
23 May 2008

Lucky Blue (2007) short 28 min

Kako ste preživjeli prvi poljubac? Koliko ljudi toliko priča!
Ja sam se prvi put ljubio kad sam imao 13 god. sa jednim starijim rođakom na tavanu njegove kuće. Te nemoj ovako , uradi to onako, nisam nešto posebno uživao.
Tek kasnije, nakon nekog vremena smo zaista uživali i ljubili se savršeno!

Ovaj kratki film me oduševio prikazom dva tinejdžera koja nisu u stanju da definišu osjećaje jedan prema drugom. Stid, zaljubljenost, neiskustvo..
Za sve treba malo vremena da se savlada.
Ukoliko ste lijeni da skidate film u cjelosti , možete ga pogledati na youtube gdje je postavljen u tri djela.

U downloadu imate linkove za cjeli film i subtitle na engleskom jeziku.

Director: Hĺkon Liu
Writer: Hĺkon Liu (writer)
Genre: Short

Plot Keywords: Coming Out | Young Love | Coming Of Age | Flirting | Gay Teenager
User Comments: In one word - Brilliant !
(Credited cast)
Tobias Bengtsson ... Olle
Tom Lofterud ... Kevin
Britta Andersson ... Barbro
Johan Friberg ... Kjelle
Michaela Berner ... Amanda

Country: Sweden
Language: Swedish
Runtime: 28 min

I never was much of a fan of the short film genre. this movie proved me wrong and how. i was blown over by the sheer restraint that the director showed. not too long, not short - just perfect.
added to this is the brilliant performances by the cast. The sets are nice and the score is great.but what makes it a gem is the feeling that if such and such were the circumstances, this is the way that it would happen. you just marvel at the realism. And wish the tale for yourself - in real.
OK - words don't come easy to me- either:)

Strongly recommended..

1 comment:

  1. Spanish subtitles:


Don't write any links for download! Thanks!