
03 April 2009

La Mujer de mi Hermano (2005) Aka My Brother's Wife

La Mujer de mi Hermano (2005) Aka My Brother's Wife

Director: Ricardo de Montreuil
Scenario: María Eugenia Argomedo, Jaime Bayly
Genre: Drama
Country: Argentina, Mexico, Peru, USA
Year: 2005
Duration: 89 min

Rating: 6.4/10

Actors: Bárbara Mori, Christian Meier, Manolo Cardona, Gaby Espino, Beto Cuevas, Bruno Bichir, Angélica Aragón

U mom životu ima već i previše priča o pederima koji su se oženili zbog blokada koje su sami sebi nametnuli. Uticaj naše konzervative sredine, tadicionalistickog vaspitanja i želja da budemo kao i drugi samo su neki od mnogih razloga koji mogu natjerati pedera da se oženi! Neki u tome vide samo način da prikriju svoju homoseksualnost. Uživaju u svom porodičnom domu, a koriste svaki trenutak da se iskradu i drkaju po javnim WC-ima, parkovima i sličnim mjestima. Malo vještiji koriste internet i gledaju da se na svaki nacčn docepaju kite! Pri tome žive u neviđenom strahu da im ne spadne vješto izrađena maska kojom kriju svoju pravu prirodu.
Vremenom svi trpe i nesretna žena koja ima sve manje seksa i nesretni peder koji doživljava noćne more u strahu da mu đeca ne saznaju da im je tata kurcopušac.
A kada se sve to uplete i još jedna veza, nastaje priča za film. Ne jedan nego stotine filmova. Nekako svo vrijeme koegzistiram sa pričama na tu temu. Valjda zato jer me privlace jaki i muževni muškarci, a zbog moje potrebe da sakrijem svoje homoseksualne nagone najrađe izaberem oženjenog čovjeka! Možda zato jer mislim da će čuvajuci sebe, sačuvati i mene. I tako vremenom upadnem u mrežu ispletenu od sopstvenih laži da bude momenata kada jedva raspletem put do istine!
Svaki ukradeni trenutak kada se vidim sa voljenom osobom smatram darom od boga i budem zahvalan za to! A kad ostanem sam u četiri zida trudim se da ne razmišljam o tome koga grli kada mene nema!

Druga priča je kada se nesretnik koji je zasnovao porodicu i ima djecu zaljubi u muškarca. Na šta je sve spreman da udovolji svom srcu?! Koliko rizikuje time? I šta na kraju može očekivati od te veze?

Treća priča je žena! Vremenom osjeti pomanjkanje strasti , vidi kod muža neku osdsutnost a ne zna u čemu je problem! Kasnije nauči da je to tako u većini brakova i sve pređe u naviku.

I još milion prica, ispricanih i ne ispricanih. Svodi se na trougao u kojem svako ima svoj cošak i sa teškom mukom bar na momenat prede u susjedni.
Ako se otkrije zabranjena posjeta, trougao se raspada i postane predmet pogleda ljudi kojih se u biti to uopšte ne tice!

U ovom filmu, nesretna žena ima avanturu sa muževljevim bratom sa kojim na kraju ostaje trudna. Pri svemu tome i muž ima svoje tajne, a kako se sve završava kada istina rasplete laži vidite sami. Nemojte ocekivati mnogo, nema nekih seksi scena i velikih romansi! Ovo je samo još jedna u nizu mnogih prica.

Medju linkovima imate i titl na engleskom jeziku. Na žalost na Ex Yu jezicima ga još nema!

La Mujer de mi Hermano Aka My Brother's Wife


A Lionsgate release of a Lionsgate, Panamax Films and Stan Jakubowicz presentation of a Shallow Entertainment production. Produced by Jakubowicz. Executive producers, Jakubowicz, James M. McNamara, Benjamin Odell. Co-producer, Jaime Bayly. Directed by Ricardo de Montreuil. Screenplay, Jamie Bayly.

Zoe Edwards - Barbara Mori
Ignacio Edwards - Christian Meier
Gonzalo Edwards - Manolo Cardona
Boris - Bruno Bichir
Cristina - Angelica Aragon
Padre Santiago - Beto Cuevas

If you strip "Unfaithful" of Adrian Lyne's touch or filter Kubrick out of "Eyes Wide Shut," they remain provocative looks at adultery. But, if you deprive desperate-housewife yarn "La mujer de mi hermano" of helmer Ricardo de Montreuil's polished approach, all that remains is a tawdry Telenovela. Soapy melodrama and a small-screen cast undermine the first-time director's efforts to dress up screenwriter Jaime Bayly's adaptation of his novel about a sexually unfulfilled married woman who beds her hubby's brother. Successful South-of-border run suggests Latin interest with limited crossover potential if Lionsgate positions the pic properly.

Although Uruguayan-born beauty Barbara Mori, a Spanish-speaking TV star, could easily cross over to English-language roles, this revealing lead perf does more to showcase the skills that landed her in the January 2004 issue of Maxim than those needed to put her in competition with Salma Hayek or Penelope Cruz.

The way Mori plays it, the title phrase -- which translates to "My Brother's Wife" -- conveys the same off-limits appeal reflected in the word "MILF."

Zoe Edwards (Mori) grows tired of her rich husband Ignacio (Christian Meier) and finds passion in the arms of his spontaneous younger brother Gonzalo (Manolo Cardona).

For at least the first half hour, pic sustains the illusion of artistic ambitions thanks to an elegant opening-credits sequence in which fallen leaves and doomed insects float adrift on water. Those images correspond to Ignacio's routine of cleaning his designer swimming pool, going out of his way to rescue a drowning beetle.

The pool provides a symbol (so does the impressive modern "glass house") as de Montreuil tries to bring class to a story destined to drown in its own suds.

Viewers needn't wait long for the hanky panky to commence: Things are already tense between brothers Ignacio and Gonzalo, while Zoe resents that her disinterested husband can't have children. There's little to suggest why Zoe and Ignacio are together in the first place, much less how they have lasted for nearly 10 years of marriage.

She is, as her gay best friend Boris (Bruno Bichir) suggests, far too beautiful to be ignored.

This daytime-TV-caliber setup favors shallow titillation over deeper psychology. The lovers are perpetually on the brink of discovery, but it's Zoe's inevitable pregnancy that thrusts everything out in the open.

For a modest South American melodrama, "La mujer de mi hermano" manages to tackle everything from adultery to incest to abortion and homosexuality, spanning roughly a year in the lives of its characters in 89 overcrowded minutes. A mesmerizing score from Angelo Milli ("Secuestro Express") and polished cinematography by d.p. Andres E. Sanchez (who also lensed de Montreuil's award-winning short "Amiga") give Zoe's marriage an almost chlorinated feel, but heat up when Gonzalo is around.


  1. hello thank you for the great movies.
    The link for the first part is wrong. Could you upload the first part please?
    Thank you once again x alex

  2. thank you! First link is ok now!

  3. thank you mate x alex


Don't write any links for download! Thanks!