
09 April 2008

The Lost Language of Cranes (1991) (TV)

The Lost Language of Cranes (1991) (TV)

Director: Nigel Finch
Scenario: David Leavitt, Sean Mathias
Genre: Drama
Country: UK, USA
Year: 1991
Duration: 87 min
Rating: 7.5/10

Actors: Brian Cox, Eileen Atkins, Angus Macfadyen, Corey Parker, Rene Auberjonois, John Schlesinger, Cathy Tyson, Richard Warwick, Nicholas Le Prevost, Ben Daniels, Frank Middlemass, Nigel Whitmey, Edmund Kente, Paul Cottingham, Tom Harden


The Lost Language of Cranes je Britanski film urađen pod pokroviteljstvom BBC-ja. To je adaptacija novele The Lost Language of Cranes koju je napisao David Leavitt. Radnja novele je smještena u New Yorku , ali u ovom filmu se priča odvija u Londonu. Ništa neobično za BBC.
Film nam na jedan totalno britanski način prikazuje dvije generacije Engleza homoseksualaca. Jednu koja je svoju seksualnu orijentaciju prikrivala od očiju javnosti i u svemu se pridržavala konzervativnih moralnih načela britanskog društva i drugu emancipovanu generaciju današnjice koja pokušava skinuti masku i pokazati sebe onakvu kakva jeste.

Philip je momak koji traži način da saopšti roditeljima da je gay u čemu ga podržava njegov dečko kojeg skriva od očiju javnosti.
Kada je stekao dovoljno samopouzdanja objelodanio je svoju homoseksualnost i ne sluteći da je njegov otac takođe gay.
Coming out priča, prepuna pitanja i dilema, emocionalno vrlo jaka, a opet umotana u hladni britanski plašt.
Ovaj film je zbog svojih slobodnih scena bio cenzurisan za prikazivanje na TV u Americi, ali je u svom DVD izdanju objavljen u punoj verziji koju možete skinuti sa linka koji sam postavio.
Da bi vam bilo olakšano praćenje ovog film možete koristiti i engleski titl. Mnogima će trebati jer mnoge rečenice su kao iz doba Šekspira.


Brian Cox ... Owen Benjamin
Eileen Atkins ... Rose Benjamin
Angus Macfadyen ... Philip
Corey Parker ... Elliot Abrahams
Rene Auberjonois ... Geoffrey Lane
John Schlesinger ... Derek
Cathy Tyson ... Jerene Parks
Richard Warwick ... Frank
Nicholas Le Prevost ... Nick
Ben Daniels ... Robin
Frank Middlemass ... Alex
Nigel Whitmey ... Winston
Edmund Kente ... Bob
Paul Cottingham ... Porno Boy 1
Tom Harden ... Porno Boy 2

The Lost Language of Cranes is a 1991 British TV movie. It is an adaptation of the novel The Lost Language of Cranes by David Leavitt.
The novel is set in New York with American characters, but the film (made by the BBC in 1991) takes place in London. Though most of the characters in the film are British, the story is essentially that of the novel.
The movie release of "The Lost Language of Cranes" was censored in the US for both its PBS airing and its VHS release. PBS was coming under fire by conservative groups in the early 1990's for presenting programming showing homosexuality and nudity. The following excerpt was originally published in Current, April 13, 1992: "To ease concerns among wary affiliates, however, PBS is offering two versions of Portrait [of a Marriage], according to a March 17 DACS message to stations. Great Performance's Cranes already has been edited for the American audience, losing frontal nudity."

In The Lost Language of Cranes, Philip Benjamin (Angus McFayden) came out to his parents, only to eventually learn that his father, Owen (the unbiqutous Brian Cox), was hiding in the closet, as well. At the film's end, Owen had finally come out to his wife and son, moving out of the apartment he shared with his wife for many years. Even though the David Leavitt book that inspired the movie ended there, I've always wondered where Owen and Philip's journey went next -- how a man who comes out late in life like Owen adjust to such a change? How does a young gay man handle being more mature than his father when it comes to love and relationships?

The DVD has been mastered from the British original with all the full frontal male nudity intact.


  1. File #5 of Lost Language of Cranes is not available. Please check it. Thanks

  2. I'm just check all files are Ok! Try again!

  3. Where is the link to download the whole movie? The link is only the trailer.

  4. hi

    you have a great site.
    but why do you use rapidshare and megaupload??

    i'm not willing to pay also for megaload.

    don't you have the files on rapidshare??

    thank you


  5. hi

    aren't the files of the lost language of cranes also on rapidshare?, i'm not willing to pay also for megaupload

    thank you



Don't write any links for download! Thanks!