31 October 2008
J’ai rêvé sous l’eau / I Dreamt Under the Water (2008)
J’ai rêvé sous l’eau aka I Dreamt Under the Water (2008)
Već dugo vremena nisam pogledao ni jedan film. Naprosto nisam osjećao potrebu za to. Ponekad mi sopstvene navike dosade pa radim sve samo ne ono u čemu inače svakodnevno uživam. Izradio sam dva sajta na šta sam utošio dosta vremena. Neke posebne koristi ne vidim od toga, al šta god da radiš nešto i naučiš!
Danas sam pogledao ovaj film i dva sata su mi protekla kao jedan minut. Iako film ima jednostavnu priču naproto te natjera da razmisliš o nekim stvarima koje prolaze oko tebe, a jedva ih primjećiješ.
Šta je to u našim glavama što nas tjera da uradimo nešto na šta definitivno nismo ponosni?
Gledajući ovaj film podsjetio sam se na jedan događaj od prije nekoliko godina. Nakon teške i konačne svađe sa mojim bivšim otišao sam u Beograd u posjetu jednom drugu. Jedan dan dok je on bio na posao otišao sam da se prošetam uz Dunav na ušću. Znao sam da tamo ima pedera koji šetaju po onim parkovima tražeći neki kurac na koji će zaboraviti ćim ga upotrijebe. Htio ili ne htio priznati i j a sam im se pridružio. Kao otišao da šetam baš sasvim slučajno tamo. Nije nego!
Moja radoznalost me natjerala da zavučem nos u baš svaki žbun. Iznenadio sam se koliko izbezumljenih faca se krije po tim dračama, krijući se od svjetla, širom otvorenih očiju nebi li vi?đeli neki zanimljiv kurac ili dobro dupe. Pravi lovci nema šta.
Taman sam zadovoljio svoju znatiželju i krenem da popijem neko piće u nekoj kafani kada vidim prema meni tri momka idu! POmislio sam neki slučajni prolaznici i nastavim. Kada sam prošao pored njih imao sam čudan osjećaj da svi gledaju u mene kao da sam u zoo vrtu! Prošao sam praveći se da ih ne primjećujem, a kada sam se malo udaljio okrenem se i vidim svi stoje pored jednog žbunja i gledaju prema mene.
Nakon pić odlučim da se vratim istim putem , pa onda natrag u stan.
Stanem pored jednog drveta i zapalim cigaretu kada neznam ni sam od kuda, jedan od ona tri momka dodje kod mene. Gleda me i ništa ne govori. Prostrijelim ga pogledom i ćutim. Pita on mene: Jesi li ti peder? Ja reko :"a što to tebe zanima?" Kaže on ma samo pitam onako , odje ih ima mnogo. Pitam ga jel to tražih nekog pedera da se pojebeš sa njim. Kaže on tako nekako. Lijepo!
Poče da se kao nešto trlja po kurcu i da izaziva , a ja ga gledam kao da je na TV. Pa kada mi je dosadilo kažem "ajde mi pokaži kurac?"
Pokaže ga on i pita je li dobar? Dobar sam i ja pa me to niko ne pita!
Odemo u žbunj i taman počnem da mu pušim, kada ona druga dvojica - ispadoše tu! Izvadiše kite i ponudiše mi se ko na švedski sto. Puna usta posla. Izjebali su me na redaljku pri čemu su jedan drugog bodrili: Samo tako, jače mu ga nabijaj, neka vidi peder šta znači jebanje itd...
Nakon sat vremena oni otišli, a ja sjedoh i mislim što li mi je ovo trebalo!?
Ne znam ni dan danas , ali od tada ni jednom nisam otišao tamo! Ne kajem se , niti razmišljam o tome.
Antonijev ( Antonin) najbolji drug u kojeg je zaljubljen umire od prekomjernog uzimanja droge. Onako izgubljen u vremenu i prostoru mora da iseli iz stana jer mu roditelji sele u drugi grad!
Nakon toga luta podzemljem Pariza baveći se prostitucijom. Film je prepun seksualnih eksplicitnih scena u kojem Aleks radi ono što sam ja uradio u onom žbunju. Scena u kojem ga jebu tri pedera na nekom mračnom mjestu gdje se sakupljaju pederi i narkomani je prikazana vrlo vjerno. Nakon seksa je ostao tu dje jeste, a da li se osjećao kao ja, ne znam.
Luta po gradu i svakog s a kim se pojebe ( za novac) pita za smještaj. Najzad ga primi Baptiste, zgodan peder koji ima ne ku videoteku ili nešto takvo!
Antonin naravno nastavlja da se prostituše pri čemu su scene sa nekim matorcem i sa jednim pederom koji voli da ga tuku prava perverzija!
Dok je lutao čini mi se blizu onog mjesta dje su ga izjebala ona trojica sretne prijateljicu Juliete sa kojom ubrzo ulazi u strastvenu vezu.
Rekoh ima nešto u nama što nam nameće uvjek iste greške ! I Juliet je narkoman koja jednog dana nestaje bez traga.....
Klasična pedersko-narkomanska priča umotana u zbrku proisteklu iz mozga nesredjenog biseksualca!
Find more videos like this on GAY THEMED MOVIE
Director: Hormoz
Writer: Hormoz (writer)
Genre: Drama | Romance more
Plot Keywords:
Drug Addiction | Erotic | Explicit Sex | Homosexuality | Nudity
(Credited cast)
Hubert Benhamdine ... Antonin
Caroline Ducey ... Juliette
Christine Boisson ... Fabienne
Hicham Nazzal ... Baptiste
Franck Victor ... Alex
Hélčne Michel ... Babsi
Eva Ionesco
Hervé P. Gustave
rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Rodrigue Adompo ... Spike
Fabrice Leroux ... Sif
Also Known As:
I Dreamt Under the Water (USA)
Runtime: USA:95 min
Country: France
Language: French | English
In this savagely poignant drama, replete with brute emotion and raw lust, a young bisexual man takes many wrong turns down blind alleys in his search for affection and understanding in this drama from France. Angel-eyed Antonin (Hubert Benhamdine) is a young man who is desperate for love and thinks he's found it with Alex (Franck Victor), a handsome and talented musician. However, Alex is also a heroin addict, and when he succumbs to an overdose, Antonin is crushed and begins drowning his sorrows in anonymous and often degrading sex.
Antonin becomes a prostitute and frequently finds himself infatuated with his clients, but most treat him with contempt except for Baptiste (Hicham Nazzal), who shows some compassion for the troubled young man. Antonin continues spiraling downward until he meets Juliette. Though Antonin loves her and she claims to love him, there is a seedy part of her past and present which isn´t out in the open, something that will rock Antonin to his core.
For more information
27 October 2008
EDGE OF SEVENTEEN (1998) (USA) (David Moreton) (+Soundtrack)
Edge of Seventeen (1998)
Kada prelisatm spisak svih mojih filmova ispade da je bar polovina sa temom coming out! Većina tih filmova spada u melodramatične srceparajuće drame, sa očitom namjerom da rasplaču pedere širom planete. Naravno ne pada mi napamet da blog napunim tom otužnom tematikom, ali neki filmovi su zaista neizbježni u svakoj kolekciji filmova sa gay tematikom.
Nije da osuđujem pedere koji mašu zastavom duginih boja po ulicama, ali naprosto oni nisu u mom životnom filmu ništa više od sasvim sporedne uloge.
Ovaj film se zaista nemože svrstati u ona klasična jeftina ostvarenja.
Eric Hunter, je sedamnaestogodišnjak u fazi istraživanja svoje sksualnosti koja je sasvim očito homoseksualna. Pokaztuje nam odrastanje jednog pedera, njegove seksualne frustacije, zaljubljenost, razočarenja, gubitak nevinosti....
Simpatična mi je njegova hrabrost i odlučnost da ostvari svoje želje, pa ma koliko nevolja mu to izazivalo. Počev od flertovanja sa najboljim drugom, heteroseksualne prolazne faze sa prijateljicom, prvi poljubac, pušenje, lizanje guze u autu od strane nepoznatog lika, i konačno onog auuuh ovo boli, vadi ga!
Film je prožet muzikom 80-tih godina, a mislim da dosta pedera i dan danas sluša Eurythmics i sjajnu Annie Lennox.
Više o ovom filmu pročitajte u prijateljskom blogu
Director: David Moreton
Writer: Todd Stephens (writer)
Release Date: 20 April 2000 (Australia)
Genre: Comedy | Drama | Romance
Plot Keywords: Family Relationships | Sex | Oral Sex | Rain | Shower
Awards: 5 wins & 2 nominations
User Comments: HONEST, SMART & SEXY
(Cast overview, first billed only)
Chris Stafford ... Eric Hunter
Tina Holmes ... Maggie
Andersen Gabrych ... Rod
Stephanie McVay ... Bonnie Hunter
Lea DeLaria ... Angie
John Eby ... Dad
Antonio Carriero ... Andy
Jason Scheingross ... Steve Hunter
Tony Maietta ... Gregg
Jeff Fryer ... Jonathan
Kevin Joseph Kelly ... Chuckie (as Kevin J. Kelly)
Mark Gates ... Foodtown
Stevie Reese Desmond ... Ruby Rogers
Barbie Marie ... Frieda
Craig H. Shepherd ... Irate Customer (as Craig Shepherd)
Runtime: 99 min | Australia:103 min
Country: USA
Language: English
"Edge of Seventeen" is more about sex and less about love than most coming-out movies; its young hero, Eric, seems to aim directly for gay bars and empty promiscuity without going through intermediate stages of self-discovery, idealism or the qualities encompassed in the code word pride. He cheerfully wants to become a slut. This doesn't make him unusual; the libido is stronger than the intelligence in many teenagers. He'll grow up eventually.
The movie is set in Sandusky, Ohio, in 1984, and said to be based in part on the memories of its writer, Todd Stephens. It was an era when flamboyantly gay pop acts were highly visible, and the film cites Boy George and Bronski Beat. It's about a summer of sexual initiation for Eric (Chris Stafford), a spacy teenager who seems a little dazed a lot of the time; later he'll learn to mask his cluelessness with cool detachment.
Eric gets a summer job in the restaurant of an amusement park. Also on the staff: his best friend Maggie (Tina Holmes), a lesbian manager named Angie (Lea DeLaria) and a blond guy named, inevitably, Rod (Anderson Gabrych), who wants to seduce him. Eric doesn't have the usual tumultuous struggle against his emerging gay identity; Rod smiles at him, Eric gets the idea and in a relatively short while they're sharing quality time in the meat locker. It's obvious to Angie, and even in an unacknowledged way to Maggie, that they're an item.
We see a little of Eric's homelife. His dad (John Eby) is a salt-of-the-earth type, and his mom (Stephanie McVay), a much more fully developed character, is a former musician who put her career on hold for marriage and motherhood, but takes pride in the new age compositions Eric pieces together on his electronic keyboard. As Eric's hairstyle morphs from mop-top to David Bowie and his eyeliner consumption goes up, she begins to worry--especially when he starts staying out all night and (although not enough is made of this) coming home drunk.
Rod turns out to be a disappointment as a first love; he quickly disappears back into "the gay dorm at OSU." He makes a poor role model. "Don't call me again," he tells the lonely Eric on the phone one night. Depressed, Eric heads for the Universal Fruit and Nut Co., Sandusky's only gay bar, where the manager is, inevitably, Angie from the summer restaurant job. Angie welcomes him joyfully, reassures him there is life after coming out and introduces him to three aging queens, one in drag, who become his buddies.
It is enormously helpful of Angie not to card Eric, whom she knows is four years under age, since the gay bar will play such a central role in the plot. Soon Eric has his second sexual experience, a quickie in the parking lot with another guy who likes him only for his body. "Uh, wouldn't you like my phone number?" Eric offers. Depressed by his experiences as a mindless sex object, he turns for consolation to Maggie, who helps him find out if he likes straight sex (he doesn't). Maggie, Eric's mother, and Angie the manager are the most fully realized characters in the movie, which doesn't offer a single positively drawn male homosexual.
Watching the movie, I thought, yes, for a lot of people straight and gay, the initiation to sexuality is like this: awkward physical couplings, loneliness, misunderstanding, angst and then finally you grow interested in the person attached to the sexual organs and not the other way around. "Edge of Seventeen" may be more realistic, if less encouraging, than a more sensitive gay coming-out story like the recent British film "Get Real." It deals with physical details with almost startling frankness and doesn't sentimentalize.
If it seems to introduce Eric directly into the world of gay cliches (drag queens and strangers in the night), perhaps in Sandusky in 1984 that was the only visible gay culture, and more substantial relationships were low profile. My hope for Eric is not merely that he grows comfortable with his sexuality, but that he becomes a more interesting conversationalist, hopefully before I see him in another movie.
Pictures, description, video music files, links...
OST: 'Edge of Seventeen'
by Various Artists
Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Selections
25 October 2008
Kiss Me Deadly (2008)
Kiss Me Deadly (2008)
Svi zaljubljenici GTM su zasigurno vec odgledali sve serije Queer As Folk u kojoj je zapazenu ulogu imao Robert Gant kao Michaelov ljubavnik i partner. U ovom filmu Robert igra gay fotografa Jacoba koji zivi u Milanu sa svojim ljubavnikom Paolom. Ima i čerku koju je napravio u mladosti sa zenom koja sada zivi sa u lezbijskoj vezi. I to je sve sto se tiče gay tematike u ovom filmu.
Film se može svrstati u špijunsko - akcioni žanr, te ako očekujete neke ljubavne gay afere prevarili ste se. Iako je napravljen pod pokroviteljstvom najveće američke gay produkcijske kuće HERE TV, film se nemože svrstati u gay tematiku. Da bude još gore HERE TV najavljuje snimanje još jednog nastavka ovog filma.
Jacob je prije nego se počeo baviti fotografskim poslom bio ustvari špijun koji je izvršavao prvljave poslove za obavještajnu službu zajedno sa svojom tadašnjom partnerkom Markom ( Shannen Doherty ) od koje nakon 17 godina dobija poruku na telefonskoj sekretarici kako treba da se vide.
Nakon što se sretnu Jacob ustanovljava da je Marta dobila totalnu amneziju i da pojma nema ni ko je ona.
Nastaje jurnjava sa bivšim tajnim agentima koji pokušavaju da se domognu šifre za podizanje novaca iz banke sa računa tajne službe.
Za Jakoba prestaje idiličan život sa svojim partnerom i sve se pretvara u pakao.
Znači ako mislite da će te u ovom filmu uz dobru akciju vidjeti i po koju seksi gay scenu bolje ga preskočite i odgledajte nešto drugo. A ako volite filmove detektiva Donalda Stracheya onda bi vam se možda i dopao ovaj str8 film!
Nakon ovog film možete pogledati i jedan kratki HERE TV film pod nazivom Self Serve - koji takodje ne spada u GTM
Director: Ron Oliver
Writers (WGA): George Schenck (written by) & Frank Cardea (written by)
Release Date: 2 May 2008 (USA) more
Genre: Action
(Credited cast)
Shannen Doherty ... Marta
Robert Gant ... Jacob Keane
Fraser Brown ... Jared
John Rhys-Davies ... Yale
rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Danielle Arnold ... Agent Davis (as Danielle Renee)
John Colton ... The Director
Paul Ellis ... Agent Henry
Paul Ellis ... Agent Henry
Andrew Grainger ... Detective
Stephen Hall ... Jaan
Chelsea McEwan-Miller ... Grocery Girl
Ian Roberts ... Frederick
Tim Schijf ... Stasi Patrolman (as Tim Schijff)
Helene Wong ... Megan
Lucas Young ... Monk
Also Known As: The Delphi Effect (USA) (working title)
Country: Germany | USA
Language: English
Certification: USA:R
Queer As Folk's Robert Gant stars in Kiss Me Deadly as Jacob Keane, a gay ex-spy who can't seem to escape his former life. Keane is a photographer living the family life in Milan with his loving boyfriend, Paolo, and Julia, the daughter he shares with his lesbian friend, Kyra. Keane is pulled away from his boyfriend and daughter and back into the high-stakes world of international espionage when his former partner Marta (Shannen Doherty) reappears after 17 years. With her memory erased, they now must elude a pair of ruthless assassins and a mysterious villain looking to gain classified information at any cost. What ensues is a fast paced game of cat and mouse as Keane must determine who wants them dead, and why.
Kiss Me Deadly: A Jacob Keane Assignment is the first installment in a new film series from the here! TV network. The film will make its debut in November 2008 and there are plans for at least two more movies. This is similar to what here! has done with Chad Allen's "Donald Strachey Mysteries" series of movies, where the main character is gay (as is the actor who portrays him) but the story does not delve into his relationship with his lover.
24 October 2008
La petite mort (The Little Death 1995)
La petite mort (The Little Death 1995)
Director: François Ozon
Writers: Didier Blasco (writer)
François Ozon (writer)
Genre: Short
The story is at the same time hard and touching, a deep diving in the intricacies of family relationships. Very far from the kitsch-touch of some subsequent movies of Ozon. Under the provocative varnish, a drama upsetting on the relation father-son, the melancholy which presses the heart, on homosexuality and the difficulty in liking and being liked in return.This film is far from the voyeurism which one could fear with the reading of the script.
The play of François Delaive is definitively like a razor. People that like this short-movie must absolutely see "Abattoir" ("Slaughter-house"), a movie from Didier Blasco (the co-scenarist of "Petite Mort") with the same François Delaive.
Plot Keywords: Brother Sister Relationship | Gay Brother | Gay Interest | Loss Of Father | Male Frontal Nudity
(Complete credited cast)
François Delaive ... Paul
Camille Japy ... Camille
Martial Jacques ... Martial
Michel Beaujard ... Le pčre
Runtime: 26 min
Country: France
Language: French
Color: Color
Certification: Germany:16
23 October 2008
La Chatte à deux têtes (2002)
La Chatte à deux têtes
Jeste li kada isli u bioskop "Partizan"? Udjete u kino salu, nadjete zgodno mjesto i gledate porniće. A onda do vas sjedne neka kreatura i počne da drka kurac. Onako u mraku jedva razaznajete o kakvoj se kreaturi radi. Onda osjetite da vas dira medju noge. Radoznalost vas natjera da i vi uhvatite njega za kurac pa ako ste zadovoljni veličinom drkate jedan drugom dok traje film. Nakon svršavanja izadjete iz kino dvorane prije nego se upale svjetla. Nikada nećete saznati čiju ste kitu drkali!
E ovaj film vam priča priču baš o tome. Ako ste ikada bili u Parizu, znate gdje je Pigale. Kvart prepun sexy barova, porno bioskopa, sauna i naravno Moulen Rouge itd. Ulicama šetaju tranvestiti, kurve, pederi i svi vas nešto čupaju da idete sa njima u neki od barova ili nedje na sex.
U jednom od tih kina je snimljen i ovaj film koji mi više lići na dokumentarno svjedočanstvo porno bioskopa koji polako izumiru!
Director: Jacques Nolot
Writer: Jacques Nolot (written by)
Release Date: 20 November 2002 (France)
Genre: Drama
(Cast overview, first billed only)
Vittoria Scognamiglio ... Cashier
Jacques Nolot ... 50-Year-Old Man
Sébastien Viala ... Projectionist
Olivier Torres ... L'homme ŕ la robe jaune
Lionel Goldstein ... L'homme ŕ l'imper noir
Frédéric Longbois ... L'homme ŕ l'éventail
Fouad Zeraoui ... L'homme qui a cu sa dose
Jean-Louis Coquery ... L'homme nu
Raphaëline Goupilleau ... SDF...
Pascal Varley ... SDF...
Arben Bajraktaraj ... SDF...
Christine Paolini ... Fliquette
Matt Trahan ... Flic 1
Mark Duran ... Flic 2 (as Marc Durant)
Frédéric Franzil ... Gigolo
Also Known As: Glowing Eyes (International: English title)
Porn Theater (USA)
Runtime: 90 min
Country: France
Language: French, English subtitle
'La Chatte ŕ deux tętes' (PORN THEATER) is a somber study of a sector of life few know, an aspect of human sexuality that didn't make it into the Kinsey Report, a part of the underbelly of city life most would rather not accept existed. Does that mean it should not be examined, should not provide the impetus for an art film? Writer/director and actor Jacques Nolot thinks otherwise. In this dark little film we are invited into the inner sanctum of a dirty old movie house in Paris that shows only straight pornography for a clientele of men of various types: military men, straight men look for gay sex, married men in need of exploration of their senses, transvestites, old men for whom such places provide the only sexual outlet, and the regulars who spend their evenings in the dingy darkened atmosphere for anonymous sex.
The theater is a theater of life for these people, and the 'stage manager' is the sole female Italian ticket cashier (Vittoria Scognamiglio) who has seen every aspect of sexuality, embraced it, and therefore is wholly non-judgmental. She converses with her straight projectionist (Sébastien Viala) who is attracted to her on several levels, and with one of her regulars (Jacques Nolot), a man of fifty who is living with AIDS in a responsible way, but finds his only sexual outlet to be this theater scene. During the course of the film the cashier manages to discuss her open views of sexuality with these two men and the three of them seem headed for a communal experience.
This open view of human behavior is set with the background of the various acts within the theater. We watch transsexuals ply their wares, group encounters in bathrooms, and various odd approaches and rejections for gratification that in the end represent a group of men who find connection to each other as human beings far more difficult (?impossible?) than quick satisfaction in the dark. There is considerable frank acting out of encounters that are usually not seen on film and that may be more than the regular viewer can tolerate. But at least one director has the courage of Genet and Gide and Burroughs et al to tackle this subject matter in a wholly realistic way. The result is a film of social significance, even though it may not be for everyone. It is an art film, very well made, with a brave cast and an even braver writer and director. To not see it is to miss some important messages about human sexuality and about human needs too frequently dismissed as non-existent. In French with English subtitles. Grady Harp
22 October 2008
THE BRIDGE (Short) (2007)
"On behalf of the
Department of Immigration..."
A gay couple from Tbilisi, Georgia (former USSR) escapes homophobia in their home country by immigrating to Australia. One has his application for permanent residency in Australia approved but their future together hangs in the balance awaiting the arrival of the second letter from immigration.
Film Information: 'The Bridge'
Director: George Barbakadze
Writers: George Barbakadze, Fleurtasha Cooper
Genre: Drama | Short
Runtime: 8 min
Spoken Language: English
Ova kratka prica me je dirnula na neki nacin. Dva mladica, Luka i Niko, zaljubljeni jadan u drugoga zive u homofobičnoj atmosferi Gruzijskog grada Tbilisija.
Podnose emigrantsku aplikaciju u Australijskoj abmbasadi. Nakon sto Luka dobije Australisku vizu, dane provode u isčekivanju odgovora za Nika.
Podsjetilo me je na dane, ranih 90-tih godina koje sam provodio u Hrvatskoj sa mojom tadasnjom ljubavi, kada je već bilo izvjesno da ću zauvijek otići.
"On behalf of the
Department of Immigration..."
A gay couple from Tbilisi, Georgia (former USSR) escapes homophobia in their home country by immigrating to Australia. One has his application for permanent residency in Australia approved but their future together hangs in the balance awaiting the arrival of the second letter from immigration.
Film Information: 'The Bridge'
Director: George Barbakadze
Writers: George Barbakadze, Fleurtasha Cooper
Genre: Drama | Short
Runtime: 8 min
Spoken Language: English
Ova kratka prica me je dirnula na neki nacin. Dva mladica, Luka i Niko, zaljubljeni jadan u drugoga zive u homofobičnoj atmosferi Gruzijskog grada Tbilisija.
Podnose emigrantsku aplikaciju u Australijskoj abmbasadi. Nakon sto Luka dobije Australisku vizu, dane provode u isčekivanju odgovora za Nika.
Podsjetilo me je na dane, ranih 90-tih godina koje sam provodio u Hrvatskoj sa mojom tadasnjom ljubavi, kada je već bilo izvjesno da ću zauvijek otići.
10 October 2008
Odete (2005) aka Two Drifters
Odete (2005) aka Two Drifters
Zahvaljujuci paonianmanu imamo i titil na nasem jeziku;
Ovo je strašno. Znam da kada je neko zaljubljen da gubi glavu, ali da neko ovoliko poludi to jos nisam vidjeo! Bio jednom jedan Pedro koji je izgleda bio strašan jebač. Izjebao dosta cura ali i muškaraca.
Nesretni Rui se zaljubio u njega ko da je tinejdžer. I na samom početku filma se učini kao da se radi o jednoj savršenoj romansi.
Al na moje iznenađenje Pedro pogine u saobraćajnoj nesreći. Film tek počeo, a ja u šoku.
Onda ide sahrana, plač. jad i tuga. Porodica , Rui, Odete, Pedrova majka...
Odete već u početku filma pokazuje ludački nagon da postane majka, tako da je jednom prilikom svog zgodnog vjerenika izbacila iz stana jer je nije htio izjebati bez kondoma. Oće ona pošto - poto da zatrudni. Lijepo možete viđeti malog kako prvo go piša, pa mu ona prilazi od pozadi i kaže da ne pije tablete protiv trudnoće. On šokiran oće da je jebe, al neće djecu. Ona poludi pa ga izudara i onako golog ( ima dobru kitu ) izbaci iz kuće.
Onda do kraja filma prikazuju koliko je riba pukla. Ide na Pedrov grob, danju noću, gura kolica ko da je u njih beba, liježe na grob okružena svjećama....- Nema psihijatra koji joj može pomoći.
A Rui ide po gay diskotekama, parkovima, saunama i pederskim mjestima nebi li na Pedra zaboravio jebavajući se sa raznim pederima. Valjda ako primi više kuraca, brže će Pedro da ode u zaborav.
I na kraju filma ova Odete se obuće u Pedrovu garderobu i onako ko da je muško izjebe Rui-ja koji se sve uzdisao:"JEBI ME PEDRO"
E da ne zaboravim, film završava uz pjesmu Moon River od Pletersa.
Director: Joăo Pedro Rodrigues
Writers: Paulo Rebelo (writer)
Joăo Pedro Rodrigues (writer)
Release Date: 29 December 2005 (Portugal)
Genre: Drama
Plot Keywords: Portugal | Obsessive Lover | Faked Pregnancy | Gay Interest | Funeral
Awards: 5 wins & 2 nominations
(Complete credited cast)
Ana Cristina de Oliveira ... Odete
Nuno Gil ... Rui
Joăo Carreira ... Pedro
Teresa Madruga ... Teresa
Carloto Cotta ... Alberto
Filipa Gordo ... Supermaket Colleague
Cláudia Faria ... Pregnant Costumer
Eric Santos ... Álvaro Costa
Carlos Pimenta ... André
Joăo Carlos Arruda ... Tó
Francisco Peres ... Priest
Maria Joăo Falcăo ... Marisa
Marta Cabaço ... Store Employee
Carlos Afonso Pereira ... Man in the Field
Beatriz Torcato ... Doctor
Also Known As:
Two Drifters (International: English title) (USA)
Runtime: Brazil:101 min | USA:98 min
Country: Portugal
Language: Portuguese
Germany:16 | Hong Kong:III | Portugal:M/16 | France:-12 | Italy:VM14 | Brazil:18
Filming Locations: Lisbon, Portugal
Two Drifters (2005)
June 23, 2006
A Love Triangle Like No Other in 'Two Drifters'
Published: June 23, 2006
A bittersweet joke in the art-house scene has it that if the brainiest, least compromised of foreign filmmakers would only make a movie about adorable homosexuals, they'd get a distribution deal. It worked for the Thai director Apichatpong Weerasethakul, whose gay-themed "Tropical Malady" was the first of his avant-garde features to get a theatrical release. And it appears to be working for Joăo Pedro Rodrigues, a clever Portuguese filmmaker who makes odd, cerebral films about hot, sexed-up guys.
"O Fantasma," Mr. Rodrigues's 2002 debut feature, joined hard-core formalism to explicit naughtiness in the oneric adventures of a libidinal garbage man. But its deeper excitement was to function as a metaphorical graph of eroticism itself, a diagram of its interior structures and transgressive dynamics.
Less dirty but even more perverse, Mr. Rodrigues's new movie, "Two Drifters," is another head trip through the landscape of desire. Generically it is a melodrama, albeit of a strange sort capable of accommodating pastiche, parody, hysterical pregnancy and the transmigration of souls. Rich in ambiguity, it unequivocally confirms the arrival as a major and audacious new talent.
Nuno Gil stars as Rui, a young hunk with broad features who is introduced kissing Pedro (Joăo Carreira), his button-cute boyfriend, on their first anniversary. They exchange rings inscribed with the words "two drifters," a lyric from "Moon River," which plays on the car radio. A minute later Pedro drives off into a fatal accident, and "Two Drifters" evolves into the story of how Rui confronts his grief vis-ŕ vis a supermarket cashier on roller skates.
Her name is Odete, and she is brought to life — multiple, irrational lives — by the feral, enigmatic actress Ana Cristina de Oliveira. Odete is Pedro's neighbor, and has lately been squabbling with her boyfriend about having a baby. She's about to get her dream: the kind you wake up from unclear if it was meant as comedy, tragedy, satire or farce, and finally put together as a paradox containing them all.
Abandoned by her boyfriend, Odete is mysteriously drawn to Pedro's death, attending his funeral, lingering at his grave and insinuating herself into Rui's broken life. He is baffled by Odete, and then rattled to the bones when she shows up pregnant claiming the dead boy as the father.
Later a doctor will diagnose hysterical pregnancy, at which point Odete returns to her normal shape and is possessed by the spirit of Pedro to reunite with Rui. Or maybe she's a complete nut case.
The feat of "Two Drifters" is to advance a contradiction — Odete is overtaken by madness; Odete is overtaken by Pedro — and refuse to resolve it, spinning the two possibilities around the axis of Rui's sadness. Neither sentimental nor cruel, yet touching and trenchant, the movie sustains a profound ambivalence right up to the final shot. With a doozy of a provocation — a happy ending like no other — Mr. Rodrigues explains nothing while clarifying what's really at stake here: grappling with loss, transcending through love.
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