
13 January 2008

20 Centimeters - aka 20 centímetros (2005)


20 Centimeters (2005) 20 centímetros (original title)

Director: Ramón Salazar
Writer: Ramón Salazar (screenplay)
Genres: Comedy | Musical
Country: France | Spain
Year: 2005
Language: English | Spanish | French

Stars: Alberto Arcos, Mónica Cervera and Pablo Puyol

18441456.jpg-r_640_600-b_1_D6D6D6-f_jpg-q_x-20050808_095416Marieta prostitutka koja sanja o tome kako da se oslobodi poprilično velikog problema koji je uvjek sa njom, a velik je 20 cm. Kao nesavršeni i nedovršeni transeksualac mašta o tome kako će jednog dana otići na operaciju poslije koje će imati najljepšu pičku na svjetu. Marieta živi sa cimerom, kepevom Tomasom koji se na sebi svojstven način trudi da njen tesko zarađeni novac olako potroši.
Jednog dana dok je kupovala neko povrće una pijace padne u nesvjest preko nekih gajba jagoda i u tom trenutku je ugleda zgodni i prezgodni Raul koji je nosio gajbe paprika iz Leskovca na prodaju. Kada je ugledao Marietu trenutno se zaljubio.
Marieta je oduševljena jer se u nju zaljubio savršeni muškarac koji ima veliki kurac i dupe kao breskva. Na žalost njena sreća je kratko trajala jer Raul je iznad svega volio njenih 20 cm u njegovu breskvastu guzu! Pički tu nije bilo mjesta!
U stilu Pedra Almadovara ova muzička komedija će Vas sigurno nasmijati do suza, a i za one koje vole 20 cm ili više neće biti mrskih scena.
Da li ste čuli za izraz "Size Queen"? Termin podrazumjeva one pedere koji su opsjednuti velikim kurcem. Manje je bitno ko ga nosi, da li glup ili pametan, bitna je veličina koja tako dobro boli dok vam raza bulju. :)


Film me je podsjetio na jednog prijatelja sa kojim se savršeno slažem. Po cjelu noć pričamo o raznim temama, o seksu, o muškarcima, o politici, o umjetnsti, o filmovima,o ljubavi, avanturama.... Zaista je sjajan momak i šteta što mi ne živi u mom gradu, treba mi neko kao on.
On je Aktivan, ja pasivan, on voli mlađe, ja  starije i to su jedine razlike između nas!
Sve ostalo volimo isto, a ponajviše muškarce sa velikom kitom!

18441455.jpg-r_640_600-b_1_D6D6D6-f_jpg-q_x-20050808_095409He Wants to Be a Woman but Reality Gets in the Way
Published: October 27, 2006
Size plays a major role in “20 Centimeters "a brash, vivacious concoction of dark comedy, light drama and musical performance written and directed by Ramón Salazar. For starters, the title refers to the length of its main character’s penis, nearly eight inches. Marieta, né Adolfo, a pre-op transsexual narcoleptic (convincingly played by Mónica Cervera), wants those inches to vanish, and nothing can come between her and the surgery that will make it happen, not even a hunky fruit-stocker who likes her as is.

18885892.jpg-r_640_600-b_1_D6D6D6-f_jpg-q_x-20070907_081119During spells of sudden sleep, which seem to come at the most ill-timed moments, Marieta dreams that she is the star of huge, spicy (and frustratingly hit-or-miss) song-and-dance numbers in a wide variety of musical styles, most prominently Spanish and American pop songs. (The bit inspired by Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” video is particularly amusing.)
But because so much screen time is spent in fantasyland, the film’s reality-based story lines, which focus on the sometimes bleak, even tragic, elements of Marieta’s everyday life — her conflicted sexuality, prostitution work and complex relationships with her roommate (a dwarf) and a neighbor’s young son — end up serving mainly as springboards for the high-energy set pieces.

With english subtitles:

20 centímetros

20 centímetros (2005)
  • Director: Ramón Salazar
  • Writers:
    Ramón Salazar
  • Countries:France, Spain
  • Genres:Comedy, Musical
  • Runtime:112 minutes
  • Actors:
    Alberto Arcos
    Mónica Cervera
    El reponedor
    Pablo Puyol
    Miguel O'Dogherty
    Concha Galán
    La Candelaria
    Pilar Bardem
    La Frío - Ice Box
    Rossy de Palma
    Rebeca mayor
    Lola Dueñas
    Juan Sanz
    Richard Shaw
  • Languages:English, Spanish, French
  • Plot: Colloquially-told story of a few days in the life of Marieta, who's saving money for the last operation in her change from man to woman. She works as a prostitute in Madrid and longs for a legitimate job. Whenever she builds up her savings, her housemate and best friend Tomás finds ways to spend, lose, or cost her those funds. She meets Raúl, whom she likes and who likes her; the trouble is he also likes that part of her she wants removed. If that's not enough, she also has narcolepsy, and when she conks out, she dreams of musical-theater numbers in which she's the singing and dancing star. Are these dreams always going to be 20 centimeters out of reach? Written by
  • Also known as: 20 Centímetros (Brazil), 20 Centímetros (Portugal - imdb display title), 20 Centimeters (International - English title), 20 Centimetres (Australia), 20 centimètres (France), 20 centimetri (Italy - imdb display title),
  • Rating: (1,142 votes)

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