
20 July 2008

2 Minutes Later (2007)

2 Minutes Later (2007)

01.20 h Tek toliko da znate koliko je stai dok ovo kucam. Nećete vjerovati ali ovaj film sam odgledao kao da se radi o vrhunskom remek djelu, a ne o jeftinom petparačkom gay krimiću. Razlog: pa film obuluje nagim muškim thelima, a i sviđa mi se glavni glumac, koji glumi fotografa koji slikava uglavnom muškarce.
Uz to u filmu ima i seksa , pederkog seksa naravno! Ni lezbejke nisu izostavljene, mada se većina pedera gadi lezbijki. Ko da bi im ruka otpala da pipnu malo pičke! Glavna lezbejka je detektivka, koja uz pomoć glavnog glumca pedera traži ubicu njegovog brata. Nasmijao sam se kad sam je vidio kako onako mršava i jadna vadi pištolj i obračunava se sa gnjusnim zločincem.
Nemojte da vas ovo obesrabri, film spada u onu jeftinu low cost klasu, pa mu je sve oprošteno. Bez obzira na sve to film je gledljiv i siguran sam da će te se zabaviti gledajući ga! E da i ne drkajte ga , nego gledajte film!

Director: Robert Gaston
Writer: Robert Gaston (writer)
Release Date: 2007 (USA)
Genre: Adventure | Comedy | Thriller
Plot Keywords: Nude Modeling | Gay Photographer | Lgbtq | Gay Twins | Photos Don't Lie
Awards: 1 win

(Cast overview, first billed only)

Michael Molina ... Michael / Kyle Dalmar
Jessica Graham ... Abigail Marks
Peter Stickles ... Victor
J. Matthew Miller ... Joey
Jennifer Layne Park ... Monique
Mei-Yann Hwang ... May
Joe Almanza ... Tevin
Grant Barker ... Samuel
Houston Bernard ... Nico
Liz Douglas ... Kimmy
Scott Spragg ... Franz
Kim Blackman ... Kendle Darr
Adam R. Deremer ... Gio
Ben Sander ... Emily Monroe
Greg Ratz ... Conner

Runtime: USA:78 min
Country: USA
Language: English

"2 Minutes Later" is a crime-fighting/comedy film with some flesh and sex (not excessive, but certainly more than necessary). It tried to equal the sex & violence quotient seen in similar 'straight' films. This film's director, who was present the night I attended, got on stage before the film screened, and said that his film was meant just as fun entertainment; nothing more, nothing less. -- and to the person who accompanied me to this screening, that's what it was. To me it was just a gay reworking of many straight suspense films, with a major plot element (spoiler) borrowed from "Blow-Up." It had a fair amount of tepid comedy added into the mix, justifying the director's statement that it could be called 'light entertainment.'

Probably to the chagrin of the filmmaker present (and to the management of the fabulous Tampa Theatre, a splendidly renovated 'atmostpheric,' built in 1926) the film was shown through the wrong lens. What I mean is, it appears to have been a film that may have been produced with an aspect ratio of 1:1.85, but it was shown thru' a 1:1.33 lens. Everyone was just a bit too thin, too tall, --and all the cars were a foot, or so, more compact. I tried to ignore this technical problem (which wasn't easy) and see the film the way it's producer intended me to. It had it's fun moments, some suspense, and I almost enjoyed it, until "The End" credit came on-screen with a question mark (?) added after a few seconds, a la "The Blob."

The leading lady, who was also present in the theater that night --and accompanied the filmmaker on stage before the curtain went up, was the best actor in this film. As improbable as her character was, her lines were better than those of the leading man, --who was likely chosen for his shy boy-next-door 'look' rather than for any acting ability. I'm not knocking him, nor the filmmaker, nor anyone else associated with this production. It was obvious that the budget wasn't big, but neither was the thought put into this. Better films have been made on smaller budgets.

And it seemed to me that it borrowed an awful lot of bits and pieces from many other films, --besides the obvious big 'bit' borrowed from "Blow-Up."

Overall, a mediocre effort. I rated it 5.

Pictures, trailer, description, etc

1 comment:

  1. hej orvel, imas li mozda linkove za film ''xxy'' ?


Don't write any links for download! Thanks!