
30 November 2013

The 24th Day (2004)

24cc2The 24th Day (2004)

Director: Tony Piccirillo
Writer: Tony Piccirillo (play)
Genre: Drama, Thriller 
Country: USA
Language: English
Duration: 92 min
Year: 2004

Stars: James Marsden, Scott Speedman, Sofía Vergara, Barry Papick, Charles J. Corrado Jr., Jarvis W. George, Scott Roman

24-3Tom (S. Speedman) je oženjen čovjek koji otkriva da nosi virus HIV-a. Uvjeren da je zaražen u slučajnom i jedinom odnosu s muškarcem koji je imao u životu, dovodi krivca svoje nesreće u stan i uzima ga za taoca.
Svoga će zatočenika, homoseksualca Dana (J. Marsden), pustiti ukoliko krvna pretraga bude negativna. Ukoliko se pak dokaže da je riječ o neodgovornom širitelju smrtonosne bolesti, opravdano bijesni domaćin će ga ubiti.
24-4U glavnim ulogama otmičara i taoca, James Marsden i Scott Speedman, koji su nimalo lak posao obavili na besprijekoran način. Tridesetpetmilimetarska filmska verzija s uspjehom je prikazana među na specijaliziranom Outfestu u Los Angelosu i Tribeca festivalu u New Yorku.
Predpostavljam da o potrebi da se zaštitimo kada imamo seks sa nekim neznancem nema potrebe pričati. Pameten čovjek koji vodi računa o svom zdravlju neće rizikovati da dobije HIV ili neku drugu polnu bolest zbog seksa sa nekim zgodnim frajerom. Međutim putujući po evropskim metropolama primjetio sam trend da se sve više gejeva upušta u seks bez kondoma. Od kada su pronašli one koktele koji HIV virus drže pod kontrolom mnogi gejevi kao da su se umorili od stalne priče o prevenciji i kao da ih nije briga da li će pokupiti virus ili ne. Njihov izbor, ali mnogi ljudi, a posebno biseksualci mogu doći u opasnost ako se sretnu sa takvim neodgovornim gejevima. Naivni i neiskusni lako mogu upasti u zamku "dobrog sportskog izgleda". Mnogi od njih pomisle da je momak koji tako dobro izgleda i brine o tjelu sigurno zdrav. Velika zabluda!
24-2The 24th Day is a 2004 film starring Scott Speedman and James Marsden. The film is based on a play of the same name, written by Tony Piccirillo, who also directed the film.
Tom (Scott Speedman) and Dan (James Marsden) meet in a bar and then proceed to Tom's apartment together. While there, Dan realizes that he had been in that same apartment before.
Five years earlier, Dan and Tom had a one night stand there. According to Tom, that encounter with Dan was his first and only homosexual experience. Some years later, Tom's wife is found to be HIV positive. Despondent after receiving this diagnosis from her doctor, 24-1Tom's wife drives through a red traffic light and is killed in an ensuing collision. Subsequent to these events, medical tests reveal that Tom is also HIV positive. Tom blames himself for passing HIV on to his wife and, in turn, he blames Dan for passing the virus on to him. Reasoning that Dan, ultimately, is to blame for his wife's death, Tom devises a plan to exact revenge. He holds Dan hostage, keeping him bound and gagged to a chair in his apartment. He draws blood from Dan in order to conduct a test to determine Dan's HIV status. If Dan's test results are positive for HIV, Tom vows to kill Dan. If the results are negative, Tom agrees to release Dan unharmed. In the end, Tom returns to the apartment and lets Dan go. As Dan is leaving, Tom asks him when he had last been tested. A few moments later, he reveals that Dan's test was, in fact, positive. He decided to let Dan go because he realized that his positive status was the result of his choices which he couldn't blame on anyone else. The screen fades with Dan standing in Tom's doorway, in shock, and Tom resigned to his fate.

27 November 2013

Coffee (2004)

Coffee-ccCoffee (2004)


Director: Todd Bartoo
Writer: Todd Bartoo
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Language: English
Year: 2004
Duration: 11 min


Stars: Christy Geslain, Alison Haislip, Cameron Northey




In this short comedic gay film with a group of guys go to coffee shop where the EX- girlfriend of one of the guys will also be present. He soon discovers his attraction to his EX girlfriend confident gay friend and clearly wants to do something about it.



26 November 2013

Drowsiness (2008)

Drowsiness-cc-300Drowsiness (2008)
"Sennosc" (original title)


Director: Magdalena Piekorz
Writer: Wojciech Kuczok
Genre: Drama
Country: Poland
Language: Polish
Duration: 105 min
Year: 2008


Stars: Malgorzata Kozuchowska, Michal Zebrowski, Rafal Mackowiak, Bartosz Obuchowicz, Krzysztof Zawadzki, Joanna Orleanska, Dorota Pomykala, Andrzej Grabowski



Drowsiness3Drowsiness ( Nesanica) je film o ljudima koji u jednom trenutku svog života shvaćaju da ne žive na način na koji bi to željeli i da sebe predstavljaju drugačijim nego što jesu.
Suočeni sa krajem, koji za neke od njih i konačan, odluče da ostatak života iz korjena promjene.
U filmu se susrećemo sa tri glavna karaktera. Roza koja bolje od narkolepsije i koja sumlja da je muž vara, nezadovoljna životom u zlatnom kavezu pokušava da nađe izlaz iz njega. Drugi lik je Robert, pisac koji shvata da živi sa osobom koja je sasvim drugačija od njega i sa kojom se osjeća kao da je u nečijoj tuđoj koži. Osim toga suočava se za bolešću koja čini da je njegov životni put pri kraju.
Adam je mladi doktor koji upoznaje nesređenog momka, uličnog huligana i sa njim stvara vezu koja će obilježiti njegov život. Najveća dilema mu je kako saopštiti roditeljima da neće živjeti život koji su mu oni predodredili.

Drowsiness10Iako je film na momente nekako spor i težak za gledanje gledaocima koji nemaju skolonosti da se sažive sa glavnim junacima. Medjutim vjerujem da će mnoge ostaviti u razmišljanju kako da odgovore na jednostavno pitanje: Da li ste zadovoljni načinom na koji živite i da li sebe predstavljate onakvim kakvi jeste?

Podsjetio me je na jednog mog prijatelja koji još uvjek pati od raskida sa momkom sa kojim je godinama djelio dobro i zlo. U jednom trenutku obadvojica su shvatila da žive u lažima koje su ispleli oko sebe. Lagali su jedan drugog, lagali su prijatelje, roditelje i na kraju sami sebe.

Drowsiness8Jedan od njih odluči da raskine i krene iz početka.  Pokušava da nađe djevojku sa kojom će se oženiti i imati djecu. Ubjeđen je da će na taj način poboljšati svoj status i svoj život i živjeti onako kako zaista želi.
Drugi je ovaj moj prijatelj koji pati i luta. Duboko negdje u sebi zna ukoliko krene istim putem kao i njegova dugogodišnja ljubav biće nesrećan i živjeće nekim tuđim životom , a ne svojim. Ali kako izaći iz tog začaranog usuda?

Drowsiness9Senność / Drowsiness is the second feature in the young director's output. We waited four years; does it come up to expectations? Has Magdalena Piekorz successfully cleared the "second film threshold", allegedly the most difficult in any director's career? The audience's reaction at the Gdynia festival left no room for doubt; Piekorz's film was applauded the longest of all the films in the competition - Drowsiness won the Golden Claqueur.

This is how Magdalena Piekorz presents her film in an interview (available in the distributor's materials):

Drowsiness5'Drowsiness' is a story about people who realize at some point in their lives that they are shouldering a burden, a cross, which is weighing down on them too much. They feel at a dead end, but meeting others with similar problems makes them look differently at reality and decide to change something. The film has three main characters - Róża who suffers from narcolepsy and suspects her husband of cheating on her, Robert who is a writer and realizes that the relationship he's been in for many years is an unfulfilling one, and the family into which he has married is completely different mentally from him - they are hard to live with and oppressive. There's also the story of Adam who, though he has very good relations with his parents - simple people - decides to leave his family home and move to the city. First and foremost, though, he discovers his identity, his real self, and takes the first serious step towards being true to himself. And this is what the film is about - that it's worth being true to yourself in life. The sooner you start acting in accordance with your own conscience and morals, instead of acting against them, the easier it becomes to achieve genuine happiness."

Drowsiness1Piekorz's film can be seen as three intertwined stories about contemporary thirty-year-olds at a crossroads in their lives: each of them faces overwhelming challenges. You can also see the film as a metaphor of a generation entangled in the rat race: the world belongs to the winners. But, the winners are few - what about the rest? Perhaps we need to admit openly that not everyone is suited for the rat race, but everyone is entitled to happiness. How can it be achieved? The first - most difficult - step is to be honest with yourself; to make a gesture of honesty which will become the key to your inner self, to liberation in a broad sense.



Drowsiness3Audiences gave Drowsiness a good reception, seeing it as a useful reminder of a few familiar truths that we tend to forget in the heat of the rat race. Critics, on the other hand, were put off by the work's excessively literary character, which shouldn't come as a surprise given the strong creative personality of writer Wojciech Kuczok, the screenplay's author. It's worth highlighting the film's "Altmanesque" structure and the division into three parts marked by the work of Marcin Koszałka's camera - the story of Róża the actress is told in the mood of a nightmare, the tale of Robert seems grotesque, while the story of Adam, the doctor who musters the courage to admit he is different, breathes realism. Drowsiness is one of those projects we could call a "generation film": portraying a specific generation and providing it with food for thought.

25 November 2013

Looking Season 1

Have you ever sat down to watch HBO's Girls and thought to yourself, “Hmm, this is good, but what it really needs is for everyone to be a gay dude?” Well you're in luck! (Also, isn't the whole point of Girls that it's . . . about girls? Way to take a show and spin it into something entirely different, viewer.)

Looking, set to premiere on Jan 19 on HBO, is written and directed by Andrew Haigh, the man behind the feel-good movie Weekend. The preview clip isn't exactly forthcoming — we see some dudes making out, Jonathan Groff looking pensively off into the distance, and possibly Russell Tovey peeking around there somewhere

Looking t

23 November 2013

Out in the Dark (2012)

OID CCOut in the Dark (2012)


Director: Michael Mayer
Writers: Yael Shafrir, Michael Mayer
Genre: Drama, Romance
Country: Israel
Language: Hebrew, Arabic
Duration: 96 min
Year: 2012



Stars: Nicholas Jacob, Michael Aloni, Jamil Khoury,Alon Pdut, Loai Nofi, Khawlah Hag-Debsy, Maysa Daw


outdark1Izraelsko-Palestinska ljubavna priča između advokata Roy-a i mladog palestinca Namira podsjeća na već viđene filmove Eytana Foxa ( The BubleWalk on Water (2004)
Gay veza je nešto što je zabranjeno u mnogim društvima, a kada tome dodate i zabranjenu ljubav sa “neprijateljskom stranom” onda je to u većini slučajeva osuđeno na tragičan kraj opjevan u mnogim djelima, od Šekspirove tragedije "Romeo i Julija" do balkanske istinite priče između Admire i Boška koja je završila u Sarajevu uz obalu Miljacke.
Roy je uspješan advokat u Tel Avivu, a Namir palestinski student koji želi da se posveti borbi za ljudska prava.outinthedark-2 Nakon što su se upoznali u jednom od mnogobrojnih underground gay klubova, prepuste se ljubavnim maštarijama u kojima nije bilo mjesta surovoj realnosti da u svjetu u kojem žive za takve kao što su oni nema mjesta. U slučaju da bude otkriveno da gay Nmir bio osuđen na smrt ili izgnanstvo zbog sramoćenja palestinske porodice, a Roy na osudu jer voli "zakletog neprijatelja" Izraela.
Iako ne volim da gledam filmove sa ovakvom tematikom uvjek nekako naletim na njih i kao hipnotisan ih odgledam do kraja. Vjerujem da nisam jedini koji je u dahu odgledao priču Namira i Roya koji su se baš kao nekada na balkanu našli u bezizlaznoj situaciji režiranoj u bolesnim glavama dežurnih čuvara nacionalnih i državnih interesa.

outinthedark-3A gay love story straddling the Israel-Palestine divide. Roy (Michael Aloni) is a well-to-do Israeli lawyer, Nimr (Nicholas Jacob) a young Palestinian on an educational permit in Tel Aviv. They fall in love, then into a whole heap of trouble as Israeli security services start investigating Namir's militant brother. There's romance and tragedy, but little depth and no nuance. Aloni and Jacob make for beautiful lovers, yet first-time director Michael Mayer has a tough time playing a catchy tune with just two notes.


19 November 2013

Trick (1999)

Trick-1999---300Trick (1999)

Director: Jim Fall
Writer: Jason Schafer
Genre: Romance
Country: USA
Language: English
Duration: 89 min
Year: 1999

Stars: Christian Campbell, John Paul Pitoc, Tori Spelling, Brad Beyer,Will Keenan


The misadventures of two young gay men, trying to find a place to be alone, one night in Manhattan.



trick-1-1Gabriel, an office temp by day and aspiring Broadway composer by night, becomes smitten with Mark, a go-go dancer, in a gay bar with whom he makes eye contact. The two meet again in the subway that very night, and go back to Gabriel's place to have sex. They're thwarted in the attempt, however, first by Gabriel's aspiring actress friend Katherine, who is obsessed with her role in an adaptation of Salomé set in a women's prison, and then by Gabriel's roommate Rich, who returns home with his girlfriend Judy, with similar (and conflicting) plans for the apartment.

trick_1999_3-300Gabriel and Rich argue over which of them should get to use the apartment that night, and decide to settle the matter with a coin toss. When Gabriel loses the coin toss and he and Mark have to leave, Gabriel seeks out his friend Perry to request the use of Perry's place. Unfortunately, as Perry escorts Gabriel and Mark there, they run into Perry's ex-boyfriend. Perry and his ex tearfully reconcile and they go back to Perry's, frustrating Gabriel and Mark yet again. The two then decide to hit a gay club for some dancing. There, a malicious drag queen, Miss Coco, corners Gabriel in the restroom. She badmouths Mark to Gabriel, telling him of the time they tricked – which sounds very much like how Gabriel and Mark met – and how Mark left abruptly after climaxing, leaving her with a fake phone number to boot. Crushed by this news, Gabriel decides to take off.

Mark follows Gabriel back to his and Rich's apartment to talk – and also because he's left his house keys there. They go in to look for the keys and try to talk things out while Judy mediates topless. Mark asserts that while he did indeed trick once with Miss Coco, it was actually the latter who tried to take advantage of him by secretly videotaping their encounter without Mark's consent. Gabriel accepts this story, but still doesn't trust Mark, so Mark angrily leaves. Judy then finds Mark's keys, and Gabriel chases after Mark with them down into the New York subway system. Just when it seems that Mark is gone forever, he reappears; he and Gabriel made a connection after all.

Trick1999_clip11-250Having reconciled, they decide to get something to eat but – in yet another turn of events – run into Katherine and some of her theatre friends at a diner, where Katherine proceeds to monopolize the conversation. Gabriel finally blows up at her, and Katherine, humiliated, melts down and leaves in a huff. Gabriel chases after her and apologizes; they smooth things over and Katherine and her friends depart. As the new morning dawns, Mark gives Gabriel his phone number, they kiss, and Mark heads home. Gabriel calls the number on a nearby payphone, and is relieved to learn that it's Mark's actual number. While they never found a spot to trick, Mark and Gabriel instead formed a budding relationship beyond the simple one night stand they'd first been trying for.

18 November 2013

A Day in the Life of a Lost Boy (2004)


Director: Andy Halliday
Writer: Andy Halliday
Genre: Short movie
Country: USA
Duration: 15 min
Year: 2004

Stars: Andrew Glaszek, Tim Burke, BJ Engler


U mom životu bilo je dosta momenata kada sam mislio da mi je život totalno promašen, beskoristan i da sve što radim nema nikakvog smisla. Danima bih listao profile po internetu ili tražio likove slične meni za međusobno pražnjenje nakon čega bih bio još beznadežniji, prazan i tup. Sat vremana samoprijekora i opet bih prešao na traženje novog noname mesa za seks.
Gadno je kada upadnete u tu fazu kada ispred vas promiču samo kite, a nigdje čovjeka ne vidite.
Srećom obično ne traju dugo i brzo se vratimo u normalu.
Ovaj film me podsjeća na to.

A Day in the Life of a Lost Boy (2004)
An attractive, talented young man can’t get through a day without sex and drugs, as much as he tries. On this day he does his best to stay focused and get his life together.

17 November 2013

Gatecrusher (2012)

gatecrusher300Gatecrusher (2012)

Director: Paul Cockcroft
Writter: Adam Hunt
Genre: Short movie
Country: UK
Year: 2012
Duration: 23 min


Stars: Ryan Prescott / Mark Jenkins, Frank Ryan / James Francis, Paul Bloomfield / Brian, Ed Riley / Cedric, Vicky Bailey / Chloe, Emily Maguire / Michelle Addison and Andy Done Johnson as Phil, the Publicis


Shot in May 2012, Gatecrasher is a short LGBT film set in Bradford. Starring Ryan Prescott (Emmerdale, Marchlands) it tells the story of a young gay actor's determination to persuade an elder established writer to write him the script of his dreams. However, what starts as ambition slowly develops into obsession...

It was supported by Bradford Council, City of Film and Chamber of Commerce as well as receiving funding and resources from Lahore Restaurant, Grand Central and The Midland Hotel to name but a few.


10 November 2013

Solo (IV) (2013)

solo-300-ccSolo (IV) (2013)


Director: Marcelo Briem Stamm
Writer: Marcelo Briem Stamm
Genre: Thriller, Drama
Country: Argentina
Language: Spanish with english subtitle
Year: 2013
Duration: 76 min


Stars: Patrico Ramos (Manuel), Mario Verón (Julio), Laura Agorreca, Carlos Echeverría, Mike Zubi





solo1-2013Manuel je usamljeni mladić koji pokušava da nađe društvo preko interneta. Upoznaje Hulia, nezaposlenog i neuglednog momka. Odlaze kod njega doma.  Početna strast i želja se pretvara u seks, a onda nastaje tajac. Znate onaj osjećaj kada vam se čini da je  neko od vas dvojice višak u krevetu. Ne zato što ne želite da zagrljeni zaspete pored njega , nego zbog straha od odbacivanja i povređivanja. Lakše je reći, bilo mi je lijepo sa tobom ali sutra idem na posao ili nešto slično, nego se otvoriti i reći nešto o sebi, nešto što će pokazati kakvi ste zaista, vaše želje i emocije. Previše smo puta bili povrijeđeni da bi pokazali sopstvenu slabost ali i muku što noći provodimo ili sami ili sa potpunim neznancima.

Solo-2-2013Da stvar bude teža pozvali ste nekog u kuću, a da ne znate ništa o njemu. Možda je običan lopov ili prevarant. Teško je biti usamljeni peder, a još teže usamljeni gej!

Film me je podsjetio na jednog prijatelja koji je prekinuo vezu prije pola godine. Pitao sam ga kako živi i da li se navikao na momački slobodnjački život? Rekao mi je nekako ovako: Trudim se, dajem sve od sebe, smijem se, pjevam, družim se sa ljudima ali ipak sam usamljen i teško mi je. Upoznao sam i neke nove ljude i imao seks sa većinom. Uostalom sada mi je sasvim sve jedno i može me imati ko god hoće. Na to sam mu odgovorio da to što ima seks sa nekim ne znači da ga taj može imati ni na koji način, osim fizički to vrijeme do svršavanja.  Nije vrijedno o tome govoriti na taj način jer seks je seks, a imati nekoga je nešto sasvim drugo.

Handsome middle class Manuel, hurt by his previous relationship and bored of being alone, meets Julio, a rugged, lonely, unemployed young man in a chat room. The two eventually meet up in person and the sexual spark is quickly ignited. And while sex is satisfying and frequent, it is their collective problems with intimacy, trust and the fear of being hurt that make them hesitant to commit fully. As their relationship develops, both reveal secrets from their past but these revelations might be real, imagined or outright lies. Who is being truthful, who is real, and who truly loves the other? (Spanish with English subtitles)

Solo (2013)
  • Runtime:76 minutes
  • Actors:
    Laura Agorreca
    Carlos Echevarría
    Patricio Ramos
    Mario Verón
    Mike Zubi
  • Plot:

    A sexy, romantic and uncomfortably chilling tale of love and deception from first time director Marcelo Briem Stamm. Handsome middle class Manuel (Patrico Ramos), hurt by his previous relationship and bored being alone, meets Julio (Mario Veron), a rugged, lonely, unemployed young man in a chat room. The two eventually meet up in person and the sexual spark is quickly ignited. And while sex is satisfying and frequent, it is their collective problems with intimacy, trust and the fear of being hurt that make them hesitant to commit fully. As their relationship develops, both reveal secrets from their past but these revelations might be real, imagined or outright lies. Who is being truthful, who is real, and who truly loves the other? All is revealed in this romantic, passionate drama/thriller that offers a shocking, strangely satisfying conclusion. (Spanish with English subtitles)

    - Written by

  • Rating: (49 votes)

Solo (2013)