
18 April 2008

A Home at the End of the World (2004)

A Home at the End of the World (2004)

Očito me danas oće veza u troje. Kako stvari stoje mora da će me na putu zadesiti neka dobra trojka. :)

I ovaj film nam govori o jednom prelijepom prijateljstvu koje započinje još u djetinjstvu.
Siguran sam svi imamo po nekog prijatelja sa kojim smo u pubertetu drkali i otkrivali sebe. Nekada se ta prijateljstva održe do kraja života, al u većini slučajeva počnu da blijede kako odrastamo, te u jednom momentu potpuno nestanu. Ostanu samo uspomene.
U ovom filmu dva prijatelja Boby i Johnatan ostaju vezani jedan za drugog do kraja života. Bez obzira koliko daleko bili i kuda ih život vodio. Na kraju im se putevi zauvijek spoje.
Zaljubljuju se u istu djevojku i sa njom u jednoj nedođiji odluče da izgrade zajednički dom.
Ono što me u ovom filmu oduševilo je način na koji su predstavili lik Bobija kojeg inače glumi prelijepi Colin Farreli. Jednostavan i iskren momak koji će uvijek u pravom trenutku, skoro trenutno izreći ili pokazati svaku svoju emociju ili misao. Gledajući njega u trenutku sam pomislio koliko je najnormalnije i najprirodnije reći svome najboljem drugu da ga voliš ili da jednostavno želiš da ga u tišini zagrliš. Ponekad ćemo samo slušati muziku , a ponakd i zaplesati, a kada bliskost postane nepodnošljivo jaka poljubićemo se !

Buco, ako čitaš ovaj blog , pišem o filmu , a ne o nama! Uh koliko te volim!

U ovom filmu je sve to toliko savršeno prikazano, da gledajući ga nisam ni pomislio na to koliko je teško svoju biseksualnost ispoljiti i održati u ravnoteži. Stojeći na vagi na kojoj je na jednoj strani žena, a na drugoj muškarac lako je da jedan tas zauvijek prevagne na jednu ili drugu stranu!

Subtitle za ovaj film možete skinuti OVDIJE

Director: Michael Mayer
Writers (WGA): Michael Cunningham (novel), Michael Cunningham (screenplay)
Release Date: 14 October 2004 (Netherlands)
Genre: Drama / Music / Romance
Plot Keywords: Bisexual / Caught Masturbating / Gay Relationship / Friendship Between Men / Self Discovery
Awards: 1 win & 4 nominations


Andrew Chalmers ... Bobby Morrow (1967)
Ryan Donowho ... Carlton Morrow
Asia Vieira ... Emily
Quancetia Hamilton ... Dancing Party Guest
Jeff J.J. Authors ... Frank (as Jeffrey Authors)
Lisa Merchant ... Frank's Date
Ron Lea ... Burt Morrow
Erik Smith ... Bobby Morrow (1974)
Harris Allan ... Jonathan Glover (1974)
Matt Frewer ... Ned Glover
Sissy Spacek ... Alice Glover
Colin Farrell ... Bobby Morrow (1982)
Dallas Roberts ... Jonathan Glover (1982)
Robin Wright Penn ... Clare
Shawn Roberts ... Club Boy

Runtime: 97 min
Country: USA
Language: English

A Home at the End of the World is a 1990 novel by Pulitzer Prize-winning American author Michael Cunningham. It was adapted into a film in 2004 by director Michael Mayer; Cunningham also wrote the screenplay. The film stars Colin Farrell, Robin Wright Penn, Dallas Roberts, and Sissy Spacek.

The book is narrated in the first person, with the narrator changing in each chapter. Bobby and Jonathon are the main narrators, but several chapters are narrated by Alice, Jonathan's mother, and Clare. An excerpt from A Home at the End of the World was published in The New Yorker, chosen for Best American Short Stories 1989, and featured on NPR's Selected Shorts.

Bobby had grown up in a home in suburban Cleveland, Ohio where partying and drugs were a recurring theme. He had already witnessed his beloved older brother's death in a home accident and his mother's death by the time he befriends Jonathan, who comes from a sheltered, but loving family. After Bobby finds his father dead, Jonathan's family takes him in.

Bobby and Jonathan become best friends. Closer than brothers, they also experiment sexually. The two eventually lose touch, but meet up again in their twenties in 1980s New York, where Bobby moves in with Jonathan and his eccentric roommate Clare. Clare had planned to have a baby with Jonathan (now openly gay), but Bobby and Clare become lovers, while Jonathan still has feelings for Bobby. Clare and Bobby had a baby named Rebecca and moved to a country home (together with Jonathan) where they build a family together.
The trio form their own unusual family, questioning traditional definitions of family and love, while dealing with the complications of their love triangle.

Pictures, trailer, description

17 April 2008

Threesome (1994)

Threesome (1994)

Slatko sam se nasmijao gledajući ovaj film. Podsjetilo me na jedan dio mog života u kojem sam se našao u začaranom krugu između mog dečka i njegove djevojke. Doduše nije bilo baš sve kao u ovom filmu ali jeste nešto slično.
Kada joj je on rekao da voli i mene, ona mu je rekla pa i ja ga volim. On joj onda kaže:" Ja ga volim i onako....znaš !" A ona posle dva minuta ćutanja: " A ko koga.....ono?" On joj nije direktno odgovorio na to pitanje. Nakon nekog vremena mučnog ćutanja ona kaže:" To je divno, pa mi se toliko volimo da smo savršena trojka."
Sutradan kada mi je rekao šta je uradio ja sam toliko poludio i posramio se da sam se zaključao u kuću i nisam htio izlaziti vanka.
Jedva sam skupio hrabrost da se ponovo vidim sa njom.
Ipak nakon tog događaja više ništa nije nije bilo isto!

U ovom filmu je prikazana savršena trojka, jedan je "gay" , drugi str8 a između njih ona. Ovaj "gay" ustvari nije načisto sa sobom, dali voli muške ili ženske? Zbunjen totalno! Jedino je siguran da mu se jako dopada guza od njegovog cimera!

Film se lagano može odgledati u dokolici uz poslijepodnevnu kafu!

Director: Andrew Fleming
Writer: Andrew Fleming (writer)
Release Date: 8 April 1994 (USA
Genre: Comedy / Romance / Drama

Plot Keywords: Gay Crush / Female Nudity / Room Mates / Roommates / Catcher In The Rye


Lara Flynn Boyle... Alex
Stephen Baldwin ... Stuart
Josh Charles ... Eddy
Alexis Arquette ... Dick
Martha Gehman ... Renay
Mark Arnold ... Larry
Michele Matheson ... Kristen
Joanne Baron ... Curt Woman
Jennifer Lawler ... Neighbor
Jack Breschard ... Priest
Jillian Johns ... Partygoer
Amy Ferioli ... Partygoer
Jason Workman ... Medical Student
Katherine Kousi ... Laundry Girl
Kathleen Beaton ... Girl at Registration

Runtime: 93 min
Country: USA
Language: English


Threesome is a 1994 film, written and directed by Andrew Fleming. The film is an autobiographical comedy mixed in with some social commentary, and is based on the college memories of Fleming. It was given an R rating by the Motion Picture Association of America.


The film starts out with two college students, the shy and intellectual Eddy (Josh Charles) and the All-American jock Stuart (Stephen Baldwin), ending up with a female roommate. The university thought that Alex (Lara Flynn Boyle) was a man (based on her name) and thus the three students are forced to live with each other until the university can move Alex to a female residence hall.

Alex falls in love and tries unsuccessfully to seduce Eddy; Stuart is in love with Alex, and Eddy falls in love with Stuart. The trio become good friends and scare off anyone who tries to seduce the other. Eventually, Alex, Stuart and Eddy agree to have an actual threesome and that seems to destroy the friendship, and raises the possibility that Alex might have become pregnant.

After the threesome they start to drift apart. Three weeks later the semester ends and Alex is finally moved to a female dorm. The next year Eddy got a single dorm with no roommate and the three continue to drift apart. Eddy (who acts as the film's narrator) eventually finds a boyfriend, Stuart finds happiness in a monogamous relationship with a woman and Alex remains single. While they drifted apart, only to see each other for lunch occasionally, they do not seem to regret the friendship they had while in college.


Upon release, the film received mixed reviews. Critics such as Roger Ebert felt that film was unfunny, and that "Like many kids their age, these three are more bold in talk than action, and the movie sounds right; it sounds like undergraduate human dialogue, intended to shock, to liberate, to amuse." Yet, even Peter Travers' review for Rolling Stone magazine wrote, "We're supposed to get all teary when kinkiness threatens to break up a friendship that was hard to swallow in the first place. There's lots of glossy cinematography, courtesy of Alexander Gruszynski, as the three lovers wander the campus separately, looking contemplative. Now there's a laugh. Eddy, a film student, actually makes reference to François Truffaut's ménage ŕ trois classic, Jules and Jim. Eddy, you wish."


The film has been viewed in a new light as one of a group of films marketed at Generation X, that were released in the early 1990s and which helped to pave the way for more openness in American cinema about human sexuality and more positive portrayals of gay characters.

In the years after the film, Baldwin became a born-again Christian, a member of the Republican Party, and occasionally makes public appearances with Republican officials. He has distanced himself from the film in interviews and has stated that he is not bisexual or interested in threesomes.

Latter Days Soundtrack (2004)

Latter Days Soundtrack (2004)

Ono što nisam pomenuo u predhodnom postu je prelijepa muzika u ovom filmu! Naprosto ne mogu da odolim a da vam ne ponudim link za ovaj album iako ovo baš i nije neki muzički blog!
Nekoliko pjesama sa ovog albuma se često vrte na mom računaru!
Nadam se da če se i vama svidjeti!

In previous post I forgot to say something about beautiful music from this move! Couple songs from this album is realy good and i hoppe that you will enjoy too!

Tuesday, 3 am

Tuesday, 3 am
Once again I’m wide awake.
Waiting for this time to mend this heart of mine,
That keeps on breaking.
Newspapers I throw away
Wash the dishes in the sink
3am, on Tuesday
I have to much time to think.

I could call out to heaven I could crawl down through hell
Nothing will change the way the way they are, and nothing every will

He thinks I can’t hear him cry
And I pretend I don’t know all about the 3 am’s he spend wrestling with your ghost.

I hear him call out to heaven, I watch him crawl down through hell
He still can’t get over you
I know he never will

Nothing he says can bring you back
He’s got nothing left to show
But a pocket watch and memories
For that kiss out in the snow

I hear him call out to heaven, I watch him crawl down through hell
He still can’t get over you
I know he never will

I hear him call out to heaven, I watch him crawl down through hell
He still can’t get over you
I know he never will.

Track Listings
1. Arrival in L.A. - Eric "Sir Ludwig" Allaman
2. More - Nita Whitaker
3. Night Vision - Eric "Sir Ludwig" Allaman
4. Man on a Mission
5. Shirts & Skins - Eric "Sir Ludwig" Allaman
6. If I Could Be With You Now - Bobby Joyner and Dean Nolan
7. Flight to Salt Lake - Eric "Sir Ludwig" Allaman
8. In a Snowbound Hotel Room - Eric "Sir Ludwig" Allaman
9. Hymn for Those Left Behind - Shannon Moore
10. Another Beautiful Day - Nita Whitaker
11. Younger Than You Are Tonight - C. Jay Cox
12. Abide with Me - Heather Floyd
13. Aversion Therapy - Eric "Sir Ludwig" Allaman
14. Tuesday, 3:00am - Nita Whitaker
15. Angel on a Bus Bench - Eric "Sir Ludwig" Allaman
16. Prelude in C - Eric "Sir Ludwig" Allaman
17. Windmills - Toad the Wet Sprocket

Download HERE

16 April 2008

Repost: Latter days (2003)

  Latter Days Poster Vector MASTER.inddLatter Days (2003)

 Director: C. Jay Cox
Writer: C. Jay Cox
Genre: Drama, Romance
Country: USA
Year: 2003
Runtime: 107 min  

Stars: Wes Ramsey, Steve Sandvoss and Mary Kay Place  

29945090uc0Ovaj fim inače spada u moje omiljene melodrame. Raspekmezim se ko prava pička kada god ga pogledam. A vjerujem da je malo pedera koji su ga odgledali, a da nisu pustili koju suzu!:)) Nemogu reći da je gluma u ovom filmu vrhunska, ali na kraju krajeva za filmove ovog tipa to i nije u prvom planu. Priča u ovom filmu je fenomenalna i naprosto nas drži prikovane za ekran. Ne znam baš mnogo o mormonima jer koliko znam oni su Američki endem, neka religijska sekta. Po ovom filmu mormoni spadaju u one zatucane, konzervativne slijepce koji homoseksualce smatraju bolesnicima, te bi ih najradije strpali u bolnicu. ( Neka izvine ako griješim! )

37027521qc1Između jednog takvog mormona Aarona i jednog outovanog pedera se razvije ljubav prepuna emocija i dubioza. Jeste li bili kada u vezi sa nekim koji se boji svoje sjenke? E takav sam i ja nekada bio, mada ni sada ne vrištim na sav glas da sam peder. Ustvari to krijem ko zmija noge! E koliko je teško sa takvim likovima biti, to znaju samo oni koji su samnom bili! A šta se desilo Aaronu kada su njegovi prijatelji saznali da je peder pogledajte u ovom filmu. Jedno je sigurno, ma koliko teško i nevjerovatno izgledalo, kada iskreno volite sve će te prepreke savladati, preskočiti milion planina, okrenuti planetu ako treba samo da bi došli do onoga za kim vam srce kuca. Tako je to !
Ako već niste odgledali ovaj film obavezno ga skinite sa neta , kupite grickalice i maramice i uživajte!
Film se u cjelosti nalazi na sajtu, nađen na youtube.

34342614wz0Latter Days is a gay romantic drama released in 2003. Set in Los Angeles, California it portrays the seduction of Aaron Davis, a Mormon missionary, by Christian Markelli, a party animal who falls in love with him. The film, written and directed by C. Jay Cox, stars Steve Sandvoss as Aaron, Wes Ramsey as Christian, Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Elder Ryder, and Rebekah Johnson as Julie Taylor. Mary Kay Place and Jacqueline Bisset have supporting roles.
Latter Days premiered at the Philadelphia International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival on 10 July 2003. It was released across America over the next 12 months, and was released, mostly at gay film festivals, in a few other countries.[1] It was the first film to openly show the clash between the principles of the Mormon church and homosexuality, and its exhibition in some states was polemic. Various religious groups demanded the movie to be retired from theatres and DVD stores under boycott threats.
The movie was not well received by film critics, although it was popular with most film festival attendees. In 2004 T. Fabris made Latter Days into a novel, which was published by Alyson Publications.
71912172oh2Elder Aaron Davis (Steve Sandvoss), a young Mormon missionary from Pocatello, Idaho, is sent to Los Angeles with three other missionaries to spread the Mormon faith. They move into a bungalow apartment next to the apartment of openly gay party boy Christian Markelli (Wes Ramsey), an aspiring actor who works as a waiter at Lila’s, a trendy restaurant owned by retired actress Lila Montagne (Jacqueline Bisset). Intrigued by his new, sober Mormon neighbors, Christian makes a $50 bet with his cynical co-workers that he can seduce one of them. Christian soon realizes that Aaron, the most inexperienced missionary, is a closeted homosexual.
Aaron and Christian become acquainted after several encounters in the apartment complex. When Christian accidentally cuts himself on a piece of metal and faints, Aaron helps him indoors and cleans his wound. Christian seizes the opportunity to seduce Aaron and nearly succeeds. However, the hesitant Mormon becomes upset by Christian’s standard patter that sex “doesn’t have to mean anything.” Aaron angrily replies that Christian “equates sex with a handshake”, and after accusing him of being superficial and shallow, walks out. Worried that Aaron is right, Christian joins Project Angel Food to deliver meals to people with AIDS, through which he befriends a man named Keith (Erik Palladino).

  ltVisit: Orvel.Me

15 April 2008

L'Homme que j'aime (1997) aka The Man I Love

216349The Man I Love (1997)

Original title: L'Homme que j'aime

Director: Stéphane Giusti
Writer: Stéphane Giusti
Genre: Drama
Country: France
Runtime: 87 min
Year: 1997

Stars: Jean-Michel Portal, Marcial Di Fonzo Bo and Mathilde Seigner


Recept: Kako uloviti str8 lika?
Iskrenost …99.99%
Šarm ………..100%
Upornost ….100%
Duhovitost …60%
Privrženost ..100%
Začini …..po želji

MyPhoto-080415-20Prije nego počnemo da spremamo STR8 tipa za dugu vezu moramo biti sigurni da smo ga zaista zavoljeli i da je to taj lik sa kojim smo u stanju da djelimo sve u životu. Ne smijemo biti previše napadni i moramo pustiti da se stvari odvijaju svojim tokom.
Sastojke upotrebljavati pomalo i dozirano, a najviše pokazivati iskrenost i drugarstvo.
Recite mu odmah da ga volite.
Ukoliko vaš STR8 lik ima imalo sklonosti ka muškarcima ( čak i ako toga nije svjestan), zavoliće vas i to doživotno!
U suprotnom biće vam prijatelj o kakvom samo sanjati možete.
Ukoliko niste pravilno primjenili ovaj recept imaćete čovjeka koji će vas doživotno mrziti.

d0020447_46e25abf242a1Ova receptura je doslovno primjenjena u ovom filmu i siguran sam da će te sa uživanjem pratiti kako Martin polako ali sigurno osvaja Lucasa.
Ono što kvari raspoloženje je saznanje da Martin boluje od AIDSA i to u poodmaklom stadijumu. Ali rekao sam, ako ovaj recept pravilno primjenite, imaćete najjaču ljubav na svjetu. A ljubav ne poznaje granice.
Iako je film prepun dirljivih scena koje izazivaju različite emocije, tužan kraj ne ostavlja u nama gorčinu. Da li zato što je Lucas savladao sve prepreke i učinio da njegov Martin u poslednjim danima života osjeti svu toplinu uzvraćene ljubavi, zakljućite sami.

Film pogledajte OVDJE


From Imdb:
Author: Scott Casey from United States

20090212_193721_bscap0054First of all, the theatrical packaging for this movie totally misrepresents it as a romantic gay comedy. A third of the way into the film it turns into an AIDS tragedy. Nothing wrong with that, but it's not what I was expecting when I rented it.
The previous posters seem to think this movie is a comedy. I must have seen a different movie from them. I agree it's a good film, but I didn't find anything comic about it. I was crying throughout the last half hour or so.
Well, it's an interesting film and I think it's worth seeing. I just wonder why all gay movies have to be about AIDS.
That said, I think it's a good portrayal of a presumably straight man falling for a gay man and embracing gay sex. The actor playing Lucas does an excellent job as the confused straight boy who finds himself falling in love with Martin no matter how hard he tries to fight it.
I just wish someone would write a gay movie where nobody has AIDS.

This is a combination coming out and first love story. The swimmer and diver Lucard is interested in attractive Martin. The film follows the characters' coming out with all its difficulties, the bitter-sweet pleasures of fi
rst love and the dreadful moment when one comes down to reality and realizes that one's beloved friend has a hard way to go yet. The positive message the film tries to transmit is the somewhat common motto "Live each day of your life as if it were your last." Written by Guy33134  on IMDB

Watch this movie Here

Visit site: Orvel.Me


14 April 2008

Segunda piel (1999) aka Second Skin

Segunda piel (1999) aka Second SkinSinoć sam uživao gledajući ovaj film u kojem glavne uloge imaju Jordi Mollŕ, Ariadna Gili i prelijepi Javier Bardem. Priča koja je toliko realistična da sam na momente pomislio kako je jedan dio mog života prenesen na filmsko platno. Strašno! Mada istini za volju u filmu to izgleda mnogo lakše nego u stvarnosti. Kad ti se čini da gubiš dio sebe i moraš da izabereš između dvije drage osobe, znajući da ćeš jednu zauvjek izgubiti.
U ovom filmu Alberto Garcia mora da izabere između porodice, žene Elene i djeteta i Diega za kojeg je takođe vezan svim srcem. Živeći rastrzan u laži sve mu se počne komplikovati kada Elena posumlja i sazna za njegovu vezu sa Diegom.
Alberto pokušava da sačuva porodicu i ostavi Diega , ali nema snage za to! Kako ostaviti nekoga za kim ti srce žudi, koga voliš više negoli samog sebe? Gdje god da pokušaš pobijeći , biježiš od samog sebe.
Potresna priča, životna i vjerujem da nije rijetka.
Scene u kojima je prikazan seks između Alberta i Diega su strastvene, odlično urađene. Za trenutak sam pomislio da je stvarnost. Sa druge strane scene sa ženom nisu ni upola ispunjene željom i emocijama. Tako je to i u stvarnom životu!
I sam imam vezu sa oženjenim ćovijekom. Znam da mu nije lako. Živimo za dane kada ćemo se vidjeti, i svaki trenutak mi je on u mislima.
Iz dva različita svjeta smo, a volimo se toliko snažno, jako, iskreno... Razumijem ga, ima porodicu, vezan je za nju. A opet nisam sam na ovom svjetu, sve dok osjećam svaku emociju, želju , ljubav, strast i iskrenost od njega.
Završetak ovog filma mi se ne sviđa. Naprosto ne želim da se tako završi!

Zahvaljujući mom blog drugu (Pannonian) dobili smo subtitle na našem jeziku!
Možete ga skinuti OVDIJE

Director: Gerardo Vera
Writers: Ángeles González Sinde (writer), Gerardo Vera (idea)
Release Date: 14 January 2000 (Spain)
Genre: Drama / Romance

Plot Keywords: Affair / Doctor / Husband Wife Relationship / Painter / Motorcycle Accident
Awards: 2 wins & 2 nominations

(Cast overview, first billed only)

Javier Bardem ... Diego
Jordi Mollŕ ... Alberto García
Ariadna Gil ... Elena
Cecilia Roth ... Eva
Mercedes Sampietro ... María Elena
Javier Albalá ... Rafael
Adrian Sac ... Adrián
Cristina Espinosa ... Ana Mari
Pilar Castro ... Neus
Ramiro Alonso ... Oriol
Silvia Espigado ... Ingeniera
Carmen Grey ... Enfermera
Ángela Rosal ... Tomasa
Luis B. Santiago ... Aitor
Christian Queipo ... Luis

Also Known As: Second Skin (UK)

Runtime: 110 min
Country: Spain
Language: Spanish

Second Skin (Segunda Piel) is a 2000 gay film by Spanish director Gerardo Vera, starring Jordi Molla, Javier Bardem and Ariadna Gil. The film is available in DVD in Spain.
The film is about a couple from Madrid, Elena (Ariadna Gil) and Alberto (Jordi Molla). They have a happy marriage, professional success and a loving son. But later, Elena finds a hotel receipt in Alberto's pocket and discovers that he has been unfaithful to her. To her surprise, the one who has been involved is another man, Diego (Javier Bardem). Alberto is struggling to save both his marriage and forget his feelings for Diego, but fails. Finally, everything comes to an end when Elena confronts Diego, who didn't know Alberto was married, and kicks Alberto off the house. Leaving Diego's home grievedly after a fight, Alberto is killed in an accident.

The movie ends with Elena and Diego becoming sort-of friends.

This is a dramatic, very realistic story about the internal strife of a bisexual man, torn between his beautiful wife and child and his desire for romance with a Gay surgeon. Well photographed and directed with excellent music. Excellent beach scenery. Explicit sex scenes are well done. The emotional pain of the 'bisexual' man (more likely a Gay man who married to please his parents and conform to societal pressures) is very graphically and honestly portrayed. The damage that his refusal to deal with his identity crisis causes both his wife and his lover is also honestly shown. Javier Bardem is excellent as the surgeon and Adriana Gil as the wife is stunningly beautiful.

Anonymous said...

The running time on this is's only 100 minutes, not 110 as is listed here and on IMDB. Even the company which released this in the U.S. has the same running time (although another wrong one) listed for both their releases of the R-rated and the Unrated version. This is definitely the Unrated version, because I located a second set of download links elsewhere on a Spanish site from the Spanish DVD, and that running time is exactly the same as the time for the one I downloaded from here.

Next problem with the download from here: Although the entire movie was filmed in a 2.35:1 scope ratio, what's been posted here is apparently from the U.S. DVD release, which only has the opening credits in 2.35:1, while the rest of the movie has had the ends cropped off so the rest of the movie is only 1.85:1!! This is also how I knew which DVD release this was....I also checked everything on IMDB, and also submitted a corrected running time for the movie.

The video from the Spanish DVD is in MPG format, and although it's not anamorphic widescreen like the links you have here, the Spanish rip is ENTIRELY in the correct 2.35:1 scope ratio.

12 April 2008

Bulgarian Lovers - Los Novious Bulgaros (2003) Repost

Los Novios búlgaros (2003) aka Bulgarian Lovers - repost

Evo uradio sam repost za ovaj film zbog novih linkova i titla na našem jeziku! Postavio sam i trailer.

Prije nekoliko godina sam u Bumpešti upoznao jednog Bugarina sa kojim sam proveo nezaboravno veče , pa me je ovaj film podsjetio na tog ljubavnika za jednu noc'!

Heh u ovom filmu seksipilnog ljubavnika Kyrila glumi Španac Dirtan Biba koji upoznaje uspješnog advokata Daniela te ubrzo završavaju u krevetu ( Scena je prilično popaljiva ).
Sve bi bilo idealno da Kyril nema devojku koja dolazi u Madrid i upoznaje se sa Danielom.

Pristojna komedija za prekratit sat i po vremena!
Titl na našem jeziku: klikni ovdje!

Director: Eloy de la Iglesia
Writers: Fernando Guillén Cuervo (writer) Antonio Hens (writer)
Release Date: 30 April 2003 (Spain)
Genre: Comedy / Drama / Romance more

Plot Outline: A straight-laced Spanish man falls in love with a young foreigner.
Plot Keywords: Love / Gay / Homosexual / Hustler / Gay Interest more
Awards: 1 win & 1 nomination


Fernando Guillén Cuervo ... Daniel
Dritan Biba ... Kyril
Pepón Nieto ... Gildo
Roger Pera ... Lawyer
Anita Sinkovic ... Kalina
Fernando Albizu ... Mogambo
Roman Luknár ... Simeon (as Román Lucknar)
Simón Andreu ... Padre de Daniel
Julia Martínez ... Daniel's Mother
Gracia Olayo ... Rosita
Emma Penella ... Remedios
Aure Sánchez ... Bambi
Shai Bercovich ... Vladimir
Alberto Lozano ... Taxista
Óscar Iniesta ... Emil

Also Known As:
Bulgarian Lovers (International: English title) (USA)
Runtime: Germany:101 min (Berlin Film Festival) / USA:101 min
Country: Spain
Language: Spanish / Bulgarian / English


For Daniel (Fernando Guillén Cuervo), the pampered middle-aged narrator and protagonist of Eloy de la Iglesia's "Bulgarian Lovers," affluence affords a license to be a fool for love. A successful business consultant from an aristocratic family, Daniel, who lives luxuriously in Madrid, belongs to a circle of fluttery gay men who call one another "girl" and chatter endlessly about their latest boyfriends. Their current preoccupation is to prey on impoverished young Bulgarian hunks swarming through Madrid in search of a better life.

This cynical, dry-eyed sex comedy, which opens today in New York, is a European echo of American cult movies like "Scenes From the Class Struggle in Beverly Hills," in which sex is inextricably bound up with greed and social ambition. On and off throughout the movie, Daniel turns to address the camera with a sly, self-knowing little smile. When he meets and brings home Kyril (Dritan Biba), a 23-year-old Bulgarian stud who makes crude, violent love to him, he is instantly besotted and invites Kyril to live with him.

The movie, adapted from a novel by Eduardo Mendicutti, doesn't differentiate between love and lust. Long after Kyril has begun exploiting his keeper's largess, Daniel prostrates himself before the young man and vows, "I'd give my life for you." Kyril's blunt response to this manipulative ploy couldn't be more perfect: "I'd also give your life for me."

Without becoming preachy or lapsing into fatuous psychological jargon, "Bulgarian Lovers" observes the interplay of sex, power and money with a cool, amused attitude and a fine sense of social detail. A single line in the screenplay, written by the director with Mr. Cuervo, speaks volumes about cultural dislocation: Kyril announces, "Everyone in the world is capitalist these days." To Kyril, that means only one thing: the opportunity to make a quick buck by hook or crook, including theft and smuggling.

The depth of Daniel's infatuation leads him to "fix" Kyril's papers, lend him money, consort with Eastern European mobsters and store a suspicious-looking black bag in his apartment without examining its contents. He even allows Kyril's beautiful fiancée, Kalina (Anita Sinkovic), to move in and takes the young couple to visit his proper, conservative family. When the lovers marry, Daniel, who is still occasionally having sex with Kyril, pays for the trip and accompanies them to Sofia for the wedding.

"Bulgarian Lovers" is superbly acted, without a trace of coyness and with considerable heat. Seen through Daniel's eyes, the Eastern Europeans emerge as sexy peasants. The dynamic between Kyril's animal magnetism and Daniel's romantic masochism is evoked without a trace of moralism. As the fool for love recklessly aids and abets his live-in stud in drug trafficking and much worse, the weakness of one man's flesh augurs potentially catastrophic consequences, evoked in a surreal fantasy sequence that echoes "Kiss Me Deadly." As much as "Bulgarian Lovers" implies the high price of this amorality, it is far too urbane to raise its voice above a murmur of surprise

11 April 2008

The 24th day (2004) - repost

The 24th day (2004)

Za ovaj film sam uradio repost jer sam dodao nove linkove! :)

Ovo je zaista dobar film ! Zgodni kuvar Tom zavede i dovodi u kuću promiskuitetnog Dana. Zarobljava ga, veže za stolicu i kaže mu da je od njega prije 5 godina dobio virus HIV-a. Dan se ne sijeća da je bio sa njim. Malo po malo prisjeća se da su bili pijani jedne noći i da mu je rekao
da je siguran i bezbjedan za sex.
Tom mu onako vezanom vadi uzorak krvi i daje na analizu. Ako test bude negativan pustiće ga, a ako bude pozitivan ubiće ga.
Vezani Dan i Tom provode zajedno 24 sata dok čekaju rezultate testa. Pričaju, upoznavaju jedan drugog......

O ovom filmu proćitajte na

Director: Tony Piccirillo
Writer: Tony Piccirillo (play)
Genre: Thriller
Tagline: Your next lie may be your last.
Plot Outline: Tom (Speedman) and Dan's (Marsden) one-night stand turns into an intense power-play between captor and captive.
Plot Keywords: Gay / AIDS / Blood Test / Captive / Chef

James Marsden... Dan
Scott Speedman... Tom

Runtime: 92 min / USA:96 min (DVD)
Country: USA
Language: English
Filming Locations: Philadelphia Civic Center - 34th Street and Civic Center Boulevard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Continuity: Whenever Dan has tape around his head (covering his mouth), it is alternately under his right ear or over it (depending on the angle).

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The 24th Day is a 2004 film starring Scott Speedman and James Marsden. The film is based on a play of the same name, written by Tony Piccirillo; he also directed the film.
Tom (Speedman) and Dan (Marsden) meet in a bar and then proceed to Tom's apartment together. While there, Dan realizes that he had been in that same apartment before. Five years earlier, Dan and Tom had had a one night stand there. According to Tom, that encounter with Dan was his first and only homosexual experience. Some years later, Tom's wife is found to be HIV positive. Despondent after receiving this diagnosis from her doctor, Tom's wife drives through a red traffic light and is killed in an ensuing collision. Subsequent to these events, medical tests reveal that Tom himself is also HIV positive. Tom blames himself for passing the HIV virus on to his wife and, in turn, he blames Dan for passing the virus on to him. Reasoning that Dan ultimately is to blame for his wife's death, Tom devises a plan to exact revenge. He holds Dan hostage and draws blood from him in order to conduct a test to determine Dan's HIV status. If Dan's test results are positive for the HIV virus, Tom vows to kill Dan. If the results are negative, Tom agrees to release Dan unharmed. In the end, Tom returns to the apartment and lets Dan go. As Dan is leaving Tom asks him when was the last time he was tested? A few moments later he reveals that Dan's test was in fact positive. He decided to let Dan go because he realized that his positive status was the result of his choices and he couldn't blame it on anyone else. The scene fades out with Dan standing there in shock and Tom resigned to what lies ahead.

10 April 2008

L.I.E. - Long Island Expressway (2001)

L.I.E. - Long Island Expressway

Na žalost živimo u vremenu u kojem imamo vrlo malo vremena koje možemo posvetiti i sebi i drugima. Zbog toga najčešće trpe naši najbliži za koje
predpostavljamo da imaju uvijek razumjevanja za naše muke na poslu, muke oko novca, računa isl.
Pri tome najviše trpe dijeca. Mnogo roditelja misli da ako su im pružili hranu, školu, odijeću i obuću, po koju sitnu ili krupniju materijalnu stvar
da su dali sve od sebe.
Ono što najčešće izostane to je razumijevanje, pomoć u sazrevanju i pronalaženje sopstvenog identiteta.
Ništa neobično niti nesvakidašnje, reći će te, ali sve to mogu da iskoriste razni pedofili i bolesni umovi koji se uvijek nađu tamo đe se najmanje nadamo.

Ovaj film nam priča priču o 15-togodišnjem Howie Blitzer koji se nakon smrti majke osjetio ostavljenim. Živeći sa ocem koji uglavnom nije kući i nema vremena za njega, sazrijeva u društvu svojih školskih drugova, upadajući u razne diječje nevolje.
Na žalost u jednom nesretno sklopljenom trenutku upoznaje se sa matorim pedofilom koji sebe naziva Big Jon.
Sa nedozrelim Howiem izgrađuje "specifičan" odnos, u kojem je domonantan njegov seksualni interes spram diječaka. Režiser nam srećom izbjegava prikazivati scene seksualne izopačenosti , ali možemo naslutiti koliko daleko može da ide bolesni um.
Neću vam prepričavati cjeli film, jer to možete pročitati na drugim mjestima.
Ono što me nakon film zateklo je razmišljanje koliko ljudi zbog likova kao što je Big Jon, poistovjećuje homoseksualnost sa izopačenošću pedofiličara?
Dokle ide ta granica? Zasigurno je tamo gdje svojom seksualnošću ne ugrožavamo druge, ni fizički ni psihički.
Gledao sam klince od po 16, 17 godina kako po nudističkim plažama međusobno svašta rade, i to pred matorim pederima koji bez imalo srama uspaljeno balave gledajući nihove "igrarije".
Neke stvari klinci moraju sami otkriti, a ako im pri tome zatreba pomoć postoje roditelji, porodica i vršnjaci. Ostali bi trebalo da se klone maloljetnih lica.

Director: Michael Cuesta
Writers: Stephen M. Ryder (written by), Michael Cuesta (written by)
Release Date: 29 November 2002 (UK)
Genre: Drama
Tagline: On the Long Island Expressway there are lanes going east, lanes going west, and lanes going straight to hell.

Plot Keywords: Long Island New York / Pederasty / Juvenile Delinquency / Ephebophile / Entire Title Is Capitalized Acronym more
Awards: 20 wins & 15 nominations


Paul Dano ... Howie Blitzer (as Paul Franklin Dano)
Bruce Altman ... Marty Blitzer
Billy Kay ... Gary
James Costa ... Kevin Cole
Tony Michael Donnelly ... Brian (as Tony Donnelly)
Michelle Carano ... Newscaster
Tatiana Burgos ... Marty's Girlfriend
Brian Cox ... Big John Harrigan
B. Constance Barry ... Anne Harrigan
Walter Masterson ... Scott
Brad Silnutzer ... Henry
Bob Gerardi ... Clifford
Adam LeFevre ... Elliot
Frank Rivers ... Man with Pizza (as Frank G. Rivers)
Anthony F. Peragine ... Tough Kid #1

Also Known As: Long Island Expressway (USA) (alternative spelling)

MPAA: Rated R for strong sexual content involving teens, language and brief violence. (video version)

Runtime: 97 min
Country: USA
Language: English


L.I.E. is an independent film, released in 2001, about a relationship between Howie, a 15-year-old boy, and a pederast known as 'Big John'. The title is an acronym for the Long Island Expressway. The film was directed by Michael Cuesta who has said that the film is about exploring sexuality.[1]. It stars Paul Dano as Howie and Brian Cox as Big John. Sexual contact between the two is merely suggested, not shown, and there is only one sex scene between an adult couple. The controversial portrayal of Big John as a sympathetic sexual predator earned the film an NC-17 rating.
Howie Blitzer is deeply affected by the death of his mother in a car accident on the Long Island Expressway and finds solace in the company of his best friend Gary (Billy Kay), a juvenile delinquent and hustler. Gary is attracted to Howie, but Howie is unsure of his sexuality. They have two other 15-year-old friends, one of whom, Kevin, has an incestuous relationship with his sister. The four boys regularly break into neighborhood houses.

One night, they break into the house of 'Big John' Harrigan during his birthday party. Gary knows his way around the house and it transpires later that he used to have a sexual relationship with Big John. They make a noise and Big John confronts them, ripping a pocket off Howie’s pants. They manage to get away with a pair of valuable World War II pistols.

John confronts Gary over the burglary and Gary names Howie as his accomplice. John is manipulative in his pursuit and grooming of Howie. He does research on Howie then approaches him at a diner, speaking French because he knows the boy speaks French and he pretends that he knew his mother. He offers the boy a lift home and Howie is impressed that Big John happens to drive Howie's dream car. Once he has gained Howie’s confidence he pulls out the torn pocket and demands that Howie returns the guns. Howie manages to get one gun back from Gary’s room, and returns it. When he arrives at the house, John has a photograph of a shirtless pre-pubescent boy upon his laptop. John wants $1000 for the other gun and Howie offers to work for him to pay off the debt.

John then puts his plan for seducing Howie into action. He puts on a pornographic video showing heterosexual oral sex then sits down beside Howie. He starts to stroke the boy’s thigh and says, “What have you got that’s worth a thousand dollars?” He also asks Howie if his penis is more than five inches and claims “I’m the best cocksucker in the whole Western Hemisphere.” Howie does not respond to his advances.

John has a 19-year-old live-in lover called Scott who says to John as Howie leaves, “You should be ashamed of yourself.” John responds, “I am. I always am.”

When he returns home, Howie masturbates to a fantasy involving both John and the girl in the video. Gary then steals money from Howie’s distant father (Bruce Altman) and disappears to Los Angeles. This affects Howie and his confusion over his sexual identity increases. Michael Cuesta has said that this sexual ambiguity is at the heart of the film. Howie doesn’t know if he is gay or straight

John and Howie begin a tenuous friendship in which John becomes a kind of father figure to the boy. There is no sexual activity, but there is talk of sex. When John lets Howie drive his car and John implies he was some kind of James Bond figure, Howie says, “James Bond doesn’t go around blowing boys.” Howie realises that he wields sexual power over John and John realises this too. This is possibly a new experience for John and Brian Cox has said, “Big John realises that Howie is much more than a little boy, a young boy he can hit on”. Michael Cuesta has said that John was confused. John didn’t know if he wanted “to be with him, sexually, or just father him.” [4]. John realises that Howie is special.

Howie stays over at John’s house and John asks Scott to go and stay in a motel for a few nights. Howie wanders round the house and, while picking up a toy drum on a mantelpiece discovers a stash of pictures of semi-naked boys. Some are pictures of a younger (and naked) Gary and others are of a shirtless blond 11-year-old boy, confirming, as with the image on the laptop, that John is sexually attracted to pre-pubescent boys as well as adolescents and older teenagers. Scott comes into the room and warns Howie off taking what is his, i.e. John.

Howie is particularly vulnerable because he believes his father has abandoned him, and later that evening comes into John’s bedroom wearing just his underpants, expecting John to sleep with him. But when John tells Howie his father didn't abandon him, but is in jail, Howie breaks down and cries. In his compassion for Howie, John pulls back from molesting the boy and leaves him to sleep by himself. The next morning, John is all charm, fixing Howie a huge breakfast and he then takes Howie to see his father in jail.

In the way he treats Howie, John demonstrates behavior that is like his public persona, rather than the dark sexual predator that he also is, but after dropping Howie off, he still returns to the place where boys wait for chickenhawks. As he sits in his car, Scott, who is devastated by the attention John is giving to Howie, drives by and shoots him dead.

At the end, everyone Howie has ever loved has left him: his mother and John are dead; Gary has run away, and his father is in prison and in the final scene he is contemplating the expressway, vowing he won't let it get him too.

09 April 2008

The Lost Language of Cranes (1991) (TV)

The Lost Language of Cranes (1991) (TV)

Director: Nigel Finch
Scenario: David Leavitt, Sean Mathias
Genre: Drama
Country: UK, USA
Year: 1991
Duration: 87 min
Rating: 7.5/10

Actors: Brian Cox, Eileen Atkins, Angus Macfadyen, Corey Parker, Rene Auberjonois, John Schlesinger, Cathy Tyson, Richard Warwick, Nicholas Le Prevost, Ben Daniels, Frank Middlemass, Nigel Whitmey, Edmund Kente, Paul Cottingham, Tom Harden


The Lost Language of Cranes je Britanski film urađen pod pokroviteljstvom BBC-ja. To je adaptacija novele The Lost Language of Cranes koju je napisao David Leavitt. Radnja novele je smještena u New Yorku , ali u ovom filmu se priča odvija u Londonu. Ništa neobično za BBC.
Film nam na jedan totalno britanski način prikazuje dvije generacije Engleza homoseksualaca. Jednu koja je svoju seksualnu orijentaciju prikrivala od očiju javnosti i u svemu se pridržavala konzervativnih moralnih načela britanskog društva i drugu emancipovanu generaciju današnjice koja pokušava skinuti masku i pokazati sebe onakvu kakva jeste.

Philip je momak koji traži način da saopšti roditeljima da je gay u čemu ga podržava njegov dečko kojeg skriva od očiju javnosti.
Kada je stekao dovoljno samopouzdanja objelodanio je svoju homoseksualnost i ne sluteći da je njegov otac takođe gay.
Coming out priča, prepuna pitanja i dilema, emocionalno vrlo jaka, a opet umotana u hladni britanski plašt.
Ovaj film je zbog svojih slobodnih scena bio cenzurisan za prikazivanje na TV u Americi, ali je u svom DVD izdanju objavljen u punoj verziji koju možete skinuti sa linka koji sam postavio.
Da bi vam bilo olakšano praćenje ovog film možete koristiti i engleski titl. Mnogima će trebati jer mnoge rečenice su kao iz doba Šekspira.


Brian Cox ... Owen Benjamin
Eileen Atkins ... Rose Benjamin
Angus Macfadyen ... Philip
Corey Parker ... Elliot Abrahams
Rene Auberjonois ... Geoffrey Lane
John Schlesinger ... Derek
Cathy Tyson ... Jerene Parks
Richard Warwick ... Frank
Nicholas Le Prevost ... Nick
Ben Daniels ... Robin
Frank Middlemass ... Alex
Nigel Whitmey ... Winston
Edmund Kente ... Bob
Paul Cottingham ... Porno Boy 1
Tom Harden ... Porno Boy 2

The Lost Language of Cranes is a 1991 British TV movie. It is an adaptation of the novel The Lost Language of Cranes by David Leavitt.
The novel is set in New York with American characters, but the film (made by the BBC in 1991) takes place in London. Though most of the characters in the film are British, the story is essentially that of the novel.
The movie release of "The Lost Language of Cranes" was censored in the US for both its PBS airing and its VHS release. PBS was coming under fire by conservative groups in the early 1990's for presenting programming showing homosexuality and nudity. The following excerpt was originally published in Current, April 13, 1992: "To ease concerns among wary affiliates, however, PBS is offering two versions of Portrait [of a Marriage], according to a March 17 DACS message to stations. Great Performance's Cranes already has been edited for the American audience, losing frontal nudity."

In The Lost Language of Cranes, Philip Benjamin (Angus McFayden) came out to his parents, only to eventually learn that his father, Owen (the unbiqutous Brian Cox), was hiding in the closet, as well. At the film's end, Owen had finally come out to his wife and son, moving out of the apartment he shared with his wife for many years. Even though the David Leavitt book that inspired the movie ended there, I've always wondered where Owen and Philip's journey went next -- how a man who comes out late in life like Owen adjust to such a change? How does a young gay man handle being more mature than his father when it comes to love and relationships?

The DVD has been mastered from the British original with all the full frontal male nudity intact.