
05 July 2008

Dare (2005) short movie -16 min Repost

Dare (2005)

Director: Adam Salky
Writer: David Brind
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Durtion: 16 min
Year: 2005


Stars: Adam Fleming, Michael Cassidy and Marla Burkholder






Ben (Adam Fleming), nesiguran i povučen momak i Johnny (Michael Cassidy) se jednom prilikom zadese sami na bazenu. Samouvjereni Johnny tokom razgovora sa mlađim Benom ipak pokaže svoje skrivene želje i nedoumice oko sopstvene seksualnosti.
Ovaj kratki film me je podsjetio na jedan događaj iz mog tinejdžerskoh doba.
Nakon jednog treninga odem sa prijateljem da se istuširam pa da poslije odemo na piće. Usred tuširanja on pređe u moju kabinu i kaže mi: Ajde mi istrljaj leđa. Dok sam prelazio sapunom po njegovim širokim leđima, osjetio sam uzbuđenje, ali i strah da neko ne naiđe. Nervozno i žurno sam ga nasapunjao i rekao da se ispere. On se okrenuo prema meni i rekao: Okreni se i ja ću tebe. Kako sam već bio dovoljno uplašen od straha da neko ne naiđe, ali i da se ne primjeti da me to pali, rekao sam mu: "Neka ja sam već završio sa tuširanjem, a i bojim se da neko ne naiđe, može stvoriti pogrešnu sliku o nama."
Da sam slušao moje želje tu je trebao da se desi poljubac, baš kao i na ovom filmu.




9 February 2011 | by Arcadio Bolanos (Peru) – IMDB

"Light Boy" Ben admires Johnny, the star of the new school play ("A streetcar named desire"). Unbeknownst to Johnny, this admiration will soon turn into lust. What then? Can the two boys remain friends or after certain limits are crossed there is no turning back? When Johnny invites Ben to swim together after having a few drinks, the conversation will become more intimate.

Both actors manage to convey a youthful spark, while at the same time expressing defined personalities in this brief story. It was especially interesting to see Michael Cassidy play a role only too familiar to his character in The OC or Hidden Palms, although here perhaps he is a most riveting seducer, full of sensuality.

There is something very subtle in the way these two boys interact with each other. Not only because of the ambiguous source of desire that ignites a more contact physical exchange between them or Ben's suggestion of practicing a fellatio on Johnny. As they move swiftly in the swimming pool, it's easy to realize that, indeed, something lies beneath the surface.

In the credits, director Adam Salky acknowledges filmmaker Tom Kalin; then it should be easy to understand why the fascination towards ambiguity and the subtlety are paramount guidelines in this short film.

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