more difficult. There is a scene of Guillermo and an older Gay Guy and the guy is going on and on about how he doesn't hang out in mens rooms and about how he is looking for a relationship, this scene takes place in a stall in the mens room. Obviously, the Gay Guy comes off looking a tad silly saying that he is looking for a relationship when he is in a toilet stall with a high school kid.

The actor who plays Guillermo is very good, he has a perfect way of conveying being on the prowl without it looking sinister. There is a shot of Guillermo kissing his older boyfriend while simultaneously eying another guy to have sex with that is just too cute for words.

English subtitle Here

1 comment:

  1. This movie is very very good jejeje, I remember see in the tv, and I crazy for a REC jejeje


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