
25 March 2008

The DL Chronicles (2005)

The DL Chronicles (2005)

Na već dobro poznatoj gay televiziji HERETV se tokom prošle godine emitovala ova serija koja je po mnogo čemu drugačija od do sada nabrojanih u ovom blogu.
The DL Chronicles je serijal sastavljen od običnih svakodnevnih priča o ljudima koji su se kao i ja našli u situaciji da moraju da žive dvostrukim životom. Sa jedne strane porodica, dijeca, prijatelji, posao i okruženje kaoje u vama vidi sasvim običnog "normalnog" čovijaka, a sa druge strane jedan tajni život prepun strasti i ljubavi prema drugom muškarcu.
Ponekad pomislim da je lakse ovim Coming Out momcima koji ponosito nose suknje i šarene majice nego živjeti na dvije strane.

Serija je fantastično odrađena u nekom poludokumentarnom stilu, kao neki video blog u kojem sasvim obični ljudi otkrivaju svoje male tajne (velikh majstora kuhinje)

Nažalost serija nije urađena u megalomanskom trajanju kao queer as folk, a nevijerujem ni da će dostiči ni približnu popularnost ali je to zacijelo ne čini manje vrijednom!
Toplo vam je preporučujem !
Prve dvije epizodemožete naći na rs a druge dvije i bonus će te naći preko koje sam stavio u Fajlu.

Genre: Drama / Romance
Plot Summary: The DL Chronicles is a series of short stories about men of color who lead double sex lives. Episode; Wes introduces us to Wes Thomas...
Plot Keywords: Infidelity / Gay Interest / Deondray Quincy / Terrell Tilford / Jason Stuart more
Awards: 2 wins

Damian T. Raven ... Chadwick Williams (4 episodes, 2007)
Sheilynn Wactor ... Shirley (2 episodes, 2007)

T. Ashanti Mozelle ... Jesse (2 episodes, 2007)

Runtime: USA:30 min
Country: USA
Language: English

If you haven't heard of The DL Chronicles by Quincy LaNear and Deondray Gossett, you are missing out on some excellent storylines, good acting and hot bodies. Partners for over ten years, LaNear and Gossett have created a unique collection of stories about "men on the DL". Each episode is a different, unpredictable story: these are not simply tales of men who have wives and are sleeping with men. The complicated situations explored in the show transcend the generally one-note stories of "DL" men that we are used to seeing. For example, in one episode the character is "DL", but it is his daughter he is hiding from, not a straight female lover.

With a revolving cast, LaNear and Gossett manage to bust open the confines of what it means to be "DL" with fresh stories that prove that lives of paranoid secrecy are not limited to "shocking" episodes of Oprah ... more often than not the "DL" is a matter of not being sincere to oneself.


  1. Dobro jutro!
    The torrent links for episodes 3 + 4 as well as those of the "making of" are not ok. Can you please post RS links?
    Congratulations for the great site :)

  2. The DL Chronicles are tightly and professionally made stories as real as can be. In the first episode, Wes rushes home to a dinner party that his powerful wife is throwing. Imagine his surprise when he meets his brother-in-law, Trent, for the first time and he feels the stirrings of lust. Wes tries to bottle up his homo desires by drinking heavily during the meal. Not exactly the correct formula for repressing emotions, Wes sneaks into Trent's bed and some hot, very secret man-to-man action follows. In the second episode we meet Robert, a closeted talent agent who never sleeps with the same man twice. Robert hooks up with Austin, the manager of a health food store who's twenty years younger than him. But of course this won't be an isolated ****; what kind of drama would that be? The two men meet again in an Internet sex chat-room, and Austin convinces him to give their relationship a chance. Robert falls hard for his new boyfriend, but now there's a young lady in the picture whose needs come first. In the third segment, a "playa" named Boo has his way with just about anything that moves and discovers that sleeping around can have some pretty nasty consequences. These first three films are so delicious that we can't wait for more of these sexy tales about men on the downlow.

    Link download :

    Episode 1 ( 5 parts ) :

    Episode 2 ( 6 parts ) :

    Episode 3 ( 6 parts ) :

    Episode 4 ( 6 parts )

    The Making of ( 3 parts ) :

  3. or see here:


Don't write any links for download! Thanks!