
09 November 2008

Sommersturm (2004)

Sommersturm (2004)

Ovaj film me je vratio u tinejdžerko doba. Podsjetio me je na jednog druga, sa kojim sam nakon škole, volio šetati pored mora. Jednog proljeća samo upali i jedan kamp sa nekim drvenim kućicama. Visoka trava nas je naprosto natjerala da potrčino i uvalimo se u nju. Ležeći tako jedan pored drugog ćutali smo. Odjenom se prevalio preko mene i rekao kako bi volio da sam žensko. Vrištao sam od smjeha i rekao mu da sam na moju sreću muško te da sam siguran od njega! Odgovorio mi je: Nemoj biti siguran u to ! Poljubio me, ustao i pobjego trčeći. Jedva sam ga stigao.
Nikada se kasnije to nije ponovilo!

Ovaj film govori baš o tim danima. Kada idete na treninge, kampovanje sa društvom, zadirkujete cure, a emocije se nedaju kontrolisati!
U tom odrastanju nije rijedak slučaj da nismo sigurni da li više volimo curu ili najboljeg druga! A šta se desi kada se pored vašeg nalazi kamp sa gay veslačima ....?

Da ne dužim dalje ovo je jedna izvanredna priča o svemu tome. Pogledajte je !
U fajlu dolje ima i titl na našem jeziku!


Summer Storm (German: Sommersturm) is a multi award-winning, German coming-of-age film directed by Marco Kreuzpaintner. Released in 2004, the film stars Robert Stadlober, Kostja Ullmann, Alicja Bachleda-Curus', and Marlon Kittel. The story is set to the background of a rowing regatta, which climaxes into a Summer Storm.
Teams from all across Germany descend on a quiet camping ground for a week of training leading up to a final rowing competition. The plot follows the members of the RSC rowing club from southern Germany as they train for the regatta.

The boys are excited by the prospects of camping with a female rowing team from Berlin. However, by a stroke of fate, the Berlin girls’ team cancels and is replaced by Queerschlag ("Queerstrokes"), a gay youth rowing team, and these boys are out proud and camp it up to their full potential.

Amidst the sometimes tense interactions between the members of his team and those of Queerschlag, Tobi (Stadlober) is himself forced to confront his long-time feelings for his friend and team-mate Achim (Ullmann), who is already romantically involved with his girlfriend Sandra (Miriam Morgenstern). Spurned by Achim, Tobi is devastated, but is partly consoled by his new friendship with Queerschlag member Leo (Kittel).

The tension between the members of the two teams culminates in a scene set to the backdrop of a summer storm, during which Leo confronts Tobi about his homosexuality in front of his fellow team-mates. Tobi denies being gay, and, in an attempt to defend him, one of his team-mates tells Tobi’s girlfriend Anke (Bachleda-Curus') to tell the rest of his team-mates so. Anke, the only person to whom Tobi has confided his secret, remains silent.

Ultimately, Tobi comes out to his fellow team-mates, and his rowing team and Queerschlag go on to compete in the final regatta.

Director: Marco Kreuzpaintner
Writers: Thomas Bahmann (screenplay)
Marco Kreuzpaintner (screenplay)
Release Date: 2 September 2004 (Germany) more
Genre: Comedy / Drama / Romance more
Tagline:life happens without warning
Plot Summary: Tobi and Achim, the pride of the local crew club, have been the best of friends for years and are convinced...

Plot Keywords: Homophobic / Swimming / Sex In Nature / Storm / Gay Lead Character
Awards: 3 wins & 1 nomination

(Cast overview, first billed only)
Robert Stadlober ... Tobi
Kostja Ullmann ... Achim
Jürgen Tonkel ... Hansi
Miriam Morgenstern ... Sandra
Alicja Bachleda-Curus ... Anke
Angelika Brennfleck ... Thea
Josefine Müller ... Claudia
Joseph M'Barek ... Ferdinand
Tristano Casanova ... Georg
Roman Storm ... Günther
Jeff Fischer ... Flasche
Johannes Franke ... Martin
Anton Rattinger ... Gruber
Gerhard Oberwetter ... Busfahrer
Tobias van Dieken ... Naturschützer (as Tobias Vandieken)

Summer Storm (International: English title)
Runtime: 98 min
Country: Germany
Language: German

Pictures, trailer, description and links for download

Davy and Stu (2006)

Davy and Stu (2006)

Director: Soman Chainani
Writer: Anton Dudley (writer)
Genre: Short | Drama | Romance

(Credited cast)
Nicholas Cutro ... Stu
Travis Walters ... Davy

Runtime: USA:13 min
Country: USA
Language: English

Based on Anton Dudley's award-winning play. As the sun sets over a swampy Scotland bog, two boys meet in the darkness as part of a nightly ritual. Part character study, part love story, DAVY & STU is a heartwrenching look at the intensity of adolescent romance and forbidden love.

This short film tells the story of two young Scottish lads who have met in the damp marshes for one of their secret rendezvous. What ensues is a powerful mix of forbidden love, teenage-angst energy and tender affection.

"Davy & Stu" is a fine example of great acting. Both actors give strong, convincing performances. In particular, Nicholas Cutro(Stu) manages to convey the emotional intensity of his character, without over-acting or spelling-it-out for the audience. Words can be deceiving; the facial expressions, and especially the eyes, are more than enough to tell the truth of a character. From Cutro's performance, we understand Stu's internal struggle; the relentless pressures of social acceptability and his intense (almost over-powering) love for Davy.

This is a very enjoyable and touching short film. Hopefully these young actors will continue with their acting careers, as they put some veteran Hollywood actors to shame.

08 November 2008

Prick Up Your Ears (1987)

Prick Up Your Ears (1987)

Jeste li čuli za Joe Ortona? Da budem iskren do ovog filma nisam ni ja! Pisac, novelist, homoseksualac koji je svoga 25-togodišnjeg partnera Kenneth Halliwella upoznao sa 17 godina. Kako li su se samo našli, Joe nestabilan, seksualno nezasit, sklon avanturama i eksperimentisanju, a Kenneth nesiguran u sebe i povučen. Film nas vodi kroz život ova dva pedera 60-tih godina u Londonu, kada je jebanje medju muškarcima bilo zakonom zabranjemo i kažnjivo. Frustrijajuće su scene gay podzemlja u kojima se pederi ko štakori sakupljaju u nekakvim podrumskim WC-ima, pa gase i ono malo sijalica kako bi jedan drugoga trpali u mraku! Koja razlika u odnosu na današnje doba.
Kada su se upoznali, Kenneth je kao stariji bio svjesniji sebe i svoje homoseksualnosti, a Joe je bio kao izgubljeno derište koje bi sve da proba, bar dok se ne opeče. A opekao se kada je prvi put završio u krevet sa svojim drugarom koji mu je očito uzeo nevinost. Mada se u filmu baš i ne vidi koju ulogu u seksu voli da igra! Kenneth je želio da bude glumac, pisac, novelista, ali onako nesiguran u sebe ni u čemu nije uspjevao. Kada se Joe Orton počeo da piše i pored svih teškoća u koje je upadao, bio je uspješniji i snalažljiviji. Kako je imao sve više uspjeha kao pisac, a i u kontaktima sa menadžerima i izdavačima, na neki način je njegov partner ostajao po strani. Predstavljajuči se kao asistent ili skoro pa batler u zajedničkom stanu po čijim zidovima je lijepio slike tada poznatih glumica.
Vrhunac svega je kada je Joe otišao na banket organizovan u njegovu čast sa svojim agentom, a Kennetha ostavio kući.
Njihov odnos je inače dublje prirode i nije vezan isključivo za sek. Joe je svoje seksualne potrebe zadovoljavao po toaletima i po smrdljivim mjestima, tako da zadnjih godina i nije imao potrebu za seksom sa već oćelavljenim Kennethom.
Očito je da je njihov međusobni odnos bio drugačije prirode i emocionalno teško razjašnjiv. Kada bi se sada time bavio u ovom tekstu bih morao napisati cjelu psihološku studiju o odnosu između njih.
Kennethova potčinjenost Ortonu i potpuni gubitak samopouzdanja na kraju prelazi u bolesnu posesivnost koja i dovela da zauvijek i ostanu zajedno.
U nastupu ludila kada ga je Joe pitao šta misli o tome da raskinu, Kenneth mu je na svirep način presudio, a zatim se i sam ubio.
Film ne spada u kategoriju lakih priča, te ga nemojte ni početi gledati ako zaista niste raspoloženi za ovu vrstu ekranizovanih biografija.
Uzgred povremeno film izgleda kao neka ekranizovana brodvejska priča iako to nije!

Director: Stephen Frears
Writers: Alan Bennett (writer)
John Lahr (book)

Genre: Biography | Comedy |

Plot Keywords: Gay Lead Character | Homosexual | Love | Murder | Theater


Gary Oldman ... Joe Orton
Alfred Molina ... Kenneth Halliwell
Vanessa Redgrave ... Peggy Ramsay
Frances Barber ... Leonie Orton
Janet Dale ... Mrs. Sugden
Julie Walters ... Elsie Orton
Bert Parnaby ... The Magistrate
Margaret Tyzack ... Madame Lambert
Lindsay Duncan ... Anthea Lahr
Wallace Shawn ... John Lahr

Runtime: 111 min
Country: UK
Language: English

For all of their years together, Joe Orton and Kenneth Halliwell lived in a cramped room in the north of London, up near the Angel tube stop where everything seems closer to hell. Even after Orton became famous, even after his plays were hits and he was winning awards and his picture was in the papers, he came home to the tiny hovel where Halliwell was waiting. One night he came home and Halliwell hammered him to death and killed himself.

"Prick Up Your Ears" is the story of Orton and Halliwell and the murder. They say that most murderers are known to their victims. They don't say that if you knew the victims as well as the murderer did, you might understand more about the murder, but doubtless that is sometimes the case. This movie opens with a brutal, senseless crime. By the time the movie is over, the crime is still brutal, but it is possible to comprehend.

When they met, Orton was 17, Halliwell was 25 and they both wanted to be novelists. They were homosexuals, but sex never seemed to be at the heart of their relationship. They lived together, but Orton prowled the night streets for rough trade and Halliwell scolded him for taking too many chances. Orton was, by all accounts, a charming young man - liked by everybody, impish, rebellious, with a taste for danger. Halliwell, eight years older, was a stolid, lonely man who saw himself as Orton's teacher.

He taught him everything he could. Then Orton used what he'd learned to write plays that drew heavily on their life together. His big hits were "Loot" and "What the Butler Saw," and both are still frequently performed. But when Orton won the Evening Standard's award for the play of the year - an honor like the Pulitzer Prize - he didn't take Kenneth to the banquet, he took his agent.

Halliwell began to feel that he was receiving no recognition for what he saw as the sacrifice of his life. He dabbled in art and constructed collages out of thousands of pictures clipped from books and magazines. But his shows were in the lobbies of the theaters presenting Joe's plays, and people were patronizing to him. That began to drive him mad.

"Prick Up Your Ears" is based on the biography that John Lahr wrote about Orton, a biography that has become famous for discovering a private life so different from the image seen by the public.

Homosexuality was a crime in the 1960s in England, but Orton was heedless of the dangers. In fact, he seemed to enjoy danger. Perhaps that was why he kept Halliwell around, because he sensed the older man might explode. More likely, though, he kept him out of loyalty and indifference and didn't fully realize how much he was hurting him. One of the early scenes in the film shows Halliwell skulking at home, angry because Orton is late for dinner.

The movie is good at scenes like that. It has a touch for the wound beneath the skin, the hurt that we can feel better than the person who is inflicting it. The movie is told as sort of a flashback, with the Lahr character interviewing Orton's literary agent and then the movie spinning off into memories of its own.

The movie is not about homosexuality, which it treats in a matter-of-fact manner. It is really about a marriage between unequal partners. Halliwell was, in a way, like the loyal wife who slaves at ill-paid jobs to put her husband through medical school, only to have the man divorce her after he's successful because they have so little in common - he with his degree, her with dishwater hands.

The movie was written by Alan Bennett, a successful British playwright who understands Orton's craft. He bases one of his characters on Lahr (played by Wallace Shawn), apparently as an excuse to give Orton's literary agent (Vanessa Redgrave) someone to talk to. The device is awkward, but it allows Redgrave into the movie, and her performance is superb: aloof, cynical, wise, unforgiving.

The great performances in the movie are, of course, at its center. Gary Oldman plays Orton and Alfred Molina plays Halliwell, and these are two of the best performances of the year. Oldman you may remember as Sid Vicious, the punk rock star in "Sid & Nancy." There is no point of simularity between the two performances; like a few gifted actors, he is able to re-invent himself for every role. On the basis of these two movies, he is the best young British actor around. Molina has a more thankless role as he stands in the background, overlooked and misunderstood. But even as he whines we can understand his feelings, and by the end we are not very surprised by what he does.

The movie was directed by Stephen Frears, whose most recent movie, "My Beautiful Laundrette," also was about a homosexual relationship between two very different men: a Pakistani laundry operator and his working-class, neofascist boyfriend. Frears makes homosexuality an everyday thing in his movies, which are not about his characters' sexual orientation but about how their underlying personalities are projected onto their sexuality and all the other areas of their lives.

In the case of Orton and Halliwell, there is the sense that their deaths had been waiting for them right from the beginning. Their relationship was never healthy and never equal, and Halliwell, who was willing to sacrifice so much, would not sacrifice one thing: recognition for his sacrifice. If only Orton had taken him to that dinner, there might have been so many more opening nights.

06 November 2008

Naked Fame (2004)

Naked Fame (2004)

Ovo je dokumentarni film o Coltonu Fordu, porno glumcu poznat svim ljubiteljima gay pornića! Prića o njegovom načinu života, o tome ko je on. šta voli, šta želi da radi itd. Interesantno je kada pokazuju svoju kuću. Sva je u kamerama tako da oni sa kojima čatuje preko interneta mogu da gledaju i prate sve šta radi. Kao u big brother kući. Strašno, nadam se da ih gasi kada se jebe inače nikada neću otići kod njega!
Da li ste znali da ova mišićava grdosija voli i da pjeva?! Da budem iskren i nije baš neki pjevač ali bih volio da mi zapjeva u krevetu! Film je povremeno zabavan, al je dobrim dijelom dosadan i prazan. nepotrebnih scena i priča koliko god oćeš! Na primjer kadrovi koji pokazuju jednolične krajolike pored puta dok se voze kolima i slično. U svakom slučaju uz ovaj film vam ide i soundtrack iz kojeg jedino izdvajam pjesmu Melisse G - Naked Fame. Prava gay dance muzika!
Ako ste mislili da će te u filmu naći gomilu sexy scena i golotinje prevarili ste se. Osim na početku filma kada prikazuje kako čatuje na netu, Ford se ne pojavljuje nigdje go! Da ima više takvih scena mislim da bi film bio itekako gledan. Ovako...

U filmu se naravno pojavljuje njegov partner Blake Harper ( Peter), sa kojim je Ford u vezi. Sladak je i bolje mi izgleda nego CF. Na žalost više se ne bave jebanjem pred kamerama jer kao žele da nešto promjene u životu. Scena kada se Peter zaplakao i kada ga je zagrlio Ford je baš romantična, ali nebojte se, nećete zaplakati!

Director: Christopher Long
Genre: Documentary | Biography
Plot Keywords: Gay Porn | Gay | Homosexual | Male Nudity | Drugs

(Credited cast)
Amber ... Herself
Kevin Aviance ... Himself
Marc Berkely ... Himself
Colton Ford ... Himself
Lonnie Gordon ... Herself
Blake Harper ... Himself
Chi Chi La Rue ... Himself
Pepper Mashay ... Herself
Tony Mills ... Himself
Sharon Mitchell ... Herself
Kyle Nevins ... Himself

Bruce Vilanch ... Himself

Runtime: USA:84 min
Country: USA
Language: English

At the age of 40, wildly successful gay adult film star Colton Ford decides to leave porn behind and to pursue his dream: music. He definitely has the talent, but can he successfully use his porn past to build up a new career as a singer-songwriter? Christopher Long's intelligent and appealing documentary, Naked Fame, attempts to answer that question, following Colton and his life partner, fellow adult film star Blake Harper, as Colton moves from the film studio to the music recording studio.

A fascinating look at the porn world and music industry from the initial conception of the first single to its recording and release, this documentary explores the intimate inner-workings of the music industry, capturing the intense emotional drama and struggles involved in the pursuit of stardom against the stigma of a porn star past.

Also Soundtrack Naked fame you can hear here :

To see more about this movie visit

L'@mour est ŕ réinventer aka Love Reinvented (1996)

L'@mour est ŕ réinventer aka Love Reinvented (1996)

Sa puta sam se vratio prije dva dana, al sam se prehladio do te mjere da me mrzilo da palim računar.
Iako sam za ova dva dana skinuo 7-8 filmova ni jedan nisam pogledao. Zato sam nakon ove duže pauze odlučio da vam djelimično predstavim jednu
kompilaciju kratkih fimova. Kažem djelimično jer nemam namjeru da vam opisujem svaki film pojedinačno. Filmovi su rađeni u Francuskoj produkciji Canala +, a svaki je za sebe pravo malo remek djelo. Ima nešto u nama što nas natijera da učinimo neki nepromišljen potez, nešto zbog čega kasnije možemo zažaliti. Samokontrola je jedini način da se odbranimo od opasne želje. Bio sam u situciji da sam kolima pokupio jednog prelijepog momka.
Izgledao je odlično, vidi se da vodi računa o sebi, a svojom pojavom i pričom me je strašno privlačio. Otišli smo na večeru i nakon toga skrenuli autom u jednu nedođiju gdje smo se prepustili želji i strasti. U jednom momentu sam ga pitao imaš li kondom, rekao je NEMAM.
Iako teška srca obukao sam se i upalio auto. Rastali smo se bez i jedne rječi. Da ga nisam pitao nastavio bi to što smo započeli bez razmišljanja.

Ove kratke male priče nam govore o poslijedicama kada nam strast nadjača zdravi razum!

U deset kratkin priča možete sagledati različite aspekte homoseksualnih romanci. Svaka je na svoj način poučna i edukativna u cilju suzbijanja AIDS-a u gay populaciji.

U ovom postu sam stavio jedan od tih filmova da ga možede pogledati!

Directors: Paul Vecchiali , Merzak Allouache , Marion Vernoux , Philippe Faucon , Anne Fontaine , Pierre Salvadori , Clarisse Battas , Jean-Philippe Clarac , Francoise Decaux Thomelet , Olivier-Daniel Deloeuil , Franck Demules , Stephene Galas , Pierre Guiho , Catherine Locandro , Sergei A. Matytsin , Olivier Rouviere , Didier Seynave , Nils Tavernier , François Dupeyron , Jean-Claude Guiguet
Writers: Romaine Moreton (segment)
David Ottenhouse (segment)
Seasons: 1
Release Date: 2 December 1996 (France)
Genre: Drama / Comedy more
Plot Keywords: Homosexual / Gay Interest / AIDS / Campaign / Omnibus
(Series Cast Summary - 2 of 39)
Adrien de Van ... Ludovic (2 episodes, 1996)
Stéphane Höhn ... L'homme (2 episodes, 1996)

Also Known As:
@mour est ŕ réinventer, dix histoires d'amours au temps du sida, L' (France)
Love Reinvented (USA) (DVD title)
Runtime: France:55 min
Country: France
Language: French / English

This is not a feature film, but a collection of 10 shorts. The total running time is 70 minutes. All except the first are in French with English subtitles. All are either directly or obliquely (sometimes very obliquely indeed) about AIDS. None are exceptional. I have been known to enjoy DVD collections of short gay-themed films. If some of them are not very good, at least I enjoy the different perspectives that filmmakers bring in their examination of what it means to lead a gay life. For me, none of these films was remotely interesting. If you are looking for some smart, sexy, French short films, rent the collection of François Ozon's short films that has been released to DVD.

Different aspects of homosexual romance are explored in this compendium of short vignettes. The film is designed as sort of a gay version of 1994's 3,000 Scenarios to Combat a Virus, an anthology that was comprised of 30 short films -- made by some of France's best
directors -- out of story ideas submitted by school children on ways to deal with the AIDS virus. In this film however, the selection committee had no age limit and received about a thousand potential stories. The ten selected vignettes (three of which do not deal with AIDS at all ) encompass a broad look at the subject and range for the tale of a lesbian teen trying to come out to her parents, to a gay man who shocks his lover by claiming to be pregnant, to another man's reminiscence of a brief affair with an HIV-positive man. The vignettes were originally shown individually on French television. ~ Sandra Brennan, All Movie Guide

Pictures, trailer, description and links for download!