
26 January 2009

Prayers for Bobby (2009) (TV)

Prayers for Bobby (2009) (TV)

Da li možda griješim što na ovom blogu stavljam ovoliko filmova koji na neki način podstiču coming out? Dobio sam dosta mailova u kojem me tinejdžeri pitaju o tome. Uglavnom me pitaju da im predložim neki film, a često isključivo traže filmove na temu coming out-a. Mislim da ovi filmovi uglavnom nisu prilagođeni balkanskim pravilima života. Gledajuči većinu ovih filmova možemo steći sliku da če naša okolina nakon početnih teškoća sa lakoćom prihvatiti pedere kao dio svog okruženja. To ipak u većini slučajeva nije tačno. Prije će biti da će okolina odbaciti i izložiti ruglu svakoga ko se javno deklariše kao peder. Tolerisaće samo one koji o tome ne pričaju i ponašaju se u skladu sa njima prihvatljivim moralnim načelima.
Pa vi vidite šta će te uraditi. Taj korak ipak ne treba učiniti nepromišljeno. Većina ljudi koje poznajem je to učinila samo u okviru svoje porodice. Za to treba imati stabilnu i jaku familiju, koja vas iskreno voli i podržava. Važno je i to u kakvoj sredini živite, obrazovanje, religija....

Možda savijet od psihologa nije bespotrebno potražiti.
Razmislite o svemu prije nego uradite nešto takvo. Svaki slučaj je drugačiji i na svoj način jedinstven.
Prayers for Boby je još jedan u nizu tragičnih coming out filmova, istinita priča, poučna za mnoge.

Ovo je film koji preporučujem roditeljima. Jedna moja prijateljica je jednom prilikom rekla: Ne bih voljela da je moje dijete peder, ali ako to i bude jednako ću ga voljeti i podržavati. Svidjelo mi se to što je rekla, al da li je to zaista tako?
Mislim da se tradicionalne predrsude mogu ublažiti ili razbiti samo obrazovanjem i savjetovanjem roditelja. Da li se o tome priča na roditeljskim sastancima, da li postoje brošure za roditelje o tome? Oslonimo se na to da je roditeljska ljubav ipak najjača i najtrajnija ljudska emocija!

Prayers for Bobby ( Molitve za Bobija ) je istinita priča i samo jedna od nebrojenih primjera coming out-a koja je na žalost završila tragično!
Mladi ljudi, tinejdžeri posebno, bolje da se predhodno savjetuju sa nekim starijim ili potraže pomoć psihologa ili psihijatra, prije nego se odluče da svojim najbližim objave svoju prirodu! Na žalost za 20-togodišmjeg Bobija sve je kasno! Kajanje, osude, izgovori, molitve i sve ono što možemo uraditi da olakšamo grijeh što smo bili slijepi
i nemoćni da prihvatimo svog najbližeg onakvim kakav jeste ne može vratiti izgubljeni život, ali može nam ostaviti pouku za budućnost!

Year: 2009
Genre: Biography, Drama
Director: Russell Mulcahy
Duration: 88 min
Country: USA
Subtitles: NO
Actors: Sigourney Weaver, Henry Czerny, Ryan Kelley, Dan Butler, Austin Nichols, Carly Schroeder, Shannon Eagen, Scott Bailey, Rebecca Louise Miller, Anna Badalamenti, Ele Bardha, Linda Boston, David G.B. Brown, Kyle Clarington, Rusty Daugherty, Ber Fox, William C. Fox, Axel Harney, Chris Hendricks, Steve Jasgur, Patrick Michael Kenney, Sam Khaleghi, Madge Levinson, Tevis R. Marcum, Brent Mata, Marshall McClean, Alyssa McMillan, Rusty Mewha, Julia Mogerman, Anthony Moscato, Jaime Moyer, Janice O'Neill, Susan Ruttan, Amanda Ryskamp, Sean Scarlett, Lauren Mae Shafer, Dan Wells, Billy Whitehouse, Melanie Wilson

Filmed in Detroit by Once Upon a Time Films in association with Permut Presentations and Sladek Taaffe Prods. Executive producers, Stanley M. Brooks, David Permut, Daniel Sladek, Chris Taaffe; producer, Damian Ganczewski; co-producers, Steve Longi, Silvio Muraglia, David Steinberg, Mary Griffith, Leroy Aarons; director, Russell Mulcahy; writer, Katie Ford, based on the book by Aarons. Mary Griffith - Sigourney Weaver, Bob Griffith - Henry Czerny, Bobby Griffith - Ryan Kelley, Ed Griffith - Austin Nichols, Joy Griffith - Carly Schroeder, Nancy Griffith - Shannon Eagan, David - Scott Bailey, Jeanette - Rebecca Louise Miller, Betty Lambert - Susan Ruttan, Reverend Whitsell - Dan Butler
Sigourney Weaver's TV movie debut proves worth the wait, as Lifetime's fact-based "Prayers for Bobby" revisits ground similar to that which the AIDS-themed "An Early Frost" broke nearly 25 years ago and -- thanks to enduring religious-based bigotry toward gays -- still feels fresh and poignant. Lifetime doesn't often aim this high with its made-fors, yet barring some minor questionable stylistic choices by director Russell Mulcahy, this message movie proves powerful without being unduly preachy. The year is 1979, and Mary Griffith (Weaver) has what looks to be a family plucked from a Norman Rockwell painting, until teenage son Bobby (Ryan Kelley, simply terrific) confides to his brother ("John From Cincinnati's" Austin Nichols) that he dreams of boys, not girls. Refusing to accept that her son might be gay, the God-fearing Mary begins a campaign to "cure" him -- posting passages of scripture on his bathroom mirror and forcing him into uncomfortable therapy sessions."There's no doubt in my mind that God can handle this," she announces to her husband (Henry Czerny), who's mostly a passive observer, other than dragging Bobby along on a camping trip, presumably to help butch him up.So it goes, until Bobby -- in an act of pain and desperation -- flings himself off a freeway overpass at the age of 20. What follows is Mary's spiritual quest to understand what transpired -- a tormented, tear-stained journey for which three hankies won't be nearly enough.Beautifully adapted by writer Katie Ford from Leroy Aarons' book, the movie takes dialogue that has doubtless been expressed from children to parents countless times before -- "Why would I choose this?" an exasperated Bobby pleads to his mother -- and sharpens its edges to unleash the heartbreak within. That's largely due to the fine performances, which zero in on the characters' shared suffering, frustration and confusion. Mulcahy does indulge in a few unnecessary flourishes, from using what are essentially camera tricks to accentuate Bobby's emotional distress to having one extended speech delivered directly into the camera. Yet these amount to quibbles in what's otherwise a class act, one that tackles its subject matter with the sort of uncompromising passion not readily associated with Lifetime titles like last year's "Sex and Lies in Sin City: The Ted Binion Scandal."The common thread among Lifetime's disparate movies is that they pivot on a recognizable actress in a central role. "Prayers for Bobby" certainly has that, and in Weaver a leading lady whose prayers for a part worthy of her talents have been forcefully answered.


  1. rapidshare plz...plz...plz...

  2. hey rapidshare is free! but when i find rapidshare links i will put it here!

  3. Thank u so much!

    I am so exctied to watch the movie!

  4. does anybody knows were I can found english subtitles?


  5. Your links are more than 1GB. Can you please offer a smaller link just like most of your links here? Thank you in advance.

  6. There's a problem with the mediafire file part6...

    Could u, plsssssssssssssssss, chect it?



  7. I love Sigourney Weaver, thank you Orvel :--D

  8. Higher quality:
    Password: twistedangel

  9. link 6 on mediafire work for me! try again!


Don't write any links for download! Thanks!