
13 January 2009

Family Outing (2001) - short

Family Outing (2001)

Ovo je strašno!
Dešavalo mi se da na internetu flertujem sa nekim za koga neznam da mi je rođak. Dešavalo mi se i da u mladosti sa većinom rodbine zaglavim u krevetu!
Al nedaj bože da mi se desilo nešto kao na ovom filmu!
Ne znam koliko je ovo moguće , al sudeći po pričama koje sam slušao od mnogih sve je moguće!

Ova bizarna priča prati mladog pedera koji je po prvi put otišao u gay saunu! Pogledajte po čemu je drugačijea od mnogih sličnih priča!
Kad smo već kod gay saune, ima li toga u našoj zemlji?

Year: 2001
Genre: Short
Director: Ben McCormack
Duration: 5 min
Country Australia
Actors: Leo Bradley, Michael Churven, Rhett Mansel

Family Outing followed a young man into a Bowen Hills bathhouse taking the 'added experience' of the 'special tube' only to exit the room and run into his Dad!!!, a 'true story' and a dark little tale) which included a butterfly somewhere, however dubiously or contrived in the action, many of the other films embraced, nay revelled in some key themes associated with the central motif.

This simple black and white short is like watching an urban myth - in which a young man takes his first trip to a gay sauna and is so terrified of everything that he slinks into a tiny cubicle to hide, then discovers the glory hole. Then he gets a very big surprise. When the title "a true story" appeared at the end, the audience howled and applauded.


  1. pozzz orvelx evo htio bi ti skratit pažnju na film the hole koji se čini vrlo vrlo zanimljiv pa ako možeš do cijeloga, bio bi ti zahvalan...

  2. reci malo vise o tom filmu ili url imdb-a, pa cu ga pokusati naci! Pozz



  5. jesi uspio šta naći??

  6. jesi uspio šta naći??

  7. jesi uspio šta naći??


Don't write any links for download! Thanks!