
03 July 2008

Rock Haven (2007) Repost

rh ccRock Haven (2007)

Director: David Lewis
Writer: David Lewis
Genre: Drama, Romance
Country: USA 
Language: English 
Year: 2007

Stars: Sean Hoagland, Owen Alabado and Laura Jane Coles

rh3Prije nekog vremena sam preko neta upoznao dva lika koja su bila u mom gradu. Potpuno su različiti jedan od drugog! Jedan onako ćutljiv, razbacan, potpuno muževan tip. a drugi brbljivac koji mi je išao na živce. Sjedali smo i pili neko vino, jedva uspostavljajući neku komunikaciju. Skoro pa mi je bilo nelagodno. Onaj brbljivac je pričao sam sa sobom nešto o tome kakvih ludaka ima na netu i slično. Ovaj drugi vidim nervira se, ali ćuti.
Taman sam pomislio da je bolje da se pokupim i odem kad ovaj što je jedva progovarao počne da se skida. Kada je ostao u bokserice brbljivac ga pita, jel to tebi vruće. Ovaj odgovori, nije vruće . al ajde skidaj se, pa da se jebemo. Ja se provalih od smjeha i pitah oću li se i ja skinuti.
RockHavenNakon seksa brbljivac više nije pričao , a ja i ovaj lik smo pričali i pili vino.
Poslije sam razmišljao o tome koliko se suprotnosti privlače. kako ona dva lika uopšte funkcionišu? Onog brbljivca ne bi trpio ni pet minuta da je nasamo samnom.
U ovom filmu možete pratiti odnos dva tinejdzera , koja žive potpuno različitim načinom života.
Brady, 18-togodišnji momak, živi sa svojom religioznom majkom na obali Californije u Rock Haven. Svakdnevne molitve narušava Clifford, poptuno suprotan Bradiju, zgodan, otvoren prema okolini….

Sweet, romantic story ... but ENOUGH with the waves already!,
7 November 2007, Author: bigbearphx from United States (IMDB)
rh2The plot of "Rock Haven" (2007) is simple and realistic, though far from original: is being gay an impossibility if you consider yourself a Christian as well?
Brady is a shy, introspective 18 year old spending the summer before going away to college in a small coast town in Northern California. He is there with his widowed mother, who is a devout Christian in the process of establishing a religious school for the local pastor. Brady spends most of his time either reading the bible or staring off at the waves crashing on shore, until he meets a neighbor's free- spirited visiting son, 19 year old Clifford. While we later find out that Brady had some early inklings that he was somewhat attracted to other boys, he never before felt drawn to anyone as he feels to Clifford, and the other boy makes it clear that the feeling is mutual. Sensing his apprehensions and inexperience, Clifford lets their relationship develop slowly over the course of the summer, and, although he kids Brady about being a "nerd" in many of his interests, is careful not to express a conflict with his religious upbringing and convictions.

In the film “Rock Haven,” religion, sexuality and romance collide as a deeply spiritual young man experiences his first love.

500fullA beautifully written story by director/writer David Lewis ("Under One Roof"), capably acted by a talented Bay Area cast. While the basic plot is not original, and the story development somewhat predictable, it is told in a well-paced, sweet and romantic manner that lets the viewer feel the emotions experienced by the characters. The one negative I must point out is Lewis' seeming obsession with numerous extended scenes of waves crashing on the beach (Waves wash out like past experiences, wash back to erase what was on the sand before, metaphor for life going on, new beginnings, yadda yadda yadda ... WE GET IT! The ocean should not have more screen time than the actors!) Other than that, I enjoyed the film and recommend it, especially for those who may be going through a similar dilemma.
DVD has deleted scenes, production stills and trailer. No director commentary, which would have been nice (I'd have loved to hear what he says about the ocean scenes.

Visit: Orvel.Me


1 comment:

  1. could you please share the links to download the movie with me?
    Thank you so much! this is s great story :D


Don't write any links for download! Thanks!