
03 April 2008

Pool Days (1993)

Pool Days (1993)


Director: Brian Sloan
Writer: Brian Sloan
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Language: English
Duration: 27 min


Stars: Josh Phillip Weinstein, Nick Kokotakis, Kimberly Flynn




Kako ste se reagovali kada vas je neko prvi put muvao?
Ja sam bio totalno zbunjen, jer nisam odmah shvatio o čemu se radi. Moja sreća je što sam prije toga spavao sa pola rodbine, pa mi seksualnih iskustava nije hvalilo. Al zaista je sjajan osjećaj kada vas neko muva, a nije siguran da li imate afiniteta prema muškarcima ili ne!
Još ako je zgodan, dopadljiv, pomalo zbunjen….. Heh lijepo mi je sjećati se toga. Danas, manje više ide sve preko interneta, pa poslije par pitanja uz web kameru tipa koliki ti je i šta voliš u seksu dolazi odmah do prijedloga za sastanak. Nema muvanja, nema one treme i isčekivanja. Samo skidaj se i sex. Baš nešto i nisam u tom filmu.
U ovom kratkom tridesetominutnom filmu 17-godišinji Justin se zapošljava u jednom rekreacionom centru sa bazenom. Tu ga muvaju Vicky i Russell, a on onako zbunjen pokušava da se snađe, nesiguran u svoju seksualnost!
Film je odlično napravljen, sa dosta provokativnih scena. Siguran sam da će te uživati u njemu!


This is an interesting short film about a young man who has a summer job at a pool in a health club. He notices that he is very attracted to some of the young men in the club. One of them eventually helps him to realize that he must face the reality of who he is.
The well-acted little story leaves the main character on the verge of deciding what to do, but the help of his new friend is encouraging. This is a thoughtful film about the struggle of coming out.

Justin, a 17-year old entering his final year of high school, gets a job as a life guard at a fitness center. Surrounded by hard bodies of both sexes and instructed by his boss to keep an eye on the steam room to report any men having sex, Justin begins to divine the direction his erotic feelings point. In separate incidents, Vicky and Russell, two older co-workers, hit on him. He tries out responses to both, and then must figure out what to do with his new self-knowledge.



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