
09 June 2008

Starcrossed (2005) - short 15 min

StarcrossedccStarcrossed (2005)

Director: James Burkhammer
Writer: James Burkhammer
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Language: English
Year: 2005
Duration: 15 min

Stars: J.B. Ghuman Jr., Marshall Allman and John Wesley Shipp

bscap0000Starcrossed je priča o dva brata (Darren i Connor) čija se veza razvija u pravcu potpuno neprihvatljivom za okolinu. Osim emotivne povezanosti koja prevazilazi okvire bratske ljubavi, prepuštaju se i fizičkim strastima. Na žalost sve ovo nesretnim slučajem otkriva i njihova majka.
Nemam brata, ali nisam siguran koliko je često da dva brata imaju seks. Vjerujem da je to vrlo rijedak slučaj. Kao klinac drkao sam s dva brata blizanca, ali daleko od toga da se radilo o nekom seksu.

bscap0006Sretao sam se sa slučajevima gdje su obadva brata u porodici gay, ali između njih nije postojala emotivno-ljubavna veza već samo normalan bratski odnos. Incest ovakve vrste se vjerovatno dešava, ali o tome se ne priča. Dovoljno je tabu tema biti gay ( barem na balkanu) , a incest između rođene braće prevazilazi sve moguće tabue.  U mom slučaju incest se dešavao sa rođacima, i bližim i daljim, ali sve je to bilo jako davno tako da ne mogu analizirati sve to. Čak sam i nevinost izgubio od jednog rođaka , na jednom tavanu kuće iz XV vijeka. Samog seksa se i ne sjećam dobro osim da sam se nakon toga jako loše osjećao i da me neko vrijeme uopšte nije privlačio bilo kakav seks.

Heartbreaking, shattering and really touching!, 29 September 2007    9/10
bscap0011Author: RegardeLaMer from United States
I recently had the privilege to see the acclaimed short “Starcrossed” and I was really not too thrilled with the topic genre of the film dealing with incest and teenage suicide. I in fact really frown upon films that deal with teenage suicide, and really frowned on this movie.
I literally felt myself almost heading to the bathroom to puke after seeing this movie, not only because it was so disturbingly sad, but because it was so real and a little traumatizing to me. I did cry at the end of the film, because it was a terrible ending… It was true and oh so sad. I don’t really know how this movie is not shown more in theaters. The movie is so painfully blunt and powerful that if you walk away “unchanged” after seeing this film, then you are seriously mentally deranged.
This movie was shattering and hit a spot that I was not ready for it to be hit. It was way too painful to watch again and again, but I really cherished the first time I saw this movie and will watch it again, but want to recover from my first encounter with it.

Starcrossed (VO, VOST) by Greg7401

Visit: Orvel.Me


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