
06 April 2009

Antarctica (2008)

Antarctica (2008)

Director: Yair Hochner
Scenario: Yair Hochner
Genre: Drama, Romance
Country: Israel
Year: 2008
Duration: 110 min
Rating: 6.6/10

Subtitle: English

Actors: Dvir Benedek, Hana Coller, Yael Deckelbaum, Lucy Dubinchik, Liat Ekta, Adi Fain, Ofer Ein Gal, Alon Harari, Noam Huberman, Tomer Ilan, Yosefa Kimhy, Korin, Danni Lachman, Noa Lazar, Dina Limon, Yiftach Mizrahi, Rivka Neuman, Yoel Noy, Yuval Raz, Ofer Regirer, Dana Ruttenberg, Oshri Sahar, Shirli Salomon, Tamar Yerushalmi, Guy Zoaretz

Ja volim jednog, taj me nece, drugi voli prvog, prvi voli treceg, treci voli drugog... i tako u nedogled. Svi izgleda vole pogrešnu osobu, niko nikog nece , a medusobno se svi pojebaše!
Tako je to na filmu, al cini mi se i u stvarnosti. Jednom sam upao u neko gay društvo u beogradu. To mi je bio prvi susret sa pederima koji se medusobno druže. Do tada sam uvjek nekako imao jednog muškarca pored sebe i curu! Al se nikada nisam susretao sa pravim pederskim društvom. I naivčina kakav sam bio, ja sve govorio istinu, od onog šta osjecam, šta želim , kako razmišljam itd A pederi namirisali novo meso pa sve oko mene, jedni druge ogovaraju , te ovaj je kurva, ovaj onakav, onaj ovakav....
U čudu se nadjoh, pa što se onda druže kada tako ružno jedni o drugima misle?! Kada neko gleda sa strane reko bi da je upao u skup ljudi gdje niko nikoga ne voli! A istina je da su se svi medjusobno kad tad pojebali. Na kraju kada su vidjeli da previše biram i da nikoga neću iz tog društva proglasiše me droljom koja se jebe po Adi Ciganliji u žbunju! He kada sam to čuo otrčao sam odmah u to nesretno žbunje da vidim šta se to tamo dešava! Al to je već druga priča.
Ovaj film me podsjetio na to! Svi nailaze na pogrešne osobe , al niko nekoga ne propušta! Bar po neki put da se pojebu pa da nastave potragu za nečim, a neznaju ni sami šta traže. Vikend sex sa nepoznatima je obavezna stvar! Valjda će preko kurca shvatiti ko je kakva osoba!
Pravi pederski film u režiji Yair Hochnera predstavlja nastavak Israelske gay produkcije!

Reyhan Harmanci, San Francisco Chronicle

Although "Antarctica" is far racier, less slapstick and of course not a television show, I couldn't stop thinking about "Friends" while watching the Israeli coming-of-age comedy. It has all the same elements: an outrageously attractive cast, somewhat wooden acting and a revolving bedroom door. The city of Tel Aviv seems to have shrunk to a population of around 10 people, with one street, one shop, one coin laundry, one library and, of course, the coffee shop.

"Antarctica" produces some nice moments between characters, but the artificial setup makes for many awkward, hollow interactions. What the film does have going for it are frequent and passionate sex scenes. These encounters have an honesty that the movie lacks - they do more for character development than the dialogue does.

The film opens with a series of split-screen encounters between one man (Boaz, played by Ofer Regirer) and a series of other men - shy dancer Danny (Yiftach Mizrahi), sexy journalist Ronen (Guy Zo-Aretz), comic relief character Miki (Yuval Raz), the eminently forgettable Eiten (Oshri Sahar) and the nerdy Omer (Tomer Ilan), who turns out to be the protagonist of the film.

The opening sets a brisk, if confusing, pace. Clearly, hook-up culture is as prevalent in Israel as it is in the United States. Names are seldom exchanged - hence the running joke about the slutty Boaz continuing to forget his encounters with Eiten until they meet again, in bed.

From that montage beginning, a title card announces that the main action takes place three years later. Omer, a good-looking gay librarian who is about to turn 30 (maybe the Courtney Cox/Monica character?) is clearly hungry for love. He goes on a blind date with the younger Danny (last seen shagging the much-older Boaz), which leaves both men feeling "eh." Meanwhile, Miki takes his Internet interactions offline with Ronan, who, most improbably for a journalist in this century, makes eyes at Omer at the library where he does research. He also, it must be said, looks much more like an underwear model than a reporter.

Omer's cute, lesbian kid sister, Shirley (Lucy Dubinchik), has some romantic troubles of her own - she was engaged to be married but longs to travel the world before settling down. At least, that's what she tells the older lesbian owner of the coffee shop, Michal (Liat Akta), whose over-the-top sexual innuendo toward Shirley seems more like workplace harassment than charming banter.

Like "Friends," these characters only seem to interact with each other. Perched on his stool at the library, the perpetually frowning Omer waits for friends to drop by. Ronan interviews a wacky author at Shirley's coffee shop and then later goes on a date with Miki there. Boaz, perhaps the least fleshed out character of the lot, runs into Danny, with whom he had a hot monthlong fling three years before, in a dance studio and pines for him (while continuing to sleep with many others.) And so on and so forth.

Part of the movie's problem is its length. At almost two hours, the inevitable plot machinations grind slowly. Ronen and Omer finally hang out but are stopped by Miki's fling with Ronen. The coffee shop's open-mike nights provide music for the soundtrack - a particularly alarming choice by the filmmakers - which is supposed to underline the characters' emotions. But the locale doesn't offer any insight into the characters. The film could have been shot on a soundstage in Los Angeles as easily as the streets of Tel Aviv.

Still, "Friends" was a hit for a reason: It's fun to see attractive people get together and fall apart. "Antarctica" offers the same soap-opera-like rewards to the audience. It was refreshing, too, to see the entirely queer world of the film presented so straightforwardly (no pun intended). However, romantic comedies in general are hard to pull off, and although "Antarctica" doesn't succeed as a love story, it manages a few hot nights along the way.

In Hebrew with English subtitles