
01 January 2009

Uomini uomini uomini (1995)

Uomini uomini uomini (1995)

Kao prvo da Vam poželim sretnu Movu 2009. godinu!
Ovu novu godinu sam dočekao doma. Nisam nikuda izlazio, sam ko pustinjak, Ja , Televizor i internet! Strašno!
Nije strašno to što sam bio sam, nego je strašno to što sam zadovoljan! Kao da sam otišao u neki provod ili da sam bio sa voljenim! Eto toliko sam zadovoljan! Znači li to da sam postao dovoljan sam sebi?
Kasno sinoć , kada sam odaslao sve poruke i kada su na Tv počeli da se vrte filmovi odem na moj omiljeni video čat , kad tamo nekoliko stotina ljudi! Ej pa ko prava žurka, puštala se dobra muzika, bilo tu svega i svačega, i pedera, i parova i žena i svi goli! I ja sam se naravno skinuo ,pa zajedno sa njima djuskao do ujutro! Ako ovo čita neki psihijatar neka mi prepiše neke tablete, jer ja sam sa sinočnjom žurkom više nego zadovoljan! :)))
E sad ta samoća i nije tako strašna. U ovom filmu koji pokazuje 4 40-godišnjaka se pominje strah osd samoće u starosti- Možda bi kada nebi imao nikoga i ja bio takav. Ne mogu se zamisliti za jedno 15-20 godina kao matoro gunđalo koje dosadjuje svakom ko mu se približi! Al nikada se nezna. Možda budem još gori!

Ja napisah tolike gluposti a ni jedne riječi o filmu! Ovo vam je je jedna Italijanska komedija koja pokazuje zebnje i strahove ljudi srednjeg doba! ( i ja spadam u te! ) Kada predjete 40-tu i dalje se osjećate jakim i snažnim i poželjnim jer vas većina klinaca želi! Međutim, iskustvo iza nas nam je kreiralo neke sasvim drugačije namjere! Pogledajte!

Year: 1995
Genre: Comedy
Director: Christian De Sica
Country Italy
Subtitle: English
Actors: Paolo Conticini, Carlo Croccolo, Christian De Sica, Paolo Gasparini, Massimo Ghini, Leo Gullotta, Alessandro Haber, Paco Reconti, Fabrizia Sacchi, Monica Scattini

This film chronicles 6 months in the lives of four middle-aged homosexual friends, each of whom is a neurotic wreck. The film opens in a gay disco with very hunky Italian Go-Go boys and moves on through the lives of each of the men. As we watch the problems plaguing them, we also see their sense of humor, as they spur each other to perform outrageous pranks and sexual games. They love, suffer, fight, are good or bad, and are generous or envious. All four characters are shown as lonely, pathetic, predatory, misogynistic and incapable of sustaining an intimate long-term relationship--but they laugh at the cards that life has dealt them. Sandro (Massimo Ghini) is a television producer who discovered his homosexuality after having started a family. Dado (Alessandro Haber) is a successful orthopedic surgeon. Tony (Leo Gullotta) is a women's tailor who lives with his possessive mother. And Vittorio (Christian De Sica) is an architect in love with an associate who is about to be wed. Together, the four men party through Rome, sharing adventures, practical jokes, and some disappointments. There is a sobering and frightening climax with a very handsome, naive, and vulnerable straight young man.

The movie is intelligent and mature, yet full of young-at-heart lust and desire, as well as pain and pathos. All four actors give excellent performances, lending depth to their characters and making them sympathetic. Sandro, the most macho of the group, is particularly intense. Yet as good as the actors are, they cannot compensate for a gag-driven script that is predictable, with gay stereotypes. Basically, the film is a series of vignettes in which the characters' growth is substantially limited. Yet it is an entertaining, enjoyable movie, despite its lack of continuity. Christian De Sica's direction is almost perfect, making one to wonder what level of success he might attain with a decent screenplay. De Sica wrote the screenplay. The English title is "Men or Not Men".


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