
21 January 2009

Kali Ma (2007)

Kali Ma (2007)

Jeste li se kada susretali sa majkama svojih ljubavnika? Mislim na okolnosti da majka zna da ste peder i vi i njen sin! Meni se desilo da me moj tadašnji ljubavnik upozna sa svojom majkom u stilu : Mama, ovo je moj dečko! Ja propadoh u zemlju, da sam moga nestao bih sa mjesta zločina odmah.
A majka me lijepo uhvati pod ruku i reče idemo u pozorište. Usput mi reče kako joj je drago da joj je sin našao nekog našeg čovijeka, a ne nekog belosvetskog probisveta! To se zove super mama! Žena ima srca i za sina i za sebe!

Ova kratka priča me je jutros slatko nasmijala. Poluđela majka ide da brani sina pedera! Nakon što joj Londonski mangup isprebija sina, mama se baci u osvetničku akciju!
Cjeli film imate u blogu a kvalitetniju verziju skinite sa ponuđenog linka!

Year: 2007
Genre: Short, Thriller
Director: Soman Chainani
Duration: 14 min
Country USA, India
Actors: Brendan Bradley, Manish Dayal, Kamini Khanna, Trevis Waters

When an Indian mother finds out her son is the victim of a vicious bully, she delivers her own brand of vigilante justice. Part electric action thriller, part exhilarating comedy, KALI MA finds the secrets that divide mothers and sons and the love that brings them together.

Screamingly funny short. Santosh is in gym class and peeking as hunky Peter comes out of the shower. Santosh is embarrassed, but thinks he was not caught. As he's at his locker getting changed, Peter attacks, pins him down, and writes rude comments all over his body. Meanwhile, Santosh's mother, Kali Ma (a huge woman), is in the kitchen making an elaborate Indian mean while singing and dancing to a Bollywood soundtrack. Santosh comes home and goes right up to his room, refusing to eat. Ma goes up to his bedroom to see what's wrong, finds Santosh cowering in the closet, sees that he's bruised and marked up, and finds out who did it. Then, Kali Ma goes out for revenge.

1 comment:

Don't write any links for download! Thanks!