
20 December 2008

My Little Boy (2007)

My Little Boy (2007)

Kao što već znate, sav moj trud oko ning sajta je pao u vodu! Naime ning je odlucio da ukine sajt zbog narusavanja autorskih prava! Ono što me je totalno izludilo je da mi nisu dozvolili ni da napravim backup postova i blogova, a tamo je bilo oko 500 filmova!
Izgleda da im je to bila samo isprika jer nisu ni imali namjeru da podrze bilo sta sto ima veze sa gay tematikom!
Al nastavljamo sa blogom tamo gdje smo i stali.
Za vrijeme drugog svjetskog rata nacisti su pedere i druge seksualno "izopačene" likove trpali u koncentracione logore ili su ih ubijali onako kako to možete vidjeti u ovom kratkom gay filmu!

Još sam pod utiskom predatorskog ning načina na koji su ukinuli social network koji se bavio filmovima sa gay tematikom, otuda ovaj post, prvi nakon tog njihovog fašističkog čina.

Year: 2007
Genre: Short, Drama
Director: Matthias Vom Schemm
Duration: 19 min
Country Germany
Actors: André Röhner, Dominik Glaubitz, Hildegard Vom Schemm, Katia Kandziora, Markus Klauk, Tom Wlaschiha, Volker Büdt

With a harsh political context, this period drama packs a strong punch. It's about Erich (Rohner), a photographer in 1934 Germany who's in love with a stormtrooper, Wolfgang (Wlaschiha). They meet secretly in Erich's photography studio, since a new edict has decreed that homosexuality is illegal -- and punishible by death. This is especially a problem as stormtroopers are enforcing this law, and Wolfgang's colleagues might not be too far away. So it's unsurprising that Erich wants to emigrate. But Wolfgang wants to serve his country. This serious conflict between two men gives the film a meaty centre that transcends the political and historical issues, especially since they're so well played, and their interaction has a strongly sensual tone. While recreating the period with an attention to detail, filmmaker Von Schemm also captures a vivid sense of sadness, as Erich earlier photographs his friend Karl (Glaubitz), who's also being forced out of his social circle by the increasingly oppressive regime. In just 20 minutes, it's tricky to develop much character depth, but the situation is bracingly well-defined, and a closing caption adds the stark historical reality. Thie would definitely be worth expanding into a feature, and Von Schemm proves here that he has the skills to do it.
Part 1:



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