
30 September 2012

Undertow (2009)


pc coverUndertow (2009)
Contracorriente (original title)

Director: Javier Fuentes-León
Writer: Javier Fuentes-León Genre: Drama, Romance
Country: Peru
Year: 2009
Language: Spanish Subtitle: serbian , english

Stars: Cristian Mercado, Tatiana Astengo and Manolo Cardona

pccorienteMiguel ( Cristian Mercado ), mladi ribar u Cabo Blanco, živi malom tradicionalnom ribarskom selu u sjevernom Peruu. Oženjen je Marielom ( Tatiana Astengo )i očekuju svoje prvo dijete. Miguel se tajno viđa sa  Santiagom ( Manolo Cardona ) slikarom  iz dobrostojeće obitelji i koji ne skriva svoju homoseksualnost kao i Miguel.
Santiago se nesretnim slučajem utapa u moru i njegov duh pojavljuje Michaelu tražeći pomoć.
Miguel misli da se Santjagov duh pojavljuje jer nemože da nađe vječni mir sve dok se njegovo tjelo ne sahrani po tradiciji mjesta.
Dok je tražio Santjagovo tijelo , svakodnevno roneći oko stjena gdje se njegova ljubav utopila, Migule shvati da može biti najsrećniji čovjek na svjetu. Živjeći sa ženom koja treba da se porodi i sa Santjagom pored sebe kojeg niko ne može da vidi. San svakog oženjenog strejtera, ali nije sve u životu baš tako.
pelicula contracoriente 6Ova prelijepa filmska prića nam preslikava čestu pojavu u našem društvu kada se oženjeni muškarci zaljube u muškarca. Vječita dilema kako živjeti rastrzan između života koji nam je "nametnut" vaspitanjem i moralnim normama proisteklim iz tradicionalnih vrijednosti našeg društva i života koji nam nameće sopstveno srce.
Film me je podsjetio na moje najveće ljubavi. Baksuz kakav sam ja uvjek je bio nekako "treći" . Velike ljubavi su imale i najteži kraj. Sada se klonim oženjenih muškaraca, ali sudbina se uvjek poigra samnom. Dokle će?

Trailer Undertow (2009)

pelicula contra coriente 5One of the Centerpiece films is Peruvian director Javier Fuentes-León's immensely emotional feature debut "Undertow." In a religious and homophobic fishing village on the gorgeous beach in Peru, Miguel (Cristian Mercado) and his wife Mariela(Tatiana Astengo) are expecting a baby while Miguel is carrying on an affair with an openly gay out-of-town painter Santiago (Manolo Cardona). Miguel is devastated when he is confronted by the reality that he cannot have both lovers like in the good old time. His emotional journey to reach his destination is remarkably genuine and profoundly moving.
Miguel ( Cristian Mercado ), a young fisherman in Cabo Blanco, a small fishing village in northern Peru, a very traditional customs. He is married to Mariela ( Tatiana Astengo ), and expecting their first child, but keeps a secret affair with another man, Santiago ( Manolo Cardona ), a painter outsider who comes from a wealthy family and who does not hide his homosexuality as does Michael.
pelicula contracoriente 3Santiago accidentally drowns at sea and his spirit appears to Michael for help. Miguel thinks that his soul rest have to find his body and offer it as the seafaring tradition of the place. Begins to dive to find the body of her lover, but meanwhile discovers Santiago just thinking and it appears no one else sees. They can be together whenever you want without having to hide as before, so when he finds the body tied to the rock next to it was and did not tell anyone.
But their relationship is not as idyllic as it seemed at first as Santiago berates him, as in life, it does not assume and ends asking not to call more. Besides the disappearance of Santiago has the consequence that come to light all his paintings of nudes of Miguel and extending the rumor of their relationship to the neighborhood, putting Michael in trouble. His friends turn away and his wife was going to her mother's house with the newborn child. Then Miguel decides to look for the body of Santiago but is late because the current has taken.

Undertow ( music video)

Mariela eventually returns home and his friends begin to treat it as before, but then the body of Santiago appears in the nets of a fishing. Miguel decides to claim the body of James to his family to offer himself in the seaside ceremony, facing front of all his true identity, but in doing so there is a possibility of losing some of the people you love. The ritual ends when Miguel into the sea the shrouded body of James and his spirit will forever dismisses him with a kiss.

Tre somre (2006)

Tre somre (Three Summers) (1)Tre somre (2006)

Director: Carlos Augusto de Oliveira Writers: Morten Kirkskov, Carlos Augusto de Oliveira
Genre: Shoer movie
Country: Denmark
Language: Danish ( with english subtitle)
Year: 2006

Stars: Morten Kirkskov, Simon Munk and Stine Schroder Jensen

Jorgen sa svojom ženom svako ljeto poziva susjede da sa svojim sinom Tomasom uzivaju u ljetnoj noći uz večeru.
Prvo ljeto Tomas i Jorgen stvaraju specifično prijateljstvo zasnovano na iskrenosti.
Drugo ljeto prilično pijani Jorgen i Tomas imaju seks.
Treće ljeto Tomas se suočava sa činjenicom da Jorgen ima svoj život i da san ljetne noći uvjek doživi jutro otrežnjenja.
Simpatična priča koja me je podsjetila na događaj prije dosta godina kada sam sa roditeljima išao na jednu svadbu u jednom hotelu blizu mora. Igrao sam i veselio se cjelu noć uz dosta pića da bih pred jutro izašao napolje da prošetam jer me je stigao umor. Naslonjen na jedan zid gledao sam u more onako bez veze, trudeći se da ne zaspem. Jedan stariji rođak mi je prišao i počeli smo neobavezujuću priču o svadbi i mladencima. Predložio mi je da odspavam malo u jednu od soba koju su bili zakupili uz salu u kojoj je bila svadba. Kada smo došli u sobu samo sam se bacio na krevet, a on mi je rekao da se skinem i počeo me svlačiti. Najnormalnije smo imali seks kao da smo to svakog dana radili. Ujutro kada sam se probudio njega nije bilo. Otišao je natrag u mjesto odakle je !

Each summer, Jorgen and his wife who live abroad go back to Denmark, their homeland. In each occasion, they meet long-time family friends Birgitte, Peter and their son Thomas, who has a cottage just nearby. Jorgen and Thomas have something in common, both walk around the beach before going to bed whilst the others are already fast asleep. When Jorgen confronts Thomas why he is feeling so sad, Thomas reveals a secret in exchange for Jorgen's one. Then they become closer together keeping each others' best kept secrets. But through the course of the next two summers their relationship develops in a way they would never have expected...
Tre_somre-817329210-largeAlthough this is just a 30 minute short film, it definitely deserved a separate entry in my blog. 'Cute' was the first word when I was 5 minutes in the film and it ended the same way. In between it had its bittersweet moments but in my opinion a very well handled overall theme. The interactions and relationships between two individuals who are very different from each other in every which way be it age, likes, sexual orientation and how it ends.
The film is kind of 3 acts and shows the three summers over a span of 3 years. Jorgen lives abroad, but every summer he comes back to Denmark with his wife. He invites, as usual, his neighbours and their teenager son,Thomas, for dinner at his place. Only, this time there is a strange tension in the air between the adults. After dinner, Jorgen and Thomas go to the beach for a walk. They discover that both have secret problems, and the fact they cannot talk about them is creating great stress. They decide to share a secret each. Thomas tells he is gay and Jorgen says that he wants to divorce his wife. With this a new friendship begins. Its the second summer now and Jorgen, now divorced invites his neighbors again. Thomas stays back to hang out with Jorgen. They are generally chit-chatting and the night ends up in them having sex. Finally , the third summer comes. Jorgen has met a new girl and is very happy with her and is having a party with his friends. Thomas shows unannounced. Jorgen freaks out but all Thomas wants is a final kiss for the sake of keeping each other's secret. Initially hesitant, Jorgen finally complies and Thomas leaves him very peacefully and quietly.

How over the course of three summers, a friendship starts and how the relationship develops is shown in such a beautiful manner. The first time they both share a secret was such a nice, simple scene. It could have been from anyone's life when people much more comfortable sharing secrets with strangers. The intimate scene in the second summer was also handled with sensitivity but it was the finale which was superb. Some people might judge the fact that a middle age man is getting sexual with a teenage boy but you need to see the whole chemistry with an open mind. How Jorgen is scared, how Thomas is heart-broken but then finally they are both at peace by just a simple kiss. They both know they need to move on and they do.
Visit: Orvel.Me

27 September 2012

20 Centimeters (2005)


20 Centimeters (2005) 20 centímetros (original title)

Director: Ramón Salazar
Writer: Ramón Salazar (screenplay)
Genres: Comedy | Musical
Country: France | Spain
Year: 2005
Language: English | Spanish | French

Stars: Alberto Arcos, Mónica Cervera and Pablo Puyol

18441456.jpg-r_640_600-b_1_D6D6D6-f_jpg-q_x-20050808_095416Marieta prostitutka koja sanja o tome kako da se oslobodi poprilično velikog problema koji je uvjek sa njom, a velik je 20 cm. Kao nesavršeni i nedovršeni transeksualac mašta o tome kako će jednog dana otići na operaciju poslije koje će imati najljepšu pičku na svjetu. Marieta živi sa cimerom, kepevom Tomasom koji se na sebi svojstven način trudi da njen tesko zarađeni novac olako potroši.
Jednog dana dok je kupovala neko povrće una pijace padne u nesvjest preko nekih gajba jagoda i u tom trenutku je ugleda zgodni i prezgodni Raul koji je nosio gajbe paprika iz Leskovca na prodaju. Kada je ugledao Marietu trenutno se zaljubio.
Marieta je oduševljena jer se u nju zaljubio savršeni muškarac koji ima veliki kurac i dupe kao breskva. Na žalost njena sreća je kratko trajala jer Raul je iznad svega volio njenih 20 cm u njegovu breskvastu guzu! Pički tu nije bilo mjesta!
U stilu Pedra Almadovara ova muzička komedija će Vas sigurno nasmijati do suza, a i za one koje vole 20 cm ili više neće biti mrskih scena.
Da li ste čuli za izraz "Size Queen"? Termin podrazumjeva one pedere koji su opsjednuti velikim kurcem. Manje je bitno ko ga nosi, da li glup ili pametan, bitna je veličina koja tako dobro boli dok vam raza bulju. :)


Film me je podsjetio na jednog prijatelja sa kojim se savršeno slažem. Po cjelu noć pričamo o raznim temama, o seksu, o muškarcima, o politici, o umjetnsti, o filmovima,o ljubavi, avanturama.... Zaista je sjajan momak i šteta što mi ne živi u mom gradu, treba mi neko kao on.
On je Aktivan, ja pasivan, on voli mlađe, ja  starije i to su jedine razlike između nas!
Sve ostalo volimo isto, a ponajviše muškarce sa velikom kitom!

18441455.jpg-r_640_600-b_1_D6D6D6-f_jpg-q_x-20050808_095409He Wants to Be a Woman but Reality Gets in the Way
Published: October 27, 2006
Size plays a major role in “20 Centimeters "a brash, vivacious concoction of dark comedy, light drama and musical performance written and directed by Ramón Salazar. For starters, the title refers to the length of its main character’s penis, nearly eight inches. Marieta, né Adolfo, a pre-op transsexual narcoleptic (convincingly played by Mónica Cervera), wants those inches to vanish, and nothing can come between her and the surgery that will make it happen, not even a hunky fruit-stocker who likes her as is.

18885892.jpg-r_640_600-b_1_D6D6D6-f_jpg-q_x-20070907_081119During spells of sudden sleep, which seem to come at the most ill-timed moments, Marieta dreams that she is the star of huge, spicy (and frustratingly hit-or-miss) song-and-dance numbers in a wide variety of musical styles, most prominently Spanish and American pop songs. (The bit inspired by Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” video is particularly amusing.)
But because so much screen time is spent in fantasyland, the film’s reality-based story lines, which focus on the sometimes bleak, even tragic, elements of Marieta’s everyday life — her conflicted sexuality, prostitution work and complex relationships with her roommate (a dwarf) and a neighbor’s young son — end up serving mainly as springboards for the high-energy set pieces.

26 September 2012

Law of Desire (1987)

69-ley-deseoLaw of Desire (1987)
La ley del deseo (original title)

Director: Pedro Almodóvar
Writers: Pedro Almodóvar (screenplay), Pedro Almodóvar (story)
Genre: Drama Country: Spain
Language: Spanish With subtitles)
Year: 1987
Duration: 102 min

Stars: Eusebio Poncela, Carmen Maura and Antonio Banderas

MyPhoto-080517-05Jeste li kada doživjeli da se neko toliko jako zaljubi u vas da to počne da vas guši. Opsjednut vama, lik kojeg volite počne da vam smeta i ne možete više da normalno funkcionišete.
Ja sam to doživio dva puta. U jednom slučaju nisam znao više na koju stranu da gledan. Idemo ulicom , a on mi prebacuje: “Vidio sam kako ga gledaš, ti bi da možeš sutra bio sa njim. ”
Jezivo, kada primjetite da se neko tako ludački ponaša, moja preporuka je da bježite glavom bez obzira inače će vam se život pretvoriti u pakao!

MyPhoto-080517-20Pedro Almodóvar , jedan od najboljih Evropskih režisera i ovim filmom me je ostavio bez daha. Drama koji sam odgledao bez da palim cigaretu!
O samom filmu neći mnogo pisati, ko poznaje Almodovarove filmove zna koliko je doživljaj njegovih filmova intimna stvar. Sto ljudi će ih doživjeti na sto načina i svako će u nekom dijelu naći sebe!
Glavnu ulogu u ovom filmu igra fantastični Antonio Banderas, koji tako dobro glumi opsjednutog pedera da na trenutak pomislite kako je i u stvarnom životu ovejana pederčina.
Zanimljiva je scena gdje ga jedan lik jebe u krevetu, a najupečatljivija mi je poslednja scena ovog remek djela.


4368-lawoeuvre2Almodóvar solidified his creative independence when he started the production company El Deseo, together with his brother Agustín, who has also had several cameo roles in his films. From 1986 on, Pedro Almodóvar has produced his own films.
The first movie that came out from El Deseo was the aptly named Law of Desire (La Ley del Deseo). The film has an operatically tragic plot line and is one of Almodóvar’s richest and most disturbing movies. The narrative follows three main characters: a gay film director who embarks on a new project; his sister, an actress who used to be his brother (played by Carmen Maura), and a repressed murderously obsessive stalker (played by Antonio Banderas).
MyPhoto-080517-23The film presents a gay love triangle and drew away from most representations of homosexuals in films. These characters are neither coming out nor confront sexual guilt or homophobia; they are already liberated, like the homosexuals in Fassbinder’s films. Almodóvar said about Law of Desire : ” It’s the key film in my life and career. It deals with my vision of desire, something that’s both very hard and very human. By this I mean the absolute necessity of being desired and the fact that in the interplay of desires it’s rare that two desires meet and correspond”

4367-lawoeuvre1 (1)
Almodóvar’s films rely heavily on the capacity of his actors to pull through difficult roles into a complex narrative. In Law of Desire Carmen Maura plays the role of Tina, a woman who used to be a man. Almodóvar explains: “Carmen is required to imitate a woman, to savour the imitation, to be conscious of the kitsch part that there is in the imitation, completely renouncing parody, but not humour”.
Elements from Law of Desire grew into the basis for two later films: Carmen Maura appears in a stage production of Cocteau’s The Human Voice, which inspired Almodóvar’s next film, Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown; and Tina’s confrontation scene with an abusive priest formed a partial genesis for Bad Education.

  La ley del deseo (1987)
  • Director: Pedro Almodóvar
  • Writers:
    Pedro Almodóvar       
    Pedro Almodóvar       
  • Country:Spain
  • Genres:Comedy, Drama, Romance
  • Runtime:102 minutes
  • Actors:
    Pablo Quintero
    Eusebio Poncela
    Tina Quintero
    Carmen Maura
    Antonio Benítez
    Antonio Banderas
    Juan Bermúdez
    Miguel Molina
    Inspector de policía
    Fernando Guillén
    Ada, niña
    Manuela Velasco
    Doctor Martín
    Nacho Martínez
    Ada - madre (as Bibí Andersen)
    Bibiana Fernández
    Madre de Antonio
    Helga Liné
    El Cura
    Germán Cobos
  • Language:Spanish
  • Plot: Pablo and Tina have complicated sexual lives. Pablo writes and directs plays and films; he's gay and deeply in love with Juan, a young man who won't reply to Pablo's affection or letters. Pablo's sibling Tina is a transsexual, angry at men, raising Ada, and trying to make it as an actress. Pablo takes up with Antonio, a youth who becomes jealous of Pablo's love for Juan. Antonio seeks out Juan, and violence leads to Pablo's grief and a temporary loss of memory. When memory returns, he learns that Antonio has taken up with Tina. In horror, he hurries to Tina's rescue and must face Antonio and his desire. Written by
  • Also known as: A Lei do Desejo (Brazil), A Lei do Desejo (Portugal), A vágy törvénye (Hungary - imdb display title), Begärets lag (Sweden - imdb display title), Das Gesetz der Begierde (West Germany), De wet van de begeerte (Belgium - imdb display title, Flemish title), Intohimon laki (Finland), La legge del desiderio (Italy), La loi du désir (France), Law of Desire (International - imdb display title, English title), O nomos tou pothou (Greece - transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title), Prawo pozadania (Poland),
  • Rating:  (4,875 votes)

25 September 2012

Tá (2007)

Tá (2007)
Director: Felipe Sholl
Writers: Felipe Sholl, Rafael Lessa
Genre: Short movie
Country: Brazil
Year: 2007
Language: Portuguese (English subtitles)
Duration: 5 min
Stars: Joao Ferreira and Fernando Sao Thiago

Ukoliko ste pogledali ovaj sajt uz jutarnju kafu predlažem vam da pogledate ovaj kratki film u kojem dva prijatelja istražuju šta ih pali, a šta ne!

| by russellld (sf, ca) – IMDB
Short films don't always get the attention they deserve on some audience review sites, or from audiences in general, but often a short film can do in a matter of minutes something more entertaining and expansive than a feature film of much longer length. I feel that this film is such a work - the feelings, emotions, and desires of both of the characters are portrayed in both covert and overt ways, along with the joy, challenge and, at times, awkwardness of each young man's exploration of sex, sexuality and sexual preference. Simultaneously both frank and direct, and humorous and tender, the situation, action and interaction, plot and climax of the film are all developed in a way that was, for me, extremely entertaining and enjoyable. I look forward to further work from those involved with this film, which was screened in the 2008 Frameline LGBT Film Festival in San Francisco, as part of the "Worldy Affairs" program of short films.

Tá (2007)
  • Director: Felipe Sholl
  • Writers:
    Rafael Lessa
    Felipe Sholl
  • Producers:
    Pedro Aguiar
    line producer  
    Karim Ainouz
    executive producer  
    Jonathan Nossiter
    executive producer  
  • Country:Brazil
  • Genre:Short
  • Runtime:5 minutes
  • Actors:
    João Ferreira
    Fernando São Thiago
  • Language:Portuguese
  • Rating: (70 votes)

24 September 2012

Cazuza - O Tempo Não Pára (2004)

Cazuza: Time Doesn't Stop (2004)
Cazuza - O Tempo Nao Pára (original title)

Director: Walter Carvalho, Sandra Werneck
Writers:: Lúcia Araújo, Fernando Bonassi 
Genre: Biography 
Country: Brazil
Year: 2004 
Duration: 98 min (Mar del Plata Film Festival) Rating: 7.3/10

Stars: Daniel de Oliveira, Marieta Severo, Reginaldo Farias, Andréa Beltrăo, Leandra Leal, Emílio de Melo, Cadu Fávero, André Gonçalves, Arlindo Lopes, Dudu Azevedo, André Pfeffer, Eduardo Pires, Maria Flor, Fernanda Boechat, Pierre Sant

otemponaopara8at9_thumb[1]Ne volim filmove sa tužnim krajem, al ovaj sam odgledao sa posebnom pažnjom. Snimljen na jedan polu dokumentarni način ima i priču i dušu. Cazuza je brazilski pjevač koji je u svoje vrijeme bio izuzetno popularan. Na žalost umro je od side 1990. god, a iza sebe je ostavio Brazil liberalniji nego što je bio. Kad je saznao da ima AIDS nije krio bolest što izazvalo zaprepašćenje širom Brazila i motivisalo mnoge ljude da se suprostave neznanju u borbi protiv te pošasti.
Nakon što sam odgledao ovaj film skinuo sam muziku iz filma i posebno mi se dopala pjesma O Tempo Nao Para. Slušajuci je nazvao sam jednog prijatelja, inače brazilca koji živi u Parizu i pitao ga da li zna ko ovo pjeva. Rekao mi je da obožava tu pjesmu i da je pjeva jedan brazilski pjevač koji je umro od side! Naravno dao sam mu link da pogleda ovaj film.
Posle mi je još i rekao da se Cazusove poeme uče u školama i da su obavezna literatura, da je cjeli Brazil počeo da razmišlja dugačije nakon njegove smrti. Nakon Cazuzove smrti pjevač Renato Russo je napravio koncert na kojemu je pjevao Cazuzove pjesme. Na koncertu je bilo suza i plača, al svi su pjevali! Dvije godine kasnije Renato Russo je takođe umro od side.
otemponaopara5vc9_thumbBrazil danas ima jednu od najjačih kampanja edukacije u prevenciji AIDS-a i zahvaljući tome ta država nema veći broj HIV pozitivnih. Sam Cazuza je prilično razuzdano živio, biseksualac, umjetnik , poeta, provokator… to su sve epiteti koje je dobio za života. Za sebe je jednom rekao : -Rodjen sam bez osjećaja srama!
Cazuzo i danas živi u sjećanjima mnogih brazilaca kao umjetnik koji je ostavio traga u mnogim životima običnih ranjivih ljudi! Inače malo se na ovim prostorima zna o mentalitetu brazilaca, uopšte o mentalitetu ljudi sa južnoameričkog kontinenta. Izuzetno temperamentni, strastveni u ljubavi i mržnji i beskompromisno tvrdoglavi podsjećaju na mediteran. Ovaj brazilac kojeg pominjem u tekstu živi u Parisu, oženjen je i ima dijete. Na jedan internetski način održavamo kontakte i zarekao se da će doći u Crnu Goru da me vidi. Tvrdi da me voli i često dok se gledamo preko kamera to i vidim u njegovim očima. Uplašim se toga. Šta da kažem ako dođe? “Ovo mi je rođak ” sigurno ne može da prođe jer je crnac!

otemponaopara1qt9_thumb[1]Cazuza – O Tempo Nao Pára (Cazuza – Time Doesn’t Stop) is a 2004 Brazilian movie about the life of singer Cazuza. The film is directed by Walter Carvalho and Sandra Werneck. It stars Daniel de Oliveira as Cazuza. The film is based on the book by Cazuza’s mother, Lucia Araujo. Cazuza – O Tempo Nao Pára won a best actor award from the Sao Paulo Association of Art Critics Awards. Agenor Miranda Araújo Neto, better known as Cazuza (4 April 1958 – 7 July 1990) was a Brazilian composer, singer and poet, born in Rio de Janeiro.
otemponaopara0xb6_thumbAlong with Raul Seixas, Renato Russo and Os Mutantes, Cazuza is considered one of the best exponents of Brazilian rock music. In 1989, he admitted publicly for the first time that he had AIDS and released his last album: Burguesia. Cazuza was openly bisexual but was not active in the gay movement. However his openness about being a person with AIDS helped to change public perceptions and attitudes about HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment.

otemponaopara2wu0_thumb[1]Cazuza died in Rio de Janeiro on July 7, 1990 at the age of 31 from an AIDS related illness. He was buried at the Cemitério Sao Joao Batista Botafogo, in Rio de Janeiro. Cazuza’s mother set up the Viva Cazuza Society (Sociedade Viva Cazuza), a charity which sponsors AIDS prevention and provides a home for HIV-positive children.
The movie was one of the most successful of the year in Brazil.
Focusing on Cazuza’s personal life, the film chronicles his early career, his subsequent success, his drug use and his promiscuous lifestyle. It starts out in the early 1980s in Rio de Janeiro, showing his usual day-to-day life until he joins the band which would become Barao Vermelho. It then shows the band’s rise to fame and its frequent “mutinies” which led him to pursue a solo career. Later, it depicts his struggle against the AIDS virus and his final days. c-fi_thumb[1]


Mixed Kebab (2012)

ccMixed Kebab (2012)

Director: Guy Lee Thys 
Writer: Guy Lee Thys (screenplay)
Genre: Drama
Country: Belgium | Turkey
Language: Dutch | Turkish | English ( Subtitles)
Duration: 95 min
Year: 2012

Stars: Cem Akkanat, Simon Van Buyten and Gamze Tazim

mixed_kebabPriče iz Turske se uglavnom uklapaju u našu balkansku zbilju barem kada je u  pitanju odnos društva prema gay ljudima.
Ibrahim / Bram potiče iz jedne turske porodice koja živi i radi u Belgiji. Več po rođenju mu je određeno ko će mu biti žena i kako će živjeti.
Naravno da ne postoje običaju koji tako nešto mogu predvijeti. Bram se radije odlučuje da živi sa mladim momkom Kevinom!
Pogledajte ovaj film uz neko nedeljno poslijepodne, zanimljiv je.
Kevin me je posdjetio na jednog momka koji je stalno maštao da ga oženim i da sretno živimo do kraja života u nekoj bajci. Na moju nesreću ja sam mu bio prvi muškarac pa kad mu je guza stradala, zaljubio se i nije mi dao mira. Neko vrijeme dok mi je prijala njegova neukost i nedostatak životnog iskustva  sam se smijao svemu tome, ali kasnije mi je počela smetati njegovo otvoreno pokazivanje ljubavi čak i pred prijateljima.
jjObjasnio sam mu da je između njega i mene prevelika razlika u godinama i da ja nisam ono o čemu on mašta. Znate onu priču zaslužuješ ti nekog boljeg od mene, ja sam perverznjak koji kad kod mu se pruži prilika završi u krevet sa prvim tipom koji mu se svidi i da ću ga imati na umu kada budem organizovao trojke ili orgije.
Nesretnik se toliko razočarao da je poslije toga našao djevojku i rekao mi da nikad više neće biti sa muškarcem. Na moje iznenađenje oženio se i dobio djete. Ljetos sam ga vidio kako puši nekom liku na plaži i pozdravio ga u prolazu! Bez srama izmedju dva "gutljaja" mi je otpozdravio!

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G2hmNA closeted Antwerp man's juggling of his tradition-minded Turkish family's expectations and a best friend-turned-boyfriend propel "Mixed Kebab." Belgian writer-helmer Guy Lee Thys' film recalls "My Beautiful Laundrette" in its busy agenda of seriocomic culture-clashing issues, even if the authorial wit here isn't quite as sharp. Risking over-contrivance at times, the whole is nonetheless crowd-pleasing stuff that stands to do particularly well at gay fests, where it should pick up steam toward healthy offshore home-format and possible limited theatrical sales.
Starting things off a little too on-the-nose, the pic's protag (Cem Akkanat) introduces himself via voiceover: "I'm Ibrahim, I'm Turkish. I'm Bram, I'm Belgian. I am a Muslim … and I'm gay." Fortunately, things get less glib fast as we learn more about his world. He's smitten with blond, blue-eyed Kevin (Simon Van Buyten), who works at a cafe run by his open-minded mother, Marina (Karlijn Sileghem). Though normally a slick pickup artist, Bram (who deals cocaine as a sideline to his job with an upscale caterer) is unsure of Kevin's sexual leanings.
vY2bLAt home, however, Bram is Ibrahim, exemplary eldest son to emigre parents (Ergun Simsek, Tanja Cnaepkens) proud to have resisted liberal Western ways more firmly than many back home in Turkey. The thorn in their side is Ibrahim's younger sib, Furkan (Lukas De Wolf), an angry teen who's turning into a little thug, skipping school and committing robberies with equally rudderless pals. Wise to his brother's hidden life, Furkan outs Ibrahim to take the heat off himself, but the family simply doesn't believe him.
rmixed_kebabThat leaves Bram free to invite Kevin along when he goes to Turkey -- a trip intended to confirm his arranged-marriage plans with educated cousin Elif (Gamze Tazim), though that becomes a mere obligatory aside to the two men's joyful consummation of mutual attraction. Their cavorting doesn't go unnoticed, or unphotographed, by a hotel porter (Hakan Gurkan) whom not-so-chaste Elif has been fooling around with. Presented with evidence, she proves too hellbent on moving West to be swayed from Plan A. But those photos will wreak havoc yet.
Mix of comedy, romance, intrigue and religious/cultural tensions is smoothly handled for the most part, even if the pic's increasing seriousness feels a little lopsided, particularly when a late instance of turnabout violence prompts all-around reconciliations a mite too conveniently. Nonetheless, "Mixed Kebab" enjoyably balances numerous themes and plot strands with brisk skill, presenting the gay relationship in an upfront manner without ever turning into a solely niche-aud-focused item. Ensemble cast, location choices, and tech/design contributions are all lively and spot-on.


Visit: Orvel.Me

Mixed Kebab (2012)
  • Director: Guy Lee Thys
  • Writers:
    Guy Lee Thys
  • Producers:
    Guy Lee Thys
    Jan Vrints
    associate producer  
  • Countries:Belgium, Turkey
  • Genre:Drama
  • Actors:
    Ibrahim / Bram
    Cem Akkanat
    Simon Van Buyten
    Gamze Tazim
    Karlijn Sileghem
    Lukas De Wolf
    Ergun Simsek
    Hakan Gurkan
    Rudolph Segers
    Magali Uytterhaegen
    Gökhan Girginol
    Mathias Vergels
    Sinan Cihangir
    Alev Doruk
    Recep Yagizoglu
    Brit Van Hoof
    Noureddine Addass
    Mostafa Benkerroum
    Bartender Zanzibar
    Dirk Calander
    Tanja Cnaepkens
    Charlotte De Cock
    Alev Nathalie Doruk
    Kristof Pichaud
  • Languages:Dutch, Turkish, English
  • Rating: (82 votes)

Hot Legs (1995)


Hot Legs (1995)
by Underdog Productions 1 year ago
Short Film produced by Underdog Productions (Pty) Ltd in 1995.
Durration: 27 min

Note: This film contains some male nudity, contains material of a gay nature, and may be disturbing to younger viewers. It also contains some fast flash shots.

Written & Directed by Luiz DeBaross
Produced by: Marc Schwinges
Starring:David Ducas, Gerrie Barnard
Executive Producers: Marc Schwinges, Catherine Bester & Charlotte Bauer

Hot Legs from Underdog Productions on Vimeo.

Short Film produced by Underdog Productions (Pty) Ltd in 1995.

Durration: 27 min

Note: This film contains some male nudity, contains material of a gay nature, and may be disturbing to younger viewers. It also contains some fast flash shots.

Written & Directed by Luiz DeBaross
Produced by: Marc Schwinges

Tim: David Ducas
Dave: Gerrie Barnard
Tim Jnr: Glen Fine
Dave Jnr: Leon Weed
Kid One: Miguel Barros
Kid Tow: Marcus Mudd
Policeman One: Carlo Goertz
Policeman Two: Criag Kelly
Mother: Mariana Carrillo
Son: Sipho Khuzwago Moyo

Director of Photography: Peter Pohorsky
Production Manager: Brendan Rice
Production Assistant: David Hecker
Focus Puller: Greg Poisson
Grip: Tony Slater

Sound: Jeremy Hattingh
Sound: Ian Miller
Boom Operator: Sean Kelly

Senior Make-up Artist: Adrienne Cohen
Make-Up Artist: Ionka Nel

Runners: Wayne Fick, Paul Hanrahan, Hal Couzens, Bronwyn Vermeulen, Oliver Galloway.

Composer: Dean Hart

Post Production Advisor: Hal Couzens
Non-Liner Editor: Llewelyn Roderick

Henry On-Line Editor: Lara Hollis

Telecine Grade: Paul Hanrahan

Final Audio Mix: Richard Starkey

Titiling: John Brink

Executive Producers: Marc Schwinges, Catherine Bester & Charlotte Bauer